Created by [CecilWesterhof]. I created a little script to play YouTube videos with mpv. There were several reasons for this: * When playing in my browser it takes a lot more resources as when playing with mpv. * I want to play the videos in a higher speed. But the speed is depending on the type of video. * I prefer the interface of mpv. I was planning to make a graphical version also. Will probably still do this, but it does not have a high priority anymore, because most things I want are now implemented in the command line version. It would be nice to use for example just 2 instead of: 2 |Enter| |Shift|+|Insert| |Enter| But there are a 'few' things I find more important. '''Current functionality:''' * Fetch values for speed for the keys 1-0 out of SQLite database. * Display the speeds. * Enter loop * Ask for URL while also displaying current speed. * If it is #q quit. * If it is 1-0 set new speed. * If it is speeds display speeds. * If it is a valid YouTube URL call mpv with it and the correct speed. * Otherwise give an error message. When I will make the Tk version, this will add at least the following functionalities: * The value of the URL will be fetched from the clipboard. * Starting is done by the keys 1 to 0. Any ideas for extra functionalities are welcome. '''The code:''' ====== #!/usr/bin/env tclsh package require sqlite3 proc displaySpeeds {} { global speeds dict for {key speed} $speeds { puts [format "%s: %4.2f" $key $speed] } } proc getInput {prompt} { if {($prompt ne "") && ([string index $prompt end] ne " ")} { set prompt "$prompt: " } puts -nonewline $prompt flush stdout gets stdin } proc init {} { global currentKey global currentSpeed global speeds set getSpeed " SELECT speed FROM playYouTubeVideo WHERE key = :key " set keys [list 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0] set speeds [dict create] sqlite db ~/.tcl.sqlite db timeout [expr {10 * 1000}] foreach key $keys { set speed [db eval $getSpeed] if {$speed == ""} { error "Cannot retrieve speed for $key" } dict append speeds $key $speed } db close set currentKey 1 set currentSpeed [dict get $speeds $currentKey] displaySpeeds } proc setSpeed {key} { global currentKey global currentSpeed global speeds if {[dict exists $speeds $key]} { set currentKey $key set currentSpeed [dict get $speeds $currentKey] } else { puts "$key is a wrong key." } } init while {True} { set prompt [format "Enter YouTube URL (#q to exit) (%s, %4.2f): " \ $currentKey $currentSpeed] set URL [getInput $prompt] # Remove parameters if necessary if {[string index $URL 43] eq "&"} { set URL [string range $URL 0 42] } if {$URL eq "#q"} { break } elseif {[string length $URL] == 1} { setSpeed $URL } elseif {$URL eq "speeds"} { displaySpeeds } elseif {[regexp {^\?v=(.){11}$} $URL]} { exec mpv --speed $currentSpeed $URL >&/dev/null } else { puts "Not a valid YouTube URL: $URL" } } ====== '''Definition of the table:''' ====== CREATE TABLE playYouTubeVideo ( key TEXT NOT NULL, speed FLOAT NOT NULL, CONSTRAINT key CHECK(length(key) == 1), CONSTRAINT speed CHECK(TYPEOF(speed) = "real"), PRIMARY KEY(key) ); ====== At the moment I use the keys 1-0. All ten keys have to appear in the database. The values for speed also have to be reals: so use 1.0 instead of 1. ---- As always: comments, tips and questions are appreciated. [DDG] Very interesting. As mpv supports like mplayer the --wid option for embedding, you might be use my [SnitMPlayer] as a starting point for a graphical version. Please note, that mplayers slave mode was however replaced with JSON IPC See [CecilWesterhof] That was not exactly what I was thinking, it is more that I thought a graphical interface has some benefits. But it is less important now: the changes I did to the command line version implement most of what I wanted for the graphical version. It would still be better, but not as much as with the original version. [DDG] Anyway, inspired I just added youtube support to my [SnitMPlayer]. It uses youtube-dl commandline application in the background to retrieve the real video url. <>Script | Video