I have noticed, in discussions of OO under tcl, a tendency to confuse Objects and [Megawidget]s. This page is to discuss similarities and differences betwee n the two concepts. While it's tempting to see the similarities (e.g. encapsulation,) there are also possibly significant differences (e.g. composition.) It's my belief that if a given OO system happens to be perfect for Megawidgets, that's a happy coincidence, but I have a nagging suspicion that one of the historical reasons OO hasn't taken off in tcl is that it keeps getting confused with the needs of Megawidgets. If there was an excellent OO and an excellent Megawidget system, it wouldn't bother me as much as if one had to be distorted to suit the other. -- 4Dec04 [CMcC] ---- 4Dec04 [SRIV] A question to those of you that have made OO or megawidget frameworks, is it possible to have a unified system that can create objects AND widgets AND types while maintaining the feel of tcl? Discuss.. 4Dec04 [CMcC] almost all of the well developed OO systems are extended to provide megawidgets, so I don't think you can answer your question before asking what 'maintaining the feel of tcl' means, and that's a very big question. The question, here, is about significant differences between what the perfect OO system needs, and what the perfect megawidget system needs. I think that question needs an answer before we can really talk about ''unification''. 2004-12-04 [MSW] For OO Systems, I think the answer is that the system should be flexible enough to allow mapping the different styles of OO thinking within the very same system (as e.g. [OTcl] / [XOtcl] do) -- kind of like said about [Lisp] at [http://www.paulgraham.com/avg.html]. For Megawidget systems, what else is needed but being able to both use megawidgets the same as you do with plain widgets (create them, use a method like approach to access commands in the instances [[ like for plain tk widgets ]]) as well as being able to build bigger megawidgets with plain tcl code ``or`` OO code from existing mega- as well as plain widgets ? ----