Purpose: '''Accumulate simple examples demonstrating the use of the [[ [Oratcl] ]] database library''' ---- * [ora2txt] performs a select and outputs the results as tab delimited text from a command-line * [Oratcl Logon Dialog] is a program extract showing a logon routine ---- A simple logon routine package require Oratcl set lda [oralogon user/pass@dbname -async] set sth [oraopen $lda] if {[oramsg $sth rc] == 0} { puts "Successfully connected" } else { puts "Unable to connect to the database." } oralogoff $lda Inserting into a database # code goes here Deleting from a database # code goes here Retrieving data from a database # code goes here Binding # code goes here PL/SQL # code goes here Anything else you want to see regarding Oratcl... [RLH] - Besides the above, I would like to see some stuff about pulling data out and displaying it via [CGI]. ---- [[[Category Example]]] [[[Category Database]]]