if 0 {[Richard Suchenwirth] 2004-08-01 - Wheel reinvention can be great weekend fun. Today I decided to re-live the early 1980s, when (first at Xerox PARC laboratories [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/History_of_the_GUI]) funny things appeared on computer screens - little images with text below, that you could drag around, or click on, with an equally strange pointing device, later to be known as "mouse" :) We all know how that story went on. But how would one go about to implement the I and P parts of a WIMP (Windows, Icons, Menus, Pointer) system in plain [Tcl]/[Tk]? Here's my iconry experiments. [http://mini.net/files/mycon.jpg] Icons were probably from the beginning done as bitmaps, and later color pixmaps. Tk provides a few built-in [bitmap]s, but they aren't the most beautiful on earth... Anyway, I took old ''questhead'' from them and peppered it up a bit with colors. The ''floppy'' icon was taken from a GIF file that comes with [BWidget], and [base64]-encoded so it can reside in this single source file itself. Other icons are composed from [canvas] items. Icon data is stored in the namespaced array ''mycon::icondata'', in a form that can be passed, {expand}ed or [eval]led, with a ''$canvas create'' prefix: } package require Tk namespace eval mycon { variable icondata set icondata(@floppy) [image create photo -data { R0lGODlhEAAQALMAAAAAAISEAMbGxv////////////////////////////// /////////////////////yH5BAEAAAIALAAAAAAQABAAAAQ3UMhJqwQ4a30D sJfwiR4oYt1oASWpVuwYm7NLt6y3YQHe/8CfrLfL+HQcGwmZSXWYKOWpmDSB IgA7}] set icondata(floppy) { {image 5 7 -image $::mycon::icondata(@floppy)} } set icondata(folder) { {poly 2 0 14 0 12 12 0 12 -fill yellow -outline black} {poly -2 0 10 0 12 12 0 12 -fill beige -outline black} } set icondata(questhead) { {bitmap 5 5 -bitmap questhead -foreground blue -activebackground yellow} } set icondata(text) { {rect 0 0 11 15 -fill white} {line 2 3 9 3} {line 2 6 9 6} {line 2 9 9 9} {line 2 12 9 12} } set icondata(copier) { {rect -3 0 15 11 -fill grey} {line -3 3 15 3} } } if 0 {An icon is instantiated by the following proc. As it consists of at least two canvas items (the text, and the graphics), we have to make up a unique tag that all of its items receive, so all of this group can be moved or deleted together - mv:$x, where x is the canvas ID (integer) of the text. The icon type and text are also tagged, for use at drop time.} proc mycon::icon {w x y type text} { variable icondata set id [$w create text $x $y -text $text] set tag [list mv mv:$id ty:$type tx:$text] $w itemconfig $id -tags $tag foreach item $icondata($type) { set id [eval [list $w create] [join $item] [list -tags $tag]] $w move $id [expr {$x-5}] [expr {$y-22}] } $w bind mv <1> {mycon::click %W %x %y} $w bind mv {mycon::drag %W %x %y} $w bind mv {mycon::drop %W} } if 0 {Moving canvas items, or groups of those, requires the specification of increments in x and y direction. We register the cursor position when a movable object is clicked on, in namespaced variables:} proc mycon::click {w x y} { variable X [$w canvasx $x] Y [$w canvasy $y] variable X0 $X Y0 $Y ;#-- good for "undragging" } if 0 {Mouse movement with left button down calls this proc, where we extract the mv:* group tag from the current item, raise and move the group, and finally update X and Y:} proc mycon::drag {w x y} { variable X; variable Y set this [lsearch -inline [$w gettags current] mv:*] $w raise $this $w move $this [expr {$x-$X}] [expr {$y-$Y}] set X $x; set Y $y } #-- This undoes a drag operation: proc mycon::undrag {w tag} { variable X; variable X0; variable Y; variable Y0 $w move $tag [expr $X0-$X] [expr $Y0-$Y] } if 0 {Dropping an icon, i.e. letting go the mouse button, may lead to special action, if it happens over another icon, the "target". If the user has specified one, a callback of the form mycon::callback(type1,type2) is called. Otherwise, the dragged icon moves back to where it came from. } proc mycon::drop {w} { set this [lsearch -inline [$w gettags current] mv:*] set ids [eval [list $w find overlapping] [$w bbox $this]] foreach id $ids { set tags [$w gettags $id] if {[lsearch $tags $this]>=0} continue ;#-- own item set target [lsearch -inline $tags mv:*] set type1 [type $w $this] set type2 [type $w $target] if {[info command callback($type1,$type2)] ne ""} { callback($type1,$type2) $w $this $target } else {undrag $w $this} break ;#-- there can be only one target } } #-- Convenience accessors for icon properties proc mycon::_access {prefix w tag} { set tag2 [lsearch -inline [$w gettags $tag] $prefix*] string map [list $prefix ""] $tag2 } interp alias {} mycon::type {} mycon::_access ty: interp alias {} mycon::text {} mycon::_access tx: if 0 {Now testing how callbacks work. In a real application, these would involve additional action on the underlying data, e.g. really moving a file in the file system. But this is playing only, after all :} proc mycon::callback(text,folder) {w from to} {$w delete $from} proc mycon::callback(text,floppy) {w from to} {undrag $w $from} if 0 {With the "copier", I tried to be creative - when you drop a text on it, it will snap back to the original position, but a copy of it appears in front of the copier.} proc mycon::callback(text,copier) {w from to} { variable X; variable Y set text "Copy of [text $w $from]" icon $w $X [expr $Y+20] [type $w $from] $text undrag $w $from ;#-- snap the original back in place } # Try callback aliasing: interp alias {} mycon::callback(folder,copier) {} mycon::callback(text,copier) if 0 {Now to test the whole thing:} pack [canvas .c -background white] -fill both -expand 1 mycon::icon .c 20 30 text foo.txt mycon::icon .c 70 30 text bargrill.txt mycon::icon .c 120 30 floppy A: mycon::icon .c 120 60 floppy B: mycon::icon .c 170 30 folder myFolder mycon::icon .c 220 30 questhead "Huh?" mycon::icon .c 300 30 copier Copier bind . {exec wish $argv0 &; exit} ;# great RAD helper! bind . {console show}