[ABU] 26-jan-2005 Paved-widgets 1.0 is a collection of standard widgets enhanced with background-tessellation capability (tiling). Paved widgets are: * Paved::toplevel * Paved::frame * Paved::button * Paved::label * Paved::canvas These widgets have been inspired by the BLT package. Paved-widgets are pure-tcl widgets requiring the (pure-tcl) [snit] package. Here is a sample: . [http://web.tiscali.it/irrational/tcl/paved1.0/demo/demoAll.jpg] Start page: [http://web.tiscali.it/irrational/tcl/paved1.0/index.html] Download [http://web.tiscali.it/irrational/tcl/archive/paved1.0.zip] ---- Paved Widgets contain a new widget '''Paved::canvas''' replacing the (now obsolete) xCanvas widgets : * [scanvas] * [tcanvas] * [tscanvas] ---- [LV] Are these widgets compatible with the [Tile] package? ---- [Category Widget]