To add a new page to [the Tcler's Wiki], you can edit this page and add an entry. Links to your page will show up automatically in the [|%Recent Changes%|%] page, and also wherever people add links to it later. I will check this page every once in a while and remove entries once they have been linked to from other pages. Before removing pages, should there be some effort to make certain there is some other link? Won't the pages become 'orphans' otherwise? 2006-12-29 [JMPB] - Even if they become 'orphaned': a bot can be written to go through all pages (simply using the numbered URLs) and check if there are any links to each of the pages. If there is no link, it can be added to some automatically generated page. Maybe somebody feels like writing such a bot? 2006-12-30 [gg] ([jmpb], see the link) - UPDATE: I am working on such a bot. Don't worry about orphaned pages. ''Did you know that clicking on a page title lists all pages that '''point to''' that page?'' (Well, most of the time it works. When it doesn't work, don't get all upset. Just remind yourself that it is only a piece of software, and that occasionally there are glitches. Then drop a comment on [Wikit problems] with a pointer to the page in question.) 12nov02 [jcw] - Backrefs should work 100% accurately as of today, if there is any page where they do not, ''please drop me a note!'' Anyway: to add a page, think carefully about a good name for it, then add it here, with square brackets around it. Then save and click on the hyperlinked brackets to create your new page. Note that Wiki's hyperlink code currently doesn't do so great with titles that include things like punctuation (+, ;, ? are at least 3 known to cause problems) so the more that you avoid those characters, the better. When adding to this list the name of a page you've just created, please make every effort to get the name '''correct'''.. I [[EE]] have just fixed several bogus links that had extra white space between or after words... ''Spaces are '''significant''' ''. ---- 19nov02 [LV] - I would like to see a page similar to recent changes that lists only the top N newly _created_ pages (as opposed to the recent changes practice of listing any page that has any sort of change). That way this page could even be retired, and the graphitti page used for starting a new page. 15jan03 [jcw] - Ok, bit the bullet - cleaned. I just left the last few items at the top. 18feb03 [escargo] - How about we ask people to add the date that they created the page to the list? That way if somebody sorts the pages by name, the date stays attached. That gives some order to the process. 02jan04 [jcw] - A new year. Cleanup time. I recommend NOT using YYYY-digit-digit , since different cultures recognize these differently. Perhaps use YYYY Month Day ? 2006-03-31 (vhe) - Actually, the ISO8601 format was chosen especially because no other culture uses the -'s in another meaning. Since ISO published that standard some people have got it wrong and used the dashes in their own date formats in the mistaken belief of being ISO conform then but I don't think that's important enough to stop using the ISO date format. ---- If you cannot figure out where your page should be referenced, start here and someone will add a reference later when it is appropriate. One good use of this page is to start a new '''hierarchy''' of pages. ---- 2006-10-31 [jcw] - Cleaned up entries older than 3 months. [Lars H]: OK, attempt to start chronologically sorted list of pages follows (newer pages at the end, since it is easier to jump to). ---- [AMG]: Why is it that when I edit this page, the `` is "Editing 35" ? '''Update''': It seems this is the case for the entire [Wiki], except of course that 35 is replaced with the page's ID. The actual web name for this page is - so when you indicate