It's a waste of time, and annoys the pig. ''-- [WHD]'' ---- Um, are you ''sure'' about that, several scientific studies show that pigs (and a lot of other domestic ated animals) are happier when there is music in their homes. A lot of animal research stations are always playing music for their mice and rats, making them _much_ friendlier to work with. Although music with a lot of beats in it does tend scare them. ''-- [PS]'' I never said that pigs don't like music. Heck, my mother-in-law likes music, and she can't sing to save her life. Anyway, it was meant metaphorically. I added it to the Wiki to remind me that there are some arguments one simply shouldn't get involved in. ''-- [WHD]'' Ah, like the recent copyright and control rage ''-- [AK]'' ---- I prefer: Never wrestle with a pig,� you both get dirty and the pig likes it! ----