POE stands for the [Perl] Object Environment (or maybe something else...). It adds a lot of Tcl eventloop stuff to Perl (without anyone seemingly noticing how Tcl-like the stuff really is. The idea: Use lots of discrete tasks (event handlers) instead of threading. Hmmm... The site is down right now, but it is usually up at http://poe.perl.org/ . It seems to have a lot of mindshare in the Perl world. -- [Todd Coram] For a different solution to a related problem (hey, it's perl), see Stem http://search.cpan.org/author/URI/stem-0.10/ Less mature, not as much mindshare, and geared slightly more towards network-transparent message-passing (vs POE's non-distributed event loop). According to the author, it's architecturally more straightforward and easier to extend. [JJS] ---- [Category Package]