you want to edit this page, you get the title you describe. ---- * [A Webcam setup with tcl scripts] * [ActiveState::ActiveTcl::Basekits] * [ActiveState::ActiveTcl] * [ActiveState::TclDevKit] * [activestate::teapot::link] * [Adding text widget tags using regular expressions] * [addressbook-contribs] * [addressbook-extras] * [addressbook-help] * [addressbook-source] * [addressbook] * [aes] * [Articles on visualisation] * [asn] * [Asus EEE] * [Audit new Tcl repository] * [Automatically starting up a chain of mastering effects with tcl] * [autoproxy] * [autoscroll] * [base-svc-thread] * [base-tcl-thread] * [base-tclsvc-thread] * [base-tcl] * [base-tk-thread] * [base-tk] * [base32::core] * [base32::hex] * [base32] * [base64] * [Batch interpolation] * [bazaar] Bazaar is a distributed version control system * [bee] * [bench::in] * [bench::out::csv] * [bench::out::text] * [bench] * [bgexec] * [bibtex] * [Binary Search] * [blowfish] * [BLT - stripchart - with realtime update] * [Blt] * [BOOK Solid Software] * [BOOK Tcl and Tk Programming for the Absolute Beginner] * [Boolean Checkbutton] * [BWidget] * [cache::async] * [calcOnlyOnce] * [calendar] * [Canvas3d] * [canvas::sqmap] * [canvas::zoom] * [carboncritlib] * [CCP] * [ceptcl] * [cgi2dom] * [chatwidget] * [cksum] * [cmdline] * [colorsel] * [Commands pipe] - How to program the way you think * [comm] * [Comp3 data conversion] * [Constant String Hack] * [control] * [Cost] * [countdownMsgBox] * [counter] * [crc16] * [crc32] * [Creating a simple Windows .bat launcher] * [critcl] * [crosshair] * [csound and cecilia] * [csv] * [ctext] * [cursor] * [data is code] * [Datatype impedance mismatch between Tcl and SQLite] * [datefield] * [dbf parsing in puretcl] * [Decimal Arithmetic Package for tcl 8.5] * [des] * [Diagrams] * [dict] * [din is noise] * [Dissecting a scrollbar] * [dns] * [dns_auditer] * [doc start] * [Docking framework] * [docstrip::util] * [docstrip] * [doctools::changelog] * [doctools::cvs] * [doctools::idx] * [doctools::toc] * [doctools] * [dom::c] * [dom::generic] * [dom::libxml2] * [dom::tclgeneric] * [dom::tcl] * [dommap] * [domtext] * [domtree] * [dom] * [DRY] * [dtplite] * [Eagle] * [Eclipse Europa TCL Editor (DLTK project)] * [Eight Queens, minimalistic] * [ensemble with parameters] * [exif] * [expat] * [Expect-libes] * [Expect-sf] * [Expect] * [Fault trees] * [Filesystem Hierarchy Standard] * [fileutil::globfind] * [fileutil::magic::cfront] * [fileutil::magic::cgen] * [fileutil::magic::filetype] * [fileutil::magic::mimetype] * [fileutil::magic::rt] * [fileutil::multi::op] * [fileutil::multi] * [fileutil::traverse] * [fileutil] * [foreach async] * [formula calculators] * [ftp::geturl] * [ftpd] * [ftp] * [FullyTransparentDigitalClock2] * [Generating Syntax Diagrams Using Tk] * [getstring] * [getWindowsAPIVendor] * [gingerbread man] * [globfind] * [Google Code of Summer 2007 Proposals] * [Google Translation via http Module] * [grammar::fa see grammar_fa] * [grammar::fa::dacceptor] * [grammar::fa::dexec] * [grammar::fa::op] * [grammar::fa] * [grammar::me::cpu see grammar_me] * [grammar::me::cpu::core] * [grammar::me::cpu::gasm] * [grammar::me::cpu] * [grammar::me::tcl] * [grammar::me::util] * [grammar::peg see grammar_peg] * [grammar::peg::interp] * [grammar::peg] * [grok] - Configuration file reader * [GSoC2007 Tcl/Tk Application] * [GSTW] * [hiccup] * [history] * [HOW TO Embed Tcl/Tk frames within a Java UI] * [htmlparse] * [html] * [http] * [http in Jacl] * [huddle] * [hv3] * [Hyperlinks on a canvas] * [Hypnotoads Todo List] * [i2p] * [ico] * [ident] * [In place edit] * [Inplace edit in ttk::treeview] * [img::base] * [img::bmp] * [img::dted] * [img::gif] * [img::ico] * [img::jpeg] * [img::pcx] * [img::pixmap] * [img::png] * [img::ppm] * [img::ps] * [img::raw] * [img::sgi] * [img::sun] * [img::tga] * [img::tiff] * [img::window] * [img::xbm] * [img::xpm] * [Img] * [ImPress] * [Concatenating