'''Public Key Infrastructure for Tcl''' [Tcllib] now has a "PKI" module. This module includes support for RSA certificates, but is extensible to include other types of public key cryptographic systems. Documentation: * http://docs.activestate.com/activetcl/8.5/tcllib/pki/pki.html TclPKCS11 [http://www.rkeene.org/projects/info/wiki/TclPKCS11] supports loading a PKCS#11 compliant module and offloading sensitive cryptographic operations onto it. It requires the "PKI" module in Tcllib. === Create a self-signed certificate under PKI === ====== set key [pki::rsa::generate 512] set csr [pki::pkcs::create_csr $key [list CN www.google.com] 1] set csr [pki::pkcs::parse_csr $csr] lappend key subject "CN=www.google.com" set crt [::pki::x509::create_cert $csr $key 1 [clock seconds] [clock seconds] 1 [list] 1] ====== <>Package