Tcl Meetup 2022-11-8 Topics * (arjen) Recent discussions on new data types and support for them (also: the suggestions by Kevin about enhanced capabilities for [expr]). Perhaps a bit much for one meeting and I can only attend the first half hour. * (stevel) can give an update on the tclcompiler/tbcload work he and aku are undertaking Follow ups: * stevel/dkf to facilitate uploading of builds to somewhere * TCLCORE message asking about release schedules now that TIP-push is over * TIP 644 - Ashok requests sponsorship and vote (stevel/dkf) * TIP 495 - approach Sean and see if he wants to progress (stevel) * rmax follow up on TclX with Peter da Silva * stevel to follow up on Tcl Conference with Peter da Silva * stevel to follow up re last Tcl Conference videos with Peter da Silva * start on changes / release notes files * look at postgres community for ideas on release scheduling (suggested by rmax) * need to look at state of contributed packages (e.g. take most recent version that works)