I am a student at the University of Nottingham, England, studying for a BSc in Computer Science. Before this, I did a year working at IBM Hursley Labs, where [Paul Duffin] introduced me to the world of Tcl. I now try and use Tcl as much as possible for my coursework, before converting to Java. I have started a page on AI with Tcl at [Artificial Intelligence with Tcl]. *Note* - this page contains some really bad code I wrote some time ago. I should get round to updating it at some point (and making sure it actually works). For more information about me, visit my homepage at http://www.tallniel.co.uk - there's not much there at the moment, but I am working on changing that (see below). I'm currently working on a Tcl-XML web content management system (using tDOM at the moment, but I might add support for TclXML/XSLT). The system uses TclKit/tDOM/XML/XSLT and hopefully, someday FOP and XSP. Needs a fair bit of work at the moment, but early CGI imlementations are going good. My other main programming language is Java, and I contributed the first socket code to the TclJava project. I still need to polish up bits of this and get async sockets supported, but it's mostly there (with the exception of fileevent as it's not done in Jacl yet). I'm also working on an OO extension for Jacl (called Hyde as in Jekyll and Hyde - Jacl and Hyde...). It's got some neat features like being able to implement Java interfaces in Tcl, or (with a bit of work) extend Java classes. 27/5/2001 - New Tcl related things I am working on: - Tcl CD Audio Package for UNIX. A simple extension to allow Tcl scripts to play audio CDs using the CD-ROM drive. Uses the libcdaudio library. Available from http://tallniel.port5.com/cgi-bin/index.cgi/TclCD.html Currently at version 0.1 (usable, but you have to be careful about passing valid file descriptors (causes segfault otherwise :-( ). Note (8/12/2001) I haven't updated this at all, and am no longer working on it. - A Haskell binding for Tcl. Still in preliminary stages. I am trying to use haskell's Foreign Function Interface to expose the Tcl C-API to haskell, thus allowing you to embed a Tcl interpreter in Haskell, and write Tcl extensions in Haskell. For more information on Haskell (a very modern functional language), see http://www.haskell.org/. Note (8/12/2001) - I gave up on this! Maybe I'll try again someday. [Simple XML report writer]