[uniquename] 2012nov22 Over the past several months (Aug through Nov 2012), I have made about 10 utilities to make nice images (on a Tk canvas) that can be used for * logo backgrounds * icon backgrounds * rectangular buttons * round bullets. These can be used to embellish Tk GUI's and to embellish web pages. I think it would be helpful to collect some images from those utilities to give a quick overview (on one page) of the nice images that can be put to good use in making nice Tk GUI's, nice web pages, and nice logos. From the page [GUI for Drawing a 'Super-Formula' Shape, with nice shaded border], here are a few images showing that one can make nice images for logo backgrounds or icon backgrounds --- in a variety of shapes: star-like, petal-like, snowflake-like. [uperformula_shaded_defaults_disk12points_magentaONblack_884x533.jpg] [superformula_shaded_starfish6legs_redONblack_885x524.jpg] [superformula_shadedEdge_disk34points_cyanOnblack_882x522.jpg] From the page [GUI for Drawing a Disk with centered lighting and with nice shading], here is an image showing that one can make nice disk-like or sphere-like images for logo backgrounds or icon backgrounds --- or, by reducing the size quite a bit, images for 'bullets' for web pages and Tk GUI's. [disk_lightedANDedgeShaded_yellow-red-black_GUIscreenshot_666x467.jpg] And if you want some disks/spheres on which the lighting-highlight is off-center, from the page [GUI for Drawing 'Gradient Spheres' (lighted disks), with lots of control], there are images like the following. (The edges are not 'feathered' quite as nicely as the images above, but these may still be useful.) [colorGradient_sphereOnCanvas_screenshot_606x430.jpg] [colorGradient_sphereEllipticalOnCanvas_screenshot_606x431.jpg] I plan to crop some of these images and add some text using my 'TitleBlock' utility at the page [A GUI for making 'Title Blocks' ... with text, fonts, colors, images], to make some logo images, from these images, to demonstrate here. ------ '''Buttons''' From the page [GUI for Drawing Rectangular 'Buttons' with nice shaded edges], here is an image showing that one can make nice rectangular images for use in making buttons for Tk GUI's. [rectangleEdgeShaded_ydirColorGradient_screenshot_700x439.jpg] And if you want nice looking buttons with rounded corners, from the page [GUI for Drawing 'Super-ellipses', with nice shaded edges], here are a couple of nice rounded-corners button images --- for exponent N=6 and N=22. [superellipse_n6_colorShaded_magentaOnBlack_602x439.jpg] [superellipse_n22_shadedEdge_magentaOnBlack_602x440.jpg] (I may add a color-gradient capability to the super-ellipse-with-nice-shaded-edges utility someday --- to get even nicer buttons with rounded corners.) These button images could be used in combination with the techniques that I have demonstrated on the page [Version 2 of a demo of THEMES for Tk GUI's, using images and colors] --- to make some 'embellished' Tk GUI's. I may make a Version 3 demo, demonstrating a way of making buttons with rounded corners --- for buttons with varying text lengths on the buttons. ------ '''Holy Logos, Batman.''' And for another approach to making backgrounds for logos and icons, on the page [GUI for Drawing a 3D Donut (a ring) with nice shaded edges], there are images like the following 'black hole' (or other colored hole) images. [donutMakingGUI_edgeShaded_magentaONblack_screenshot_590x415.jpg] [donut_edgeShaded_magentaONblack_logo_effie_gimp_300x290.jpg] [donut_edgeShaded_magentaONblack_logo_effie_inkscape_329x262.jpg] In fact, one of these images was used in my 'TitleBlock' utility, posted at [A GUI for making 'Title Blocks' ... with text, fonts, colors, images], to make the following image --- made from an image placed on the canvas and then adding some text on the canvas, to the right of the image. [titleBlockGUI_effie_FE_FreedomEnvironment_823x446.jpg] And here is an example of using a combination of images and text in the 'TitleBlock' utility to pay homage to our favorite programming language. [titleBlockGUI_TkRules_screenshot_819x445.jpg] ------ '''More Types of Logo/Icon/Button/Bullet Images To Come''' This is just a start at making nice quality objects for embellishing Tk GUI's (and web pages) --- using Tk GUI's to make those objects. I have some other utilities (Tk scripts) in the works that can be used to make logo/icon/button/bullet images in somewhat different ways: * f(x,y) 3D plot utilties * 3D model examining utilities * gradient spline utilities * gradient f(x)/f(y) utilities * enhancement of some of the 'nice edges' utilities above And I have not really explored yet what I/we can do with the image creation utility: [Functional Imaging with a High-Capacity GUI] and the image editing utility: [GUI for Editing Photo-images with Functions] So check back in a few months for more examples of logo/icon/button/bullet images --- and pointers to the pages with the code that made those images. Tk, I want to show all those nay-sayers out there that say 'Tk is dead' that you are not dead at all. You were only taking a little nap.