'''Welcome to the Tcl community''' This page contains links to various people-related pages. It also tells you how you can become a contributor or user of this Wiki Scratch this one :( -- [AM] ---- Just wanted to see if anyone would help describe the tcl community. That way when someone wants to take a particular role, it is cleanly defined how to perform in that role. Also seeing some recent gripes of the tcl web site shows that strengthing the community is important. Example roles: core developer: vanilla tcl user: bug submitters: bug fixer: (it would be nice to have a write up on how to work with sourceforge) feature creeper: advocate: see [Tcl Advocacy] for inspiration extension writers: tcl packagers: wiki editor: Visit http://wiki.tcl.tk/, read pages, find a page which has missing or incomplete information, click on the edit link, edit the text that appears in the box, click the save button. champion: Advocate in shining armor conference organizers: gawker of usenet comp.lang.tcl: sit and read [comp.lang.tcl] and never post an informative reply or post a question unanswered after reading man pages and googling for information. I'll have to admit I wish i could give more back to tcl but sometimes the learning curve for a particular role is steep. ---- [lexfiend] - A heresy, anti-role, or dirty little secret, depending on your point of view: gadfly: Upset the ''status quo'' by asking upsetting or novel question, or attempt to stimulate innovation by being an irritant (courtesy of [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gadfly_(social)]). All too easy to go overboard and become a '''troll'''. Also see [Categories of Tcl Users]. ---- [Category Community]