[Anton Kovalenko]: OBEX is a shorthand for IrDA OBject EXchange protocol. Here is an implementation of OBEX client/server, pure tclish. It needs my [infrared] extension to work with IrDA stack, and, in case of tcl 8.4, [forward-compatible dict]. There may be a lot of bad things to say about this package. It doesn't include any manual, it uses its own ad-hoc [OOP] ([SNIT] would be more reasonable here). I don't have any spare time to polish it now. This extension may be useful for someone as a starting point for a nice OBEX package. package require base64 namespace eval OBEX { namespace eval _utils { variable DEBUG 1 if {$DEBUG} { proc DEBUG {str} { puts [uplevel 1 [list subst $str]] } } else {proc DEBUG {str} {}} interp alias {} [namespace current]::lpfn {} namespace which proc to_short {var} { upvar 1 $var v set v [expr {$v & 0xFFFF}] return $v } proc to_byte {var} { upvar 1 $var v set v [expr {$v & 0xFF}] return $v } proc to_hex {var} { upvar 1 $var v set v [format 0x%02X [expr {$v & 0xFF}] ] return $v } variable HDRS [dict create \ count 0xC0 \ name 0x01 \ type 0x42 \ length 0xC3 \ timestamp 0x44 \ timestamp-4 0xC4 \ description 0x05 \ target 0x46 \ http 0x47 \ body 0x48 \ eob 0x49 \ who 0x4A \ connection-id 0xCB \ parameters 0x4C \ auth-challenge 0x4D \ auth-response 0x4E \ creator-id 0xCF \ wan-uuid 0x50 \ object-class 0x51 \ session-parameters 0x52 \ session-sequence-number 0x93 ] dict for {k v} $HDRS {dict set rvHDRS [expr {$v}] $k} variable OPCODES [dict create \ connect 0x80 \ disconnect 0x81 \ put 0x02 \ get 0x03 \ put-final 0x82 \ get-final 0x83 \ chdir 0x85 ] dict for {k v} $OPCODES {dict set rvOPCODES [expr {$v}] $k} proc gethid {hdr} { variable HDRS if {![string is integer $hdr]} { return [dict get $HDRS $hdr] } return $hdr } proc getopname {id} { variable rvOPCODES to_byte id if {[dict exists $rvOPCODES $id]} { return [dict get $rvOPCODES $id] } return $id } proc gethname {id} { variable rvHDRS to_byte id if {[dict exists $rvHDRS $id ]} { return [dict get $rvHDRS $id] } return $id } if {[string equal $::tcl_platform(byteOrder) littleEndian]} { proc brev {str} { set r {} foreach {b1 b2} [split $str {}] { append r $b2 $b1 } return $r } } else { proc brev {str} {set str} } proc ctounicode {str} { return [brev [encoding convertto unicode $str] ] } proc cfromunicode {str} { return [encoding convertfrom unicode [brev $str] ] } # Formatting header for transmission proc fh {hdr hdata} { DEBUG {Fh: $hdr , $hdata} set hval [gethid $hdr] set htype [expr {($hval & 0xC0)>>6}] set r [binary format c $hval] switch $htype { 0 { set cbin [ctounicode $hdata] append cbin [binary format x2] append r [binary format S [ expr {[string length $cbin]+3}]] $cbin } 1 { append r [binary format S [ expr {[string length $hdata]+3}]] $hdata } 2 { append r [binary format c $hdata] } 3 { append r [binary format I $hdata] } } return $r } proc fhs {args} { flattenargs set data {} foreach {h v} $args { append data [fh $h $v] } return $data } # convert headers from binary form to keyed-list proc parse_headers {data} { set r [list] while {[string length $data]} { binary scan $data c hval switch [expr {($hval & 0xC0)>>6}] { 0 { binary scan $data cS byte length to_short length set utext [string range $data 3 [expr {$length - 3}] ] set v [cfromunicode $utext] set drop $length } 1 { binary scan $data cS byte length to_short length set v [string range $data 3 [expr {$length - 1}]] set drop $length } 2 { binary scan $data cc byte quantity set v [to_byte quantity] set drop 2 } 3 { binary scan $data cI byte quantity set v $quantity set drop 5 } } dict set r [gethname [to_byte hval]] $v set data [string range $data $drop end] } return $r } # format an operation proc fop {opcode data} { set r [binary format c $opcode] append r [binary format S [expr {[string length $data]+3}]] append r $data return $r } proc flattenargs {} { upvar 1 args _args set limit 200 while {[llength $_args]%2} { if {![incr limit -1]} { return -code error "Too many levels" } set _args [concat [lindex $_args 0] [lreplace $_args 0 0] ] } return } proc f_connect {args} { # OBEX 1.0, Flags=0, MRU=8k flattenargs return \ [fop 0x80 [binary format ccSa* 0x10 0x00 0x4000 [fhs $args] ] ] } proc