images into image strips] * [Inf] * [inifile] * [Interest for Server Side Tcl with MediaWiki?] * [interp::delegate::method] * [interp::delegate::proc] * [interp] * [Introspection shortcomings] * [iocpsock] * [ipentry] * [iPod Kiosk] * [ip] * [irc] * [itcl-ng] * [Itcl] * [Itk] * [Iwidgets] * [javascript] * [JET] * [jhh] * [JJM] * [jpegtcl] * [jpeg] * [JSONRPC] * [json] * [Jukebox based on webserver with Tcl cgi scripts] * [khim] * [Largest files] * [lasselasse] * [ldapx] * [ldap] * [Library Ideas] * [libxml2] * [libxslt] * [list comparison, elementwise] * [linux_vs_windows] * [logger::appender] * [logger::utils] * [logger] * [log] * [Looking a bit like Maple] * [MacCarbonPrint] * [Machine Identification on Windows using TWAPI, MAC-, IP-Addresses or hostnames] * [makeziptm.cmd] * [manipulating data with Tcl] * [map::slippy::cache] * [map::slippy::fetcher] * [map::slippy] * [mapproj] * [Math on binary strings] * [Math Operators as Commands] - TIP 174 discussion * [math::bigfloat] * [math::bignum] * [math::calculus] * [math::complexnumbers] * [math::constants] * [math::fourier] * [math::fuzzy] * [math::geometry] * [math::interpolate] * [math::linearalgebra] * [math::optimize] * [math::polynomials] * [math::rationalfunctions] * [math::roman] * [math::special] * [math::statistics] * [math] * [mbox] * [md4] * [md5crypt] * [md5] * [Memchan] * [Metakit-release] * [Method of Manufactured Solutions] * [mime] * [Mismatch between regexp -indices and switch -regexp -indexvar] * [Mk4tcl] * [mk4vfs] * [MS Excel XML to tablelist] * [MSDViewer] * [msgcat] * [multiplexer] * [mutl] * [nameserv::auto] * [nameserv::common] * [nameserv::server] * [nameserv] * [NaN] * [ncgi] * [Network Theoretical Elements in Bwise] * [newclock] * [nmea] * [nntp] * [Nokia E90 Communicator / Symbian 60 Tcl/Tk Support ?] * [notebook-app] * [Noty] - Notes taking application * [NRE] * [ntext] * [null] * [NumberConverter] * [oo] * [Open Sound World] * [openssl] * [optproc] * [opt] * [Oratcl-44] * [Oratcl] * [Orphans] * [otp] * [Overridden commands] * [Package tips and tricks] * [page::analysis::peg::emodes] * [page::analysis::peg::minimize] * [page::analysis::peg::reachable] * [page::analysis::peg::realizable] * [page::compiler::peg::mecpu] * [page::config::peg] * [page::gen::peg::canon] * [page::gen::peg::cpkg] * [page::gen::peg::hb] * [page::gen::peg::mecpu] * [page::gen::peg::me] * [page::gen::peg::ser] * [page::gen::tree::text] * [page::parse::lemon] * [page::parse::peghb] * [page::parse::pegser] * [page::parse::peg] * [page::pluginmgr] * [page::reader::hb] * [page::reader::lemon] * [page::reader::peg] * [page::reader::ser] * [page::reader::treeser] * [page::transform::mecpu] * [page::transform::reachable] * [page::transform::realizable] * [page::util::flow] * [page::util::norm::lemon] * [page::util::norm::peg] * [page::util::peg] * [page::util::quote] * [page::writer::hb] * [page::writer::identity] * [page::writer::mecpu] * [page::writer::me] * [page::writer::null] * [page::writer::peg] * [page::writer::ser] * [page::writer::tpc] * [page::writer::tree] * [page] * [pdf4tcl::glyphnames] * [pdf4tcl::metrics] * [pdf4tcl] * [Perl-like command line options] * [Personalausweis] * [peterc] * [PgcEdit] * [pheap] * [picoirc] * [platform::shell see platform_shell] * [platform::shell] * [platform] * [Plotchart] * [pluginmgr] * [pngtcl] * [png] * [Poet] * [pop3d::dbox] * [pop3d::udb] * [pop3d] * [pop3] * [Posting to Google's Blogger] * [pregistry] * [Primal Screens] * [Prime Number Browser] * [profiler] * [Program Ideas] * [Project Ideas for Google Summer of Code 2007] * [Project Ideas for Google Summer of Code 2008] * [Project Ideas for Google Summer of Code 2009] * [Promotion] * [ProSchematic] * [Pure Tcl