Version 0 of OO System for Tcl9

Updated 2001-01-30 11:15:18

Abstracted from Tcl 9.0 WishList to make that page easier to read...

OO System. An OO system provided by the core should use Tcl_Objs, so that objects get deleted automatically when they go out of scope.

DKF - This is probably one of those things that is better left out of the core due to its contentious nature; there is not much agreement over what such an object system should look like, with the Itcl camp believing that because it is there, works and is used in quite a lot of code, it should be incorporated right now if not sooner, and the other camps asking if this is really all that good an idea (there are a lot of other extensions about, and one thing nobody wants is to force the use of a lot of different incompatible OO extensions in the same application!) Myself, I reckon that packaging Itcl in with the Tcl SDK but not integrating it with the core will be just fine, soothing a lot of ruffled feathers on all sides. Plus there's the whole question of the impact of the Feather and Namespace Regularisation work.

(I suspect that Tcl_Objs are being massively, and wilfully, misused. Their lifetimes are such that it is not generally useful to represent them as conventional objects; thinking of them as a way to cache converted representations is much more appropriate, and will not get anyone into trouble with vanishing values. The Obj bit seems to be utterly misleading to some people though, and they seem to feel that anything with those three letters in ought to behave according to their own particular prejudices, moaning when this is not the case. It is a deep shame IMHO that Tcl_Value was already taken with the math function code as that would have been a name more appropriate for the actual functionality of Tcl_Obj instances...)


Volker - I meant my statement that in case an object system gets incorporated in the core, those objects should be not just handles. I'm certainly aware of the fact that Tcl_Obj per se has not much to do with OOP, but I think they can be used to hold a struct with a couple of function pointers and some data fields.

DKF - xref to TCOM and TclMico here?