fr_connect {args} { flattenargs return \ [fop 0xA0 [ binary format ccSa* 0x10 0x00 0x4000 [fhs $args] ] ] } proc f_generic {opc args} { variable OPCODES flattenargs DEBUG {Fg: $opc,$args} if {[dict exists $OPCODES $opc ]} { set opc [dict get $OPCODES $opc] } return [fop $opc [fhs $args]] } proc fr_generic {opc args} { flattenargs return [fop $opc [fhs $args]] } proc f_setpath {flags args} { flattenargs dict set flagbits up 1 nocreate 2 set fb 0 foreach flag $flags { incr fb [dict get $flabgits $flag] } return [fop 0x85 [binary format cca* $fb 0 [fhs $args]]] } variable buffer [dict create] proc packet_splitter {fh handler} { variable buffer if {[catch {read $fh} data]||[eof $fh]} { fileevent $fh readable {} DEBUG {Unwinding...} # close $fh dict unset buffer $fh after idle $handler [list {}] return } dict append buffer $fh $data set input [dict get $buffer $fh] if {[binary scan $input cS opcode length]!=2} { DEBUG {Not even 3 bytes...} return } to_short length DEBUG {Length $length...} if {[string length $input]>=$length} { DEBUG {Yeah! data is here...} after idle $handler \ [list [ string range $input 0 [expr {$length-1}]] ] dict set buffer $fh [string range $input $length end] } } proc packet_parse_request {str} { binary scan $str cS resp length to_byte resp to_short length if {$resp==0x80} { binary scan $str cSccS _ _ version flags mtu set data [parse_headers [string range $str 7 end]] lappend data MTU $mtu } elseif {$resp==0x85} { binary scan $str cScc _ _ flags _ set data [parse_headers [string range $str 5 end]] lappend data UP [expr {$flags&1}] NOCREATE [expr {$flags&2!=0}] } else { set data [parse_headers [string range $str 3 end]] } return [list [getopname $resp] $data] } proc put {fh data} { puts -nonewline $fh $data flush $fh } namespace export * } namespace eval server { # OBEX::server uses the ad-hoc oop # OBEX::server::Class MyServer {Push} namespace import [namespace parent]::_utils::* namespace export \[A-Z\]* # Accept -- # Pass the socket to the OBEX::server proc Accept {fh {class Default} args} { variable state dict set state $fh [dict create] dict set state $fh mtu 255 dict set state $fh class $class set incoming [lpfn incoming] fconfigure $fh -translation binary -blocking no fileevent $fh readable \ [ list [lpfn packet_splitter] $fh [list $incoming $fh] ] callback $class Init $fh $args } proc callback {class method instance args} { variable hooks variable state dict set state thisclass $class dict set state this $instance if {[dict exists $hooks $class $method]} { set r [uplevel #0 [dict get $hooks $class $method] $args] return $r } return } proc _method {{ivar {}}} { variable state upvar 1 args args this this thisclass thisclass set this [dict get $state this] set thisclass [dict get $state thisclass] flattenargs uplevel 1 [list upvar #0 ::OBEX::server::IV:$this $ivar] } proc Method {name body} { variable hooks set upns [uplevel 1 {namespace current}] DEBUG {method $upns $name} if {[string match ::OBEX::server::cls* $upns]} { DEBUG {$upns $name is inline} dict set hooks [namespace tail $upns] $name ${upns}::$name } uplevel 1 [ list proc $name args "[lpfn _method];$body" ] } proc Call {method args} { variable state upvar 1 this this thisclass thisclass callback $thisclass $method $this $args } proc Class {name inhlist map} { variable hooks dict set hooks $name [dict create] foreach super $inhlist { dict for {k v} [dict get $hooks $super] { dict set hooks $name $k $v } } if {[llength $map]==1} { # Auto-binding commands if {![string equal [namespace current] \ [uplevel 1 {namespace current}]]} { uplevel 1 [ list namespace import \ [namespace current]::arg: \ [namespace current]::\[A-Z\]* ] } set map [uplevel 1 {namespace current}]::$map set len [string length $map] DEBUG {Using $map for defining $name} DEBUG {having [info commands ${map}*]} foreach command [info commands ${map}*] { dict set hooks $name [string range $command $len end] \ $command } } else { namespace eval cls::$name \ [ list namespace import \ [namespace current]::arg: \ [namespace current]::\[A-Z\]* ] namespace eval cls::$name $map } } proc arg: {key {dv {}}} { upvar 1 args args if {[dict exists $args $key]} { return [dict get $args $key] } else { return $dv } } namespace export arg: proc incoming {fh packet} { variable state set class [dict get $state $fh class] DEBUG {Got packet of length [string length $packet]} if {![string length $packet]} { DEBUG {Zero-length packet!