Yesterday, while sending remote beep commands to my NSLU2[] to startle my cat, I realised that the beep command accepts -f frequency and -l length parameters. Then I came accross this page[] on the NSLU2 Linux site and saw that someone wrote a simple bash script to play beeps from a file. I thought, hey, what about playing those Nokia ringtones (you know, the simple ASCII based ringtones we used to use when handphones can only do monophonic). So here's a script that plays ringtones in Nokia's RTTL (Ring Tone Transfer Language) format written with the aid of Tcl and a couple of google searches. BTW, this only works on Linux (unless you have a compatible "beep" executable installed) and you need to run it as a superuser. On Debian based distros you can simply apt-get install beep. #! /usr/bin/env tclsh # nokia2beeps.tcl - Play an RTTL ringtone file as beeps # Usage: ./nokia2beeps.tcl ringtone_file set default_octave 4 set default_duration 4 set default_beat 100 set base_time 200000 array set scale { C0 16.35 C#0 17.32 Db0 17.32 D0 18.35 D#0 19.45 Eb0 19.45 E0 20.60 F0 21.83 F#0 23.12 Gb0 23.12 G0 24.50 G#0 25.96 Ab0 25.96 A0 27.50 A#0 29.14 Bb0 29.14 B0 30.87 C1 32.70 C#1 34.65 Db1 34.65 D1 36.71 D#1 38.89 Eb1 38.89 E1 41.20 F1 43.65 F#1 46.25 Gb1 46.25 G1 49.00 G#1 51.91 Ab1 51.91 A1 55.00 A#1 58.27 Bb1 58.27 B1 61.74 C2 65.41 C#2 69.30 Db2 69.30 D2 73.42 D#2 77.78 Eb2 77.78 E2 82.41 F2 87.31 F#2 92.50 Gb2 92.50 G2 98.00 G#2 103.83 Ab2 103.83 A2 110.00 A#2 116.54 Bb2 116.54 B2 123.47 C3 130.81 C#3 138.59 Db3 138.59 D3 146.83 D#3 155.56 Eb3 155.56 E3 164.81 F3 174.61 F#3 185.00 Gb3 185.00 G3 196.00 G#3 207.65 Ab3 207.65 A3 220.00 A#3 233.08 Bb3 233.08 B3 246.94 C4 261.63 C#4 277.18 Db4 277.18 D4 293.66 D#4 311.13 Eb4 311.13 E4 329.63 F4 349.23 F#4 369.99 Gb4 369.99 G4 392.00 G#4 415.30 Ab4 415.30 A4 440.00 A#4 466.16 Bb4 466.16 B4 493.88 C5 523.25 C#5 554.37 Db5 554.37 D5 587.33 D#5 622.25 Eb5 622.25 E5 659.26 F5 698.46 F#5 739.99 Gb5 739.99 G5 783.99 G#5 830.61 Ab5 830.61 A5 880.00 A#5 932.33 Bb5 932.33 B5 987.77 C6 1046.50 C#6 1108.73 Db6 1108.73 D6 1174.66 D#6 1244.51 Eb6 1244.51 E6 1318.51 F6 1396.91 F#6 1479.98 Gb6 1479.98 G6 1567.98 G#6 1661.22 Ab6 1661.22 A6 1760.00 A#6 1864.66 Bb6 1864.66 B6 1975.53 C7 2093.00 C#7 2217.46 Db7 2217.46 D7 2349.32 D#7 2489.02 Eb7 2489.02 E7 2637.02 F7 2793.83 F#7 2959.96 Gb7 2959.96 G7 3135.96 G#7 3322.44 Ab7 3322.44 A7 3520.00 A#7 3729.31 Bb7 3729.31 B7 3951.07 C8 4186.01 C#8 4434.92 Db8 4434.92 D8 4698.64 D#8 4978.03 Eb8 4978.03 } proc nokia2scale {note} { global default_octave set note [string toupper [regexp -inline {[a-gA-GpP].*} $note]] if {$note != "P" && ![regexp {\d$} $note]} { append note $default_octave } set note [string map {. ""} $note] return $note } proc nokia2length {note} { global default_duration default_beat base_time set duration [regexp -inline {^\d+} $note] if {$duration == ""} { set duration $default_duration } return [expr {$base_time/$default_beat/$duration}] } proc playnote {note} { global scale set note [string trim $note] if {$note == ""} return puts -nonewline "$note " flush stdout set delay [nokia2length $note] set note [nokia2scale $note] if {$note == "P"} { after $delay } else { exec beep -f $scale($note) -l $delay } } proc playRTTL {str} { global default_octave default_beat default_duration foreach x [regexp -inline -all {[dob]=\d+} $str] { regexp {(\w)=(\d+)} $x -> param value switch $param { d {set default_duration $value} o {set default_octave $value} b {set default_beat $value} } } regexp {\:([^\:]+)$} $str -> str puts "beat: $default_beat" foreach x [split $str ,] { playnote $x } puts done. } set f [open [lindex $argv 0]] set data [read $f] close $f playRTTL $data ***Sample RTTL file:*** Here's Jingle Bells in RTTL format: JingleBells:d=4,o=5,b=125:8g,8e6,8d6,8c6,2g,8g,8e6,8d6,8c6,2a,8a,8f6,8e6, 8d6,8b,8g,8b,8d6,8g.6,16g6,8f6,8d6,2e6,8g,8e6,8d6,8c6,2g,16f#,8g,8e6, 8d6,8c6,2a,8a,8f6,8e6,8d6,8g6,16g6,16f#6,16g6,16f#6,16g6,16g#6,8a.6, 16g6,8e6,8d6,c6,g6,8e6,8e6,8e.6,16d#6,8e6,8e6,8e.6,16d#6,8e6,8g6,8c.6, 16d6,2e6,8f6,8f6,8f.6,16f6,8f6,8e6,8e6,16e6,16e6,8e6,8d6,8d6,8e6,2d6 ---- !!!!!! %| Category Linux | Category Music |% !!!!!!