Version 5 of PEG Example

Updated 2014-01-04 11:10:24 by tomas

DKF: The PEG system is sophisticated, but difficult to use because of the lack of concrete examples. So I've written one!

Setting things up

package require Tcl 8.6
package require pt::pgen

Note that this code requires Tcl 8.6 mainly because it uses try; porting to 8.5 is entirely possible, but is more work.

ak Note that tcllib contains a package 'try' which is a backport of Tcl 8.6's try to 8.5.

DKF: And if you do that, you'll also want to use the TclOO package too.

Defining the parser

This grammar is a cut-down version of what expr supports.

set grammar {
PEG Calculator (Expression)
    Expression  <- Term (' '* AddOp ' '* Term)*                 ;
    Term        <- Factor (' '* MulOp ' '* Factor)*             ;
    Fragment    <- '(' ' '* Expression ' '*  ')' / Number / Var ;
    Factor      <- Fragment (' '* PowOp ' '* Fragment)*         ;
    Number      <- Sign? Digit+                                 ;
    Var         <- '$' ( 'x'/'y'/'z' )                          ;

    Digit       <- '0'/'1'/'2'/'3'/'4'/'5'/'6'/'7'/'8'/'9'      ;
    Sign        <- '-' / '+'                                    ;
    MulOp       <- '*' / '/'                                    ;
    AddOp       <- '+' / '-'                                    ;
    PowOp       <- '**'                                         ;

# Instantiate the parser class
catch [pt::pgen peg $grammar snit -class Calculator -name Grammar]

Note that you currently need to use the Snit-based compiler; the TclOO-based one has some minor-but-irritating bugs, especially when you don't save the generated parser to a file as an intermediate step (something that the pgen system effectively recommends).

tomas 2014-01-04 Thanks for the nice example. Alas -- on my distro (Debian GNU/Linux) this dies a painful death, since pt::pgen needs TclOO 0.6.1, but we have 1.0 (yes, we *have* a newer version!).

This is unfortunate, and reminds me of what I call the Java Disease: a too closely-knit net of interdependencies. The next escalation step is Continuous Integration with Jenkins and all that. I'll bring up the dependency problem with my distro, but I guess the problem is more fundamental.

Defining the compiler

A raw AST is really quite hard to work with. Let's define some code to compile it into something executable, a Tcl script that will evaluate the expression.

oo::class create CompileAST {
    variable sourcecode opns
    constructor {semantics} {
        set opns $semantics
    method compile {script} {
        # Instantiate the parser
        set c [Calculator]
        set sourcecode $script
        try {
            return [my {*}[$c parset $script]]
        } finally {
            $c destroy

    method Expression-Empty args {}
    method Expression-Compound {from to args} {
        foreach {o p} [list Expression-Empty {*}$args] {
            set o [my {*}$o]; set p [my {*}$p]
            set v [expr {$o ne "" ? "$o \[$v\] \[$p\]" : $p}]
        return $v
    forward Expression   my Expression-Compound
    forward Term         my Expression-Compound
    forward Factor       my Expression-Compound
    forward Fragment     my Expression-Compound

    method Expression-Operator {from to args} {
        list $opns [string range $sourcecode $from $to]
    forward AddOp        my Expression-Operator
    forward MulOp        my Expression-Operator
    forward PowOp        my Expression-Operator

    method Number {from to args} {
        list $opns value [string range $sourcecode $from $to]

    method Var {from to args} {
        list $opns variable [string range $sourcecode [expr {$from+1}] $to]

Binding to an evaluation strategy

The compiled code is no use without having something to actually provide the semantics; the compiler itself only generates the nested call structure and tidies up the terminals a bit, it doesn't understand what it is generating. So here's an evaluation engine that uses modular arithmetic and which binds variables to global vars.

oo::class create ModEval {
    variable mod
    constructor {modulo} {set mod $modulo}
    method value {literal} {return [expr {$literal}]}
    method variable {name} {return [expr {[set ::$name]}]}
    method + {a b} {return [expr {($a + $b) % $mod}]}
    method - {a b} {return [expr {($a - $b) % $mod}]}
    method * {a b} {return [expr {($a * $b) % $mod}]}
    method / {a b} {return [expr {($a / $b) % $mod}]}
    method ** {a b} {
        # Tcl supports bignums natively, so we use the naive version
        return [expr {($a ** $b) % $mod}]
    export + - * / **

Pulling the pieces together

All we now need to do is to set the particular evaluation strategy (mod-13 math in this case), compile a particular expression, and evaluate it.

set comp [CompileAST new [ModEval create mod13 13]]
set compiled [$comp compile {$x**100 + $x + 1}]
set x 10
puts "[eval $compiled] = $compiled"

Which produces this output:

1 = ::mod13 + [::mod13 + [::mod13 ** [::mod13 variable x] [::mod13 value 100]] [::mod13 variable x]] [::mod13 value 1]