scrolledtext] * [puretclparser] * [QuickTimeTcl] * [Radial Hierarchical Pareto Plot] * [ralutil] * [ral] * [Random Poetry Chalkboard] * [Random worklist generator] * [ratfink] * [rc4] * [rcs] * [ReactOS] * [Repeatedly running a program] * [Replacing Tk's error dialog] a little case study * [report] * [resolv] * [resource-extras] * [resource-help] * [resource-source] * [rgb combinations] * [ripemd128 see ripemd] * [ripemd128] * [ripemd160 see ripemd] * [ripemd160] * [rootwin] * [Round Corner Text Widget] * [Rounding in Tcl] * [rpcvar] * [rtflib] * [russian on-screen keyboard] * [S3] * [sampleextension] * [San Diego Tcl Users Group] * [SASL::NTLM] * [SASL::XGoogleToken] * [SASL] * [SD2007] * [SDFReader] * [sgmlparser] * [sgml] * [sha1] * [sha256] * [show encoding] * [Shrinking generator] * [Shuffle a file] * [SimCity] * [Simple connection script to guide you to the start] * [SimpleCA] * [simpleOO] * [Simulation framework] * [simulation::annealing] * [simulation::montecarlo] * [simulation::random] * [sk1] * [smtpd] * [smtp] * [snackogg] * [snacksphere] * [snack] * [snitInheritmacro] * [snit] * [SOAP::CGI] * [SOAP::Domain] * [SOAP::ftp] * [SOAP::https] * [SOAP::http] * [SOAP::Service] * [SOAP::smtp] * [SOAP::Utils] * [SOAP::xpath] * [soapinterop::base] * [soapinterop::B] * [soapinterop::C] * [SOAP] * [Software hosting facilities] * [Some observations on behind-the-scenes actions of Tcl] * [soundex] * [sound] * [SourceNavigator] * [spf] * [SpiceWish] * [sqlite3 see sqlite] * [tcl sqlite examples] * [sqlite3] * [sqlite_master] * [starkit] * [starkit_support] * [stext] * [stooop] * [stringprep::data] * [stringprep] * [struct::disjointset] * [struct::graph::op] * [struct::graph] * [struct::list] * [struct::matrix] * [struct::pool] * [struct::prioqueue] * [struct::queue] * [struct::record] * [struct::set] * [struct::skiplist] * [struct::stack] * [struct::tree] * [struct] * [style::as] * [style::lobster] * [style] * [sudoku minimalistic] * [sum] * [svg charts] * [svn] * [swaplist] * [switched] * [tablelist::common] * [Tablelist] * [Tablelist_tile] * [Tag Cloud Generator] * [tar] * [tbcload84] * [tbcload85] * [tbcload] * [tcc] * [Tcl Math Syntax is Inferior to JavaScript/Python/Ruby/C/C++/Java/Perl/PHP] * [Tcl on Cuda] * [Tcl on VxWorks] * [Tcl Portable Runtime Library] * [Tcl-84] * [Tcl-85] * [Tcl-86] * [Tcl-Head] * [Tcl-Tk vs Wx Widgets] * [Tcl/Tk Office project anyone?] * [Tcl2008] * [Tcl9 internal changes] * [tcl9var], [tcl9var compatibility issues] * [tcl::tommath] * [Tcladdressbook] * [tclAE] * [Tclapplescript] * [tclapps] * [tclAuthorization] * [tclCarbonHICommand] * [tclCarbonNotification] * [tclCarbonProcesses] * [TclDBI or a common database interface re-hashed] * [tclDESjr] * [tclDES] * [tcldocstrip] * [Tcldom] * [tclhttpd] * [tcljava] * [tclkill] * [Tclkit Kitgen Build System] * [tcllibc] * [tcllib] * [TclMacBag] * [tclodbc] * [TclOO] * [tclparser] * [tclplugin] * [Tclrep] * [TclScript] * [tclsoap] * [TclSpeech] * [TclSpice] * [TclTalk images] * [Tcl/Tk/Talks] * [tcltutorial] * [tclws] * [Tclxml] * [tclxosd] * [Tclxslt] * [Tclx] * [tcom] * [tdomhtml] * [tdom] * [teacup] * [Teapot Repos] * [Tensor] * [term::ansi::code::attr] * [term::ansi::code::ctrl] * [term::ansi::code::macros] * [term::ansi::code] * [term::ansi::ctrl::unix] * [term::ansi::send] * [term::interact::menu] * [term::interact::pager] * [term::receive::bind] * [term::receive] * [term::send] * [term] * [Text Adventures: Colossal Cave-Style] * [Text Adventures: Scott Adams-Style] * [textutil::adjust] * [textutil::expander] * [textutil::repeat] * [textutil::split] * [textutil::string] * [textutil::tabify] * [textutil::trim] * [textutil] * [The (command bound to event) error] * [Therion] * [Thread] * [Tickle Dict] * [Tickle