''(moved here from the [Tclkit Mobile] page)'' [http://europe.nokia.com/BaseProject/Sites/NOKIA_MAIN_18022/CDA/Categories/Home/Nokia770/_Content/_Static_Files/770_faq.jpg] 2005-11-23 [jcw] A new PDA-class appliance is the Nokia 770 [http://www.nokia.com/770]. I've succeeded in getting Tclkit 8.4.11 built for it (Linux, X11, ARM), but for some reason Tk is not agreeing with it yet. But it's a start, [Starkit]s, [Metakit], [Wikit], [SDX], [Ratcl] all seem to work. For binaries and a snapshot of an N700 running a copy of this entire wiki ''locally'' (via httpd), see http://www.equi4.com/pub/tk/arm/. I hope someone can figure out how to get Tk working, it's beyond me... 2006-01-10 [stevel] We now have a tclkit 8.5 (including Tk) for the 770 ... for the moment it's at http://www.digitalsmarties.com/pub/tclkit-770. Thanks to Jean-Claude Wippler, David Zolli, Mike Doyle and especially Meredydd Luff? for his brilliant detective work in tracking down the Xft issue that was causing Tk to crash the 770. 2006-02-03 [jcw] - Great joint effort! I've added that Tclkit build to the Tclkit repository, see [http://www.equi4.com/pub/tk/], it's mentioned under Linux on the Tclkit download matrix at [http://www.equi4.com/pub/tk/downloads.html]. There is one issue, in that it's stored in gzip-compressed form like all other tclkit builds, but this is probably not the most convenient way to get it onto the Nokia 770. We'll probably want to look into their Debian'ish packaging scheme at some point... As Steve Redler noted, tile72, tkimpg and tkpng kits run on the n770 providing you link from lib/armv5tel to /lib/armv5tejl. 2006-02-03 [SRIV] Starting with todays release, all [Whim window manager] starkits will include support for the N770. I'll be working on some usability enhancements to make it easier to use in a touchscreen environment. I find that all the desktop apps (starkits) run pretty well on the N770, but memory is limitied, so I plan I working to use one interp for Whim and one interp for all starkit apps. Tckit is now listed in the Maemo website Application Catalog [http://www.maemo.org/maemowiki/ApplicationCatalog]. 2006-03-16 [BAJ] I've been writing a little time tracking application for my n770 and seem to have found a serious bug in tclkit on it: expr 661.0/100.0 -6.6099980926513675 Some division calculations, but not all, give the negative of the expected result (actually the negative of something close to the expected result). 2006-03-30 [SB], Just a comment on the device itself: I have one of these, and I find it pretty useless in its default configurations. I think it is a waste of money. I originally thought it was cool of Nokia to launch a Linux-based PDA, but after some days I had to realize that I can't do anything except surfing on the internet with it. I haven't been able to get tcl/tk installed and would be happy if somebody cared to list the steps needed to get tcl/tk onto a vanilla system. I am hoping that some tcl/tk may make it more useful. My old Yakumo Alpha has more features than this buddy (except for internet access, but I want to use it as an organizer and not as a computer replacement) and it runs for 8 hours. 2006-03-30 [SRIV] I agree, it sucks out of the box. The Hildon interface requires all apps be modified to take advantage of it. Dbus reboots the unit if you kill certain apps to replace them on the fly. Its a pain. The unit becomes a powerful workstation after I replace Matchbox with Whim, use xvkbd for the on screen keyboard, and tclkit as the core to run all my own apps. ---- [Category Mobile]