PBM Plus [http://www.acme.com/software/pbmplus/] is a toolkit for converting various image formats to and from portable formats. It appears to be frozen - it hasn't been updated in years. The Netpbm project [http://sourceforge.net/projects/netpbm/] provides a superset of converters and manipulators over PBM Plus. It is updated at least yearly. Version 10.17 was released during 2003. ---- [TV] I remember using it for computer graphics work, long ago, even before I used it to convert images to the (also early) Tk compatible PPM (or PBM, summed up together as PNM) format. The PPM format I used as a student before that, it existed at least in 1986 or so, and favoured it because it basically is a raw raw data format (though there are also inefficient but editable ascii data formats) RGB pixel file with a small human readable header. To make a valid and veeery portable PPM file, the following C code can be used: ---- /************* Testing PPM image creation and saving ******************/ /* 3 bytes per pixel, binary colour format, which is widely portable. */ #include /* not sure needed for al unixes, */ #include /* but is fine/needed on most */ #include unsigned char *im; /* image data */ int w,h; /* global width and height */ unsigned char * createim(w,h) /* Allocate space for an image */ int w,h; { unsigned char *d; int x,y; d = (unsigned char *) malloc(3*w*h); for (x=0; x