Contract Software Developer. I have an acerbic witt and an acid tongue. I am quite vitriolic about the current state of software development. Especially when it comes to the abortions that OO techniques create. I am interested in Intellectual discussions on software development and Information technology. See Some Pseudo Open Source developments. * -EDA Package. - [AK]: Structured canvas, see [zinc]. * - Games et al. * - [Qogo - A New Logo] A Logo interpeter and IDE, with variables and removal of [[]] notation. * - An assembly source code emulator. Directly executes source code without translation or compilation. If you are interested in Critiqueing some Tcl code see: I May be able to be contacted on mailto:tcldev at qs dot co do nz Created Pages * [How to get Menu Accelerators to work under Windows] * [How do you unpost a menu] ---- [[ [Category Home Page] | [Category Company] | [PWQ] ]]