Version 6 of Portable keystate

Updated 2003-09-27 20:46:15

ulis, 2002-10-05.

It is not so easy to deal with keystate (shift, control,...) in a portable manner.

Here is a portable method:

Each key press or key release of the control and shift keys is trapped, and its state saved in a global.

  set ::Control 0
  set ::Shift 0
  event add <<ControlOn>>   <KeyPress-Control_L>    <KeyPress-Control_R>
  event add <<ControlOff>>  <KeyRelease-Control_L>  <KeyRelease-Control_R>
  event add <<ShiftOn>>     <KeyPress-Shift_L>      <KeyPress-Shift_R>
  event add <<ShiftOff>>    <KeyRelease-Shift_L>    <KeyRelease-Shift_R>
  bind . <<ControlOn>>  \
    set ::Control 1
    .s.c config -text "control on" -fg red
  bind . <<ControlOff>> \
    set ::Control 0
    .s.c config -text "control off" -fg black
  bind . <<ShiftOn>>    \
    set ::Shift 1
    .s.s config -text "shift on" -fg red
  bind . <<ShiftOff>>   \
    set ::Shift 0
    .s.s config -text "shift off" -fg black
  bind . <KeyPress> \
    set key %K
    if {$::Shift}   { set key Shift-$key } 
    if {$::Control} { set key Ctrl-$key } 
    .k.k config -text $key
  frame .s
  label .s.c -width 15 -text "control off" -bd 2 -relief ridge
  label .s.s -width 15 -text "shift off"   -bd 2 -relief ridge
  frame .k
  label .k.l -width 15 -text "last key"
  label .k.k -width 15 -bd 1 -relief sunken -bg white
  pack .s.c .s.s .k.l .k.k -padx 20 -pady 5
  pack .s .k -pady 10
  focus -force .
  raise .

Donald Arseneau The preceding doesn't handle multiple modifier keys held down at the same time. Nor does it work when a key is being held while the focus enters the application. Here is the increased bookkeeping and binding needed to make sense of those situations. But it still does not always work. Better would be for Tk to provide portable mnemonics for keystate, in addition to the numeric %s.

 #  Internal record of modifier-key states
 namespace eval KeyState {
    variable Control   0
    variable Control_L 0
    variable Control_R 0
    variable Alt     0
    variable Alt_L   0
    variable Alt_R   0
    variable Shift   0
    variable Shift_L 0
    variable Shift_R 0

    proc modPress {modifier RL} {
        puts "$modifier pressed"
        set KeyState::${modifier}_${RL} 1
        set KeyState::${modifier} 1

    proