Created by [CecilWesterhof]. At a certain point I needed the maximum, minimum and mean of a list. Instead of calculating them one after the other I created a proc that calculates everything in one go. And also length and sum. (But [KPV] pointed out that there is|%::math::statistics::basic-stats%|%. So I do not need this any-more. This is the proc: ====== proc listNumericStats thisList { set length [llength $thisList] if {$length == 0} { error "List cannot be empty" } set max [lindex $thisList 0] set min $max set sum 0. foreach element $thisList { set sum [expr {$sum + $element}] if {$element < $min} { set min $element } elseif {$element > $max} { set max $element } } dict set stats length $length dict set stats max $max dict set stats mean [expr {$sum / $length}] dict set stats min $min dict set stats sum $sum return $stats } ====== DEC:That sounds over kill to me ====== set aList [ lsort -real $anotherList] set max [ lindex $aList end] set min [ lindex $aList 0] set sum [expr {[join $aList "+"]}] set len [llength $aList ] set mean [ expr {$sum/$len}] ====== DEC:I would avoid looping over a list at the script level if you can [CecilWesterhof]: With your code you loop two times over the list instead of once. And you need a sort also, which is also not cheap for big lists. So I would think that my implementation is a lot more efficient. But it is mute, because I do not need it any-more thanks to [KPV]. [KPV]: Also checkout|%::math::statistics::basic-stats%|% <>Numerics