[GPS]: Feb 18, 2004 - [Steve Offutt] and I are working to make Tcl/Tk work well with NetBSD. So far several bugs have been fixed in the HEAD of Tcl and Tk. One bug in particular was an improper [Tcl_DecrRefCount] that should have failed with all platforms during `make test`. Extensions to Tcl/Tk seem to have the same problems as with [OpenBSD]. The extension developers don't follow the guidelines, so the library flags are wrong when linking. I built [BLT] 2.4z last night and it doesn't seem to use TCL_LIB_VERSIONS_OK='nodots' properly, so -ltcl8.4 is used rather than -ltcl84 which it should be. Sadly, [pkgsrc] seems to have 8.3.4 and points to [scriptics] (as of Feb 12, 2004). I hope to eventually contribute some patches to [pkgsrc] to upgrade. On the upside [pkgsrc] has many useful Tcl/Tk developer tools and some applications.