} callback $class Destroy $fh catch {close $fh} dict unset state $fh return } set data {} set resp {} foreach {resp data} [packet_parse_request $packet] {break} set hs {} set rc 0xD0 foreach {rc hs} [callback $class OBEX.$resp $fh $data] { break } DEBUG {About to respond with $rc $hs} if {[string equal $resp connect]} { put $fh [fr_connect $hs] } else { put $fh [fr_generic $rc $hs] } } # Now let's specify default server... Method Default.Result.Ok { return [list 0xA0 ""] } Method Default.Result.Error { return [list 0xD0 ""] } Method Default.Result.Continue { return [list 0x90 ""] } Method Default.Result.NotFound { return [list 0xC4 ""] } Method Default.OBEX.connect { Call SendSuccess } Method Default.OBEX.put-final { foreach {h v} $args {dict set (properties) $h $v} set (properties) [dict remove $(properties) body eob] append (body) [arg: body] [arg: eob] set err [catch {Call Received $(properties) body $(body)} msg] unset (body) if {!$err} { return [Call Result.Ok] } else { if {![string length $msg ]} { return [Call Result.Error] } else { return [lindex $msg 0] } } } Method Default.OBEX.chdir { Call Result.Continue } Method Default.OBEX.get-final { Call Result.NotFound } Method Default.OBEX.get { Call Result.Continue } Method Default.OBEX.put { foreach {h v} $args {dict set (properties) $h $v} Call Result.Continue } Method Default.OBEX.disconnect { Call Result.Ok } Method Default.Received { DEBUG {-----------------Received file:} DEBUG {[arg: body]} DEBUG {Properties: $(properties)} } Class Default {} Default. Class Push {Default} { Method Init { set (options) $args } Method Received { uplevel #0 [list [ dict get $(options) -reader] [arg: name] [arg: body]] } } } namespace eval client { namespace import [namespace parent]::_utils::* # 1. the initial state of socket is idle # 2. when the client sends async request, # then it's appended to the socket's queue # 3. if the queue was empty then queuerunner # is scheduled [after idle]. # ------------- # The queue element is a list of: variable state [dict create] proc Acquire {fh} { variable state dict set state $fh [dict create] dict set state $fh mtu 255 dict set state $fh queue [list] dict set state $fh qtail 0 dict set state $fh qhead 0 fconfigure $fh -blocking no -translation binary set incoming [lpfn incoming] fileevent $fh readable \ [list [lpfn packet_splitter] $fh [list $incoming $fh]] } proc qpop {fh} { variable state set qhead [dict get $state $fh qhead] incr qhead dict set state $fh qhead $qhead dict set state $fh queue \ [lreplace [dict get $state $fh queue] 0 0] } proc qhead {fh args} { variable state if {[llength $args]} { dict set state $fh queue \ [lreplace [dict get $state $fh queue] \ 0 0 [lindex $args 0]] } else { return [lindex [dict get $state $fh queue] 0] } } proc qptr {ptr fh} { variable state switch -exact $ptr { head {return [dict get $state $fh qhead]} tail {return [dict get $state $fh qtail]} } } proc qpush {fh data} { variable state set qtail [dict get $state $fh qtail] set quid $qtail incr qtail dict set state $fh qtail $qtail set q [dict get $state $fh queue] lappend q $data dict set state $fh queue $q return $quid } proc qlength {fh} { variable state return [ llength [ dict get $state $fh queue ] ] } proc incoming {fh packet} { variable state variable callbacks variable results if {![string length $packet ]} { dict unset state $fh array unset results $fh,* array unset callbacks $fh,* close $fh return } foreach thisop [dict get $state $fh queue] {break} if {![info exists thisop]} {return} binary scan $packet cSa* resp _ data to_byte resp DEBUG {$resp packet} set result [eval $thisop [list $fh $resp $data]] set qh [qptr head $fh] if {$resp!