This is a discrete distribution of a random variable. An example may tell us what it can be used for: Suppose this Wiki is visited by 12 people daily (as an average ''- [DKF]: very far on the low side, btw''). What is the probability, that the Wiki will have 20 visitors a day? The answer is calculated using the Poisson distribution: !!!!!! <
>  12²⁰×e⁻¹² <
> p = —————— <
>  20! !!!!!! The answer is: p = 0.0097 which is 0.97%. Another example is: [Simulating a server system]. Here is an implementation that draws integer numbers being Poisson distributed. It is based on an ecology modelling book I am currently reading and this thread on c.l.t [] helped finding a good Tcl implementation. That's a discussion on how to draw random numbers from a given probability distribution (not just the onw shown here). proc RandomPoisson {lambda count} { # # generate random numbers that are poisson distributed # # lambda -> expected value = "mean value" (which happens to also be the variance) # count -> number of numbers to be generated # # (adapted from: "Parameter Estimation in Ecology" by O. Richter & D. Söndgerath) # factorial f (here: the factorial of 0): set f 1 # poisson probability of the value 0: set su [expr {exp(-$lambda)}] set p(0) $su # probabilities of the integers up to the math limits of Tcl: # (computed as the discrete density function) set i 0 while {1} { incr i set f [expr {$f*$i}] set su [expr {$su + exp(-$lambda) * pow($lambda,$i)/double($f)}] if {$su > 1} { # we cannot calculate more precisely here, # so we assume 1 is ok for the final density: set p($i) 1 break } set p($i) $su } # calculate random values according to the # given discrete probability density function: # (this does work for all dicrete distributions, # not only for poisson) for {set c 0} {$c < $count} {incr c} { # random number in the interval [0,1]: set x [expr {rand()}] # transform this number to the correct target interval: for {set j 0} {$j <= $i} {incr j} { if {$p($j) > $x} { lappend result $j break } } } return $result } We run into a problem here when using Tcl's normal [expr]. The numbers in the formula quickly put [expr] to its limits and therefor I have added the case where the probability is just set to 1, when this point arrives. You could use [mpexpr] instead if you need a better approximation of the very improbable part of the Poisson distribution. Here is a test: # produce 10,000 random integer numbers according to the Poisson distribution: set data [RandomPoisson 3.5 10000] # count their frequencies: foreach el $data { if {[info exists count($el)]} { incr count($el) 1 } else { set count($el) 1 } } # and display their frequencies: foreach el [lsort -integer [array names count]] { puts "$el => $count($el)" } ---- [EKB] This implements pdf-poisson (actually the Poisson has a probability mass function, pmf, but this matches the function names in tcllib), cdf-poisson, and random-poisson, which generates poisson-distributed random numbers. This version works efficiently for both small and large values of mu. The implementation of cdf-poisson does not seem particularly efficient, but it runs reasonably quickly even for large values. package require math namespace eval poisson {} proc poisson::random-poisson {mu number} { if {$mu < 20} { return [randp_invert $mu $number] } else { return [randp_PTRS $mu $number] } } # Generate a poisson-distributed random deviate # Use algorithm in section 4.9 of Dagpunar, J.S, # "Simulation and Monte Carlo: With Applications # in Finance and MCMC", pub. 2007 by Wiley # This inverts the cdf using a "chop-down" search # to avoid storing an extra intermediate value. # It is only good for small mu. proc poisson::randp_invert {mu number} { set W0 [expr {exp(-$mu)}] set retval {} for {set i 0} {$i < $number} {incr i} { set W $W0 set R [expr {rand()}] set X 0 while {$R > $W} { set R [expr {$R - $W}] incr X set W [expr {$W * $mu/double($X)}] } lappend retval $X } return $retval } # Generate a poisson-distributed random deviate # Use the transformed rejection method with # squeeze of Hoermann: Wolfgang # Hoermann, "The Transformed Rejection Method # for Generating Poisson Random Variables," # Preprint #2, Dept of Applied Statistics and # Data Processing, Wirtshcaftsuniversitaet Wien, # # This method works for mu >= 10. # First, a helper proc proc poisson::logfac {k} { incr k return [::math::ln_Gamma $k] } proc poisson::randp_PTRS {mu number} { set smu [expr {sqrt($mu)}] set b [expr {0.931 + 2.53 * $smu}] set a [expr {-0.059 + 0.02483 * $b}] set vr [expr {0.9277 - 3.6224/($b - 2.0)}] set invalpha [expr {1.1239 + 1.1328/($b - 3.4)}] set lnmu [expr {log($mu)}] set retval {} for {set i 0} {$i < $number} {incr i} { while 1 { set U [expr {rand() - 0.5}] set V [expr {rand()}] set us [expr {0.5 - abs($U)}] set k [expr {int(floor((2.0 * $a/$us + $b) * $U + $mu + 0.43))}] if {$us >= 0.07 && $V <= $vr} { break } if {$k < 0} { continue } if {$us < 0.013 && $V > $us} { continue } if {log($V * $invalpha / ($a/($us * $us) + $b)) <= -$mu + $k * $lnmu - [logfac $k]} { break } } lappend retval $k } return $retval } proc poisson::pdf-poisson {mu k} { set intk [expr {int($k)}] expr {exp(-$mu + floor($k) * log($mu) - [logfac $intk])} } proc poisson::cdf-poisson {mu x} { # To avoid dividing large values, build up: set W [expr {exp(-$mu)}] set retval $W for {set z 1} {$z <= int($x)} {incr z} { set W [expr {$W * $mu/double($z)}] set retval [expr {$retval + $W}] } return $retval } ########################################################################################## ## ## TESTING ## ## Can test pdf & cdf by running in a console. For random numbers, generate histograms: ## ########################################################################################## package require math::statistics canvas .c pack .c -side top frame .f pack .f -side bottom label .f.mul -text "mu" entry .f.mue -textvariable mu pack .f.mul -side left pack .f.mue -side left button -text "Run" -command runtest pack -side left proc runtest {} { set numbins [expr {3 * $::mu}] set vals [poisson::random-poisson $::mu 5000] set remainder 5000 for {set x 0.0} {$x < $numbins} {set x [expr {$x + 1}]} { lappend bins $x set distval [poisson::pdf-poisson $::mu $x] set distval [expr {int(5000 * $distval)}] lappend distcounts $distval } # Assume none are left lappend distcounts 0.0 set bincounts [::math::statistics::histogram $bins $vals] .c delete hist .c delete dist math::statistics::plot-scale .c 0 $numbins 0 [math::statistics::max $bincounts] math::statistics::plot-histogram .c $bincounts $bins hist math::statistics::plot-histogram .c $distcounts $bins dist .c itemconfigure dist -fill {} -outline green } set mu 25 runtest ---- See also: [Statistical Distributions] ---- !!!!!! %| [Category Mathematics] | [Category Statistics] |% !!!!!!