» Home Page [http://naviserver.sourceforge.net/wiki/index.php/NaviServer] » Download [http://sourceforge.net/project/showfiles.php?group_id=130646] » Mailing Lists [http://sourceforge.net/mail/?group_id=130646] » Bugs [http://sourceforge.net/tracker/?group_id=130646&atid=719006] » CVS [http://naviserver.cvs.sourceforge.net/naviserver/] » Developers [http://www.ohloh.net/projects/3919/analyses/latest/contributors?project=3919&page=1] ---- NaviServer is a high performance web server written in C and Tcl. It offers a wealth of features for building custom web sites. The implementation is high performance, but the interface is easy to use. Features include: * Hybrid multi-threaded / async architecture for easy programmer interface ''and'' high performance * Threads isolated from each other with own Tcl interpreters * Shares data between threads easily with protected variables and caches * Pooled database connections * Dynamic Pages in TCL (PHP- and ASP-like syntax) * Built-in cron-like scheduling * Watchdog for restarting server * Efficient handling for large up- and downloads * Tcl configuration file * ''and much, much more..!'' Operating systems it runs on and is tested on regularly: * Linux * Solaris * Mac OS X Probably also runs on (but not tested regularly): * xBSD * Windows History: It was originally based on the [AOLserver] 4.10 code base, but has seen many changes since then. ---- [[ [Category Webserver] | [Category Internet] | [Category Application] | [Category Threads] ]]