=0x90} { DEBUG {Non-intermediate packet $resp} if {[info exists callbacks($fh,$qh)]} { DEBUG {Calling back} after idle $callbacks($fh,$qh) $result unset callbacks($fh,$qh) } else { DEBUG {Setting results $fh,$qh} set results($fh,$qh) $result } qpop $fh after idle [list [lpfn qrunner] $fh] } else { qhead $fh $result } } proc qrunner {fh} { variable state if {![qlength $fh]} { return } qhead $fh [eval [qhead $fh] [list $fh 000 ""]] } proc runq {fh} { if {![qlength $fh]} { after idle [list [lpfn qrunner] $fh] } } proc schedule {fh script cb} { variable results variable callbacks set id [qpush $fh $script] if {![string length $cb]} { DEBUG {Will wait $fh,$id} set results($fh,$id) {} vwait OBEX::client::results($fh,$id) set r $results($fh,$id) unset results($fh,$id) } else { DEBUG {Will not wait: $cb} set callbacks($fh,$id) $cb set r $id } return $r } proc Connect {fh headers {cb {}}} { variable state runq $fh schedule $fh [list do_connect $headers] $cb } proc do_connect {headers fh code data} { variable state DEBUG {do_connect $headers} put $fh [f_connect $headers] return do_connect_confirm } proc do_connect_confirm {fh code data} { variable state binary scan data ccSa* ver flags mtu rest to_short mtu dict set state $fh mtu $mtu return [parse_headers $rest] } proc GetFile {fh headers {cb {}}} { runq $fh schedule $fh [list do_get $headers] $cb } proc do_get {headers fh code data} { variable state variable bodies DEBUG {do_get $headers $code} if {$code} { array set gh [parse_headers $data] if {[info exists gh(body)]} { dict append bodies $fh $gh(body) } if {[info exists gh(eob)]} { dict append bodies $fh $gh(eob) } if {$code != 0x90} { set r {} if {[dict exists $bodies $fh]} { set r [dict get $bodies $fh] dict unset bodies $fh } return $r } } set limit [dict get $state $fh mtu ] incr limit -3 set chunk {} set op get-final foreach {h v} $headers { set piece [fh $h $v] incr limit -[string length $piece] if {$limit<0} { set op get; break } lappend chunk $h $v set headers [lreplace $headers 0 1] } put $fh [f_generic $op $chunk] return [list do_get $headers] } proc PutFile {fh headers body {cb {}}} { runq $fh schedule $fh [list do_put $headers $body] $cb } proc do_put {headers body fh code data} { variable state DEBUG {do_put $headers $code} if {($code) && ($code!=0x90) } { return [parse_headers $data] } set limit [dict get $state $fh mtu ] incr limit -3 set chunk {} set op put set bh body foreach {h v} $headers { set piece [fh $h $v] incr limit -[string length $piece] if {$limit<0} { break } lappend chunk $h $v set headers [lreplace $headers 0 1] } incr limit -3 if {$limit>0} { set bchunk [string range $body 0 [expr {$limit-1}]] set body [string range $body $limit end] if {![string length $body]} { set op put-final set bh eob } } put $fh [f_generic $op $chunk] return [list do_put $headers $body] } proc Disconnect {fh headers {cb {}}} { runq $fh schedule $fh [list do_disconnect $headers] $cb } proc do_disconnect {headers fh code data} { if {$code} { return } put $fh [f_generic disconnect $headers] return {do_disconnect {}} } } } And a couple of examples. '''OBEX client''' # OBEX client # given a mobile phone with IrMC sync support, retrieves the phonebook. package require irdasock proc OBEXtest {fh} { OBEX::client::Acquire $fh set r [OBEX::client::Connect $fh {target IRMC-SYNC} ] puts "Connected(hdrs=$r)." set pb [OBEX::client::GetFile $fh {name telecom/pb.vcf target IRMC-SYNC} ] puts "Got File " puts $pb set fd [open card.vcf w] puts -nonewline $fd $pb close $fd OBEX::client::Disconnect $fh {target IRMC-SYNC} } set dev {} puts "Waiting for some device to be plugged..." while {$dev eq ""} { catch { set dev [lindex [set devs [irda::discover]] 0 0] } after 1000 } foreach {id name hints} [lindex $devs 0] {break} puts "Device $name ([format 0x%08x $id]): $hints" set sock [irda::connect $dev IrDA:OBEX] fconfigure $sock -translation binary ODBCtest $sock '''OBEX server''' package require irdasock irda::server IrDA:OBEX ConnectMe proc ConnectMe {sock id} { puts "Passing socket to server..." OBEX::server::Accept $sock Push -reader RecvFile return fconfigure $sock -translation binary foreach dev [irda::discover] { foreach {did name hints} $dev { if {$did==$id} { puts "OBEX connection from $name" break } } } foreach {ch cr} [pget $sock] {break} puts "First operation is $ch" puts [OBEX::parse_headers [string range $cr 4 end]] } proc RecvFile {name body} { puts "Received $name, body:\n$body\n" } vwait forever