Tunes] * [tie::std::array] * [tie::std::dsource] * [tie::std::file] * [tie::std::growfile] * [tie::std::log] * [tie::std::rarray] * [tie] * [tifftcl (is this tiff package in pure tcl?)] * [tifftcl] * [tiff] * [tile] * [Tim Davis] * [Tim Tomkinson] * [time] * [Tiny Tcl/Tk IDE] * [tipstack] * [Tix] * [Tk & Ttk Integration] * [Tk and msgcat] * [Tk-84] * [Tk-85] * [Tk-86] * [Tk-Head] * [tkcon] * [tkdnd] * [Tkhtml-v3] * [Tkhtml] * [tkispell] * [tklib] * [tkLOR] * [tkpath] * [tkpiechart] * [TkSQLite] * [Tktable] * [TkTextPlus] * [TkVoice] * [Tkzinc] * [tlinker] * [tls] * [tnc] * [Togl] * [tooltip] * [ToW Tcl on WebFreeWay] * [Tracing with enterstep] * [transfer::connect (see transfer?)] * [transfer::connect] * [transfer::copy::queue] * [transfer::copy] * [transfer::data::destination] * [transfer::data::source] * [transfer::receiver] * [transfer::transmitter] * [TransProCalc] * [treectrl] * [treeql] * [Trf] * [trofs] * [trsync] * [TSP] * [tth] * [ttk Frame with Custom Borders] * [Ttrace] * [tweezer] * [Taxes and TXF file import] * [udp] * [uevent::onidle] * [uevent] * [Ulam Spiral Demo] * [unicode::data] * [unicode] * [units] * [uri::urn] * [uri] * [USB Portable Environment] * [uuencode] * [uuid] * [vfs::ftp] * [vfs::http] * [vfs::mk4] * [vfs::mkcl] * [vfs::ns] * [vfs::tar] * [vfs::template::chroot] * [vfs::template::collate] * [vfs::template::fish] * [vfs::template::quota] * [vfs::template::version::delta] * [vfs::template::version] * [vfs::template] * [vfs::test] * [vfs::tk] * [vfs::urltype] * [vfs::webdav] * [vfs::zip] * [vfs] * [vtmalloc] * [vu] * [Wcb] * [What about an application server] * [What other kinds of changes will a developer have to make when moving from Tcl 8.4 to 8.5?] * [When Tcl/Tk faces Biology] * [widget::all] * [widget::calendar] * [widget::dateentry] * [widget::dialog] * [widget::menuentry] * [widget::panelframe] * [widget::ruler] * [widget::screenruler] * [widget::scrolledtext] * [widget::scrolledwindow] * [widget::statusbar] * [widget::superframe] * [widget::toolbar] * [widget] * [Wiki Announcements] * [wiki pages for repair] * [Wiki UTF-8 problem test] * [wikitcl] * [win32] * [Windows Aero] * [Windows PowerShell] * [winico] * [wip] * [wntbackup] * [Write in C] * [WubWikit Thanks] * [wub] * [XCircuit] * [xml::c] * [xml::dep] * [xml::expat] * [xml::tclparser] * [xml::tcl] * [xmldefs] * [XMLRPC] * [xmlswitch] * [xml] * [Xop] * [XOTcl] * [xpath] * [xslt::cache] * [xslt] * [xsxp] * [XTexShell] * [yaml] * [yencode] * [zincGraphics] * [zincLogo] * [zincText] * [zipvfs] * [zlibtcl] * [ZU] * [tclDisk] * [CPU utilization from /proc/stat] * [Play RTTL ringtone as beeps] * [Merge sorts] * [How does one sort in Tcl] * [BioImage Suite] * [GSoC 2009 Project Ideas Hints] * [Mahjong_Style_Deletion] * [Slot_Calculator_Demo] * [Tcl code for business use] * [Audela] * [LiveWire] * [dicthash: Yet another lightweight object system] * [Aifl: dynamically generated files] * [tclsc] * [NASA IMAGE Mission] * [SPI] * [@Apps Revisited] * [tkcximage] * [VMD - Visual Molecular Dynamics] * [tk_msg] * [scriptable OO] * [mapserver workbench] * [Sguil] * [Wize - Wish Integrated Zip Executable] * [WebWiseTclTk] * [Using javamail in jacl] * [SystemTCL] * [9th European Tcl/Tk Users Meeting] * [POLL : Date for the 9th European Tcl/Tk Users Meeting] * [RBC] * [Refactored BLT Components] * [Capsim] * [Shift] * [Spatialite] * [Creating Extentions in C++] * [teaget] * [Accumulator Generator] * [system : Execute pipelines directly in the POSIX shell] * [Tkamixer] * [Muddy Scheme] * [ReadChar] * [accumulate and collect] * [netwag] * [Vfs for Sqlite] * [GSOC] * [Textjam] * [Writing case insensitive procedures using unknown] * [listtemplate] * [msgCourier] * [ORM] * [biotext: A new Tk widget dedicated to bioinformatics] * [Excel VBA to OpenOffice Basic converter] * [simplify_SVG: path element ...] * [TclMon] <<categories>> Category Tcler's Wiki