''[ALX] 17 Jan 2014'' - tgetopt # # $Id: tgetopt.tcl,v 1.3 2014/01/17 19:38:38 alex Exp alex $ # # Copyright (c) 2014, Alexander Schoepe, Bochum, DE # All rights reserved. # # Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without # modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: # # 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, # this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. # # 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, # this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation # and/or other materials provided with the distribution. # # 3. Neither the names of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote # products derived from this software without specific prior written permission. # # THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" # AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE # IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE # ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT HOLDER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE # LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR # CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF # SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS # INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN # CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) # ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE # POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. # # # tgetopt *result declaration to_parse # # returns with 1 when error occur otherwise 0 # # # result is a variable name of a dict # ----------------------------------- # the result dict will be cleared first # # option is key without "-" # # special dict keys: # "--" all arguments after "--" unparsed # .error boolean error occurs # .errmsg error messages as list if an error occurs # .usage usage information as defined in declaration # # # declaration is a list # --------------------- # declare options # name[.arg[.class][.var][.nec][.req]][.sec] ?default value?] # # name = option name without "-" and not starting or including "." # option without .arguments is a boolean flag with default value 0 # .class = tcl character class (see: string is class -strict) # replace .class with class type, for example .double or .integer # integer classes could also be [u]int[eger][1-64] # xdigit class could also be xdigit[1-64] # .nec argument is necessary an can not be empty # .var get default value from variable name in default value # .req option is required # .sec option is secret and will not shown in usage # # # to_parse is a list # ------------------ # options need a leading "-" # options could be abbreviated if not ambiguous # "--" end of parsing # if 0 { package require tgetopt set myEnvVar defaultFromVariable set declaration { flag color.arg.nec white count.arg.wideinteger 0 i.arg.int8 -1 u.arg.uint8 1 hex.arg.required.xdigit16 ff01 txt.arg.var myEnvVar hidden.arg.sec confidential } if {[tgetopt result $declaration {-hex 1f40 -i -128 -u 255 -col red -count 1}]} { set message "wrong, unknown or ambiguous arguments: should be: [dict get $result .usage]" foreach item [dict get $result .errmsg] { append message "\n $item" } error $message } else { puts [dict get $result] } } proc ::tgetopt { *result declaration to_parse } { if {${*result} != {}} { upvar 1 ${*result} result } set error 0 set errmsg {} set result {} set require {} set usage {} set optopts {} set argcnt [llength $declaration] for {set argc 0} {$argc < $argcnt} {incr argc} { set opt [lindex $declaration $argc] if {[string index $opt 0] == {.}} { set error 1 lappend errmsg "option name can not start with '.'" dict set result .error $error dict set result .errmsg $errmsg return $error } if {[regsub -- {\..*$} $opt {} name]} { regsub -- (${name}) $opt {} opt } if {[regsub -- {\.sec\M} $opt {} opt]} { dict set optopts $name secret 1 } else { dict set optopts $name secret 0 } if {![regsub -- {\.arg\M} $opt {} opt]} { dict set optopts $name arg 0 dict set optopts $name required 0 dict set result $name 0 } else { dict set optopts $name arg 1 if {[regsub -- {\.var\M} $opt {} opt]} { dict set optopts $name variable 1 } else { dict set optopts $name variable 0 } if {[regsub -- {\.nec\M} $opt {} opt]} { dict set optopts $name necessary 1 } else { dict set optopts $name necessary 0 } if {[regsub -- {\.req\M} $opt {} opt]} { dict set optopts $name required 1 lappend require $name } else { dict set optopts $name required 0 } dict set optopts $name class {} dict set optopts $name size {} if {[regexp {\.(u?int(?:eger)?)(\d*)\M} $opt a c s]} { if {![string is integer -strict $s]} { set s 32 } if {$s < 1} { set s 1 } if {$s > 64} { set s 64 } dict set optopts $name class integer dict set optopts $name type $c dict set optopts $name size $s } elseif {[regexp {\.(xdigit)(\d*)\M} $opt a c s]} { if {![string is integer -strict $s]} { set s 0 } if {$s < 0} { set s 0 } if {$s > 64} { set s 64 } dict set optopts $name class xdigit dict set optopts $name type $c dict set optopts $name size $s } else { if {[regexp {\.([a-z]*)\M} $opt a c]} { if {[lsearch -exact {alnum alpha ascii boolean control digit double entier graph list lower print punct space upper wideinteger wordchar} $c] > -1} { dict set optopts $name class $c if {$c == {wideinteger}} { dict set optopts $name type $c dict set optopts $name size 64 } } } } incr argc if {$argc < $argcnt} { dict set result $name [lindex $declaration $argc] if {[dict get $optopts $name variable] && [dict get $result $name] != {}} { upvar [dict get $result $name] var if {[info exists var]} { dict set result $name $var } else { dict set result $name {} } } } else { dict set result $name {} set error 1 lappend errmsg "declaration of '$name' missing default value" dict set result .error $error dict set result .errmsg $errmsg return $error } } if {![dict get $optopts $name secret]} { if {[dict get $optopts $name arg]} { if {[dict get $optopts $name class] == {}} { append usage " ?-${name} data?" } else { if {[lsearch -exact {integer wideinteger xdigit} [dict get $optopts $name class]] > -1} { append usage " ?-${name} [dict get $optopts $name type][dict get $optopts $name size]?" } else { append usage " ?-${name} [dict get $optopts $name class]?" } } } else { append usage " ?-${name}?" } } } set argcnt [llength $to_parse] for {set argc 0} {$argc < $argcnt} {incr argc} { set opt [lindex $to_parse $argc] if {$opt == {--}} { dict set result -- [lrange $to_parse ${argc}+1 end] break } elseif {[string index $opt 0] == {-}} { set opt [string range $opt 1 end] if {[dict keys $optopts $opt] == $opt || [llength [set opt [dict keys $optopts ${opt}*]]] == 1} { if {[dict get $optopts $opt arg]} { incr argc if {$argc < $argcnt} { dict set result $opt [lindex $to_parse $argc] if {[dict get $optopts $opt class] != {}} { if {![string is [dict get $optopts $opt class] -strict [dict get $result $opt]]} { set error 1 lappend errmsg "${opt}: value not strict class [dict get $optopts $opt class]" } else { if {[lsearch -exact {integer wideinteger xdigit} [dict get $optopts $opt class]] > -1} { if {[string index [dict get $optopts $opt type] 0] == {u}} { set min 0 set max [expr {(1 << [dict get $optopts $opt size]) - 1}] } else { set min [expr {(1 << [dict get $optopts $opt size] - 1) * -1}] set max [expr {$min * -1 - 1}] } if {[dict get $optopts $opt class] == {xdigit}} { set value [scan [dict get $result $opt] %x] } else { set value [dict get $result $opt] } if {$value < $min || $value > $max} { set error 1 lappend errmsg "${opt}: value not strict class [dict get $optopts $opt type][dict get $optopts $opt size]" } } } } elseif {[dict exists $optopts $name necessary] && [dict get $optopts $name necessary] && [string trim [dict get $result $opt]] == {}} { set error 1 lappend errmsg "${opt}: value necessary ca not be empty" } if {[set p [lsearch -exact $require $opt]] > -1} { set require [lreplace $require $p $p {}] if {$require == {{}}} { set require {} } } } else { set error 1 lappend errmsg "${opt}: missing argument" } } else { dict set result $opt 1 } } else { set error 1 lappend errmsg "[lindex $to_parse $argc]: unknown or ambiguous option" } } else { set error 1 lappend errmsg "${opt}: syntax error" } } if {![dict exists $result --]} { dict set result -- {} } if {[llength $require] > 0} { set error 1 foreach item $require { lappend errmsg "${item}: required option" } } dict set result .error $error dict set result .errmsg $errmsg dict set result .usage [string trim $usage] return $error } package provide tgetopt 1.2 <> Argument Processing | Discussion