'''[http://wolf-dieter-busch.de/1hand/%|%One Hand Content]''', by [wdb], is a little [CMS] written in Tcl/Tk. ** Attributes ** website: http://wolf-dieter-busch.de/1hand/ previous website: http://home.arcor.de/wolf-dieter.busch/html/Software/Web/One_Hand_CMS.htm ** Description ** [wdb] 2006-11-07: I'd '''really''' like to translate the help system, but sadly, the command ''dir/s *.htm'' told me, it's 325 files. 2006-11-20 Have added some twenty ready-to-use open source layouts (creative common licence etc) [http://wolf-dieter-busch.de/1hand/Ankuendigung/Wie_es_funktioniert/Beispielseiten.htm]. Because they mostly were CSS based, adapting them to One Hand was a breeze ;-) ** See Also ** [One Hand]: [PYK] 2015-03-23: Is this a separate piece of software, then? There are two wiki pages, and also two websites, and it's hard to tell whether they are different variants of the software. <> Application | Internet | CMS