[http://naviserver.sourceforge.net/ns_logobig.gif] [NaviServer%|%Main%|%] ✸ http://bitbucket.org/naviserver/naviserver/%|%Source Code %|% ✸ http://sourceforge.net/project/showfiles.php?group_id=130646%|%Downloads %|% ✸ http://naviserver.sourceforge.net/n/toc.html%|%API Documentation %|% ✸ http://sourceforge.net/mail/?group_id=130646%|%Mailing Lists%|% ✸ http://sourceforge.net/tracker/?group_id=130646&atid=719006%|%Bugs %|% ✸ https://www.ohloh.net/p/naviserver/contributors%|%Developers %|% ---- '''Incompatible changes in Tcl commands''' '''ns_register_proc''': The unused ''connid'' argument passed to callback procs registered with ns_register_proc have been removed. The '''connid''' is optional and deprecated in AOLserver and so should be removed in all cases. This applies to all other ''request''-like NaviServer/AOLserver commands which previously took a ''connid'' argument. '''ns_register_filter''': The arguments passed to callback procs registered with ns_register_filter are reversed: # NaviServer proc myfilter {when argx argy args} { ns_log notice "myfilter: $when $argx $argy $args" } ns_register_filter preauth GET /foo* myfilter arg1 arg2 arg3 # AOLserver proc myfilter {filter_args when} { ns_log notice "myfilter: $when $filter_args" } ns_register_filter preauth GET /foo* myfilter {arg1 arg2 arg3) '''ns_cache''': This used to be a loadable module, but the commands were later incorporated into both NaviServer and AOLserver. This happened after the split and the API is different in both servers. Both servers differ from the loadable module. Read more about the ''ns_cache'' commands: * NaviServer: http://naviserver.sourceforge.net/n/naviserver/files/ns_cache.html * AOLserver: http://panoptic.com/wiki/aolserver/Ns_cache ---- '''Incompatible changes to the C API''' ''FIXME'' ---- '''Changes to the configuration keys''' You probably don't want to explicitly set the thread ''stacksize'' on NaviServer - the default is left to the OS, which on Linux is about 2MB. This is fine on 64bit machines, but you may want to set this ''lower'' if you run a high number of threads on 32bit machines, otherwise you risk running out of address space. AOLserver always sets the stacksize, defaulting to some few hundreds of KB, so you often need to set it ''higher'' in the config file or you risk blowing the stack with deeply nested Tcl proc calls. ''MORE HERE'' ---- '''NaviServer features missing in AOLserver''' ''FIXME'' ---- '''AOLserver features missing in NaviServer''' '''ns_share''' and the '''-shared''' argument to ''ns_set'' have long been depreciated in AOLserver and have been removed in NaviServer. The '''ns_var''' C-coded command was removed and replaced with a Tcl wrapper around the ''nsv'' commands, which replace these sharing mechanisms. We should take the removed C code for ''ns_share'' and the ''ns_set -shared'' commands and put them in a new '''nsshare''' module which can be loaded by people who haven't yet moved to the preferred ''nsv''. ---- '''Comments''': ... <>NaviServer | AOLserver | Category NaviServer