The following line of code lets you play a text-based Hangman game. It's basically a port of this Python code: [|%Hangman implemented in 3 lines of Python (2)%|%]. Pay attention to the word file. As I'm on Windows, I simply used this file: []. === try {foreach {chosenWord guesses scaffold man guessesLeft} [list [split [lindex [set words [lmap word [split [read [open linuxwords r]] \n] {string toupper $word}]] [expr {int(rand() * [llength $words])}]] {}] {} "|======\n| |\n| %4\$s %1\$s %6\$s\n| %3\$s%2\$s%5\$s\n| %7\$s %8\$s\n| %9\$s %10\$s\n|" {O T - \\ - / / \\ | |} 10] {while {([set a [lsort -uniq $chosenWord]] != [set b [lsort -uniq $guesses]]) && $guessesLeft > 0} {set guessesLeft [expr {10 - [llength [lmap guess [lappend guesses [puts -nonewline [format "\n%s (%s guesses left)\n%s\n%s: " [join $guesses ","] $guessesLeft [format $scaffold {*}[concat [lrange $man 0 9-$guessesLeft] [lrepeat $guessesLeft " "]]] [lmap letter $chosenWord {expr {$letter in $guesses ? $letter : "_"}}]]][expr {[set nextGuess [string toupper [gets stdin]]] ni $guesses ? $nextGuess : [continue]}]] {expr {$guess ni $chosenWord ? $guess : [continue]}}]]}]}}} finally {puts "You [expr {$guessesLeft == 0 ? "lose!\n[format $scaffold {*}$man]" : "win!"}]\nWord was [join $chosenWord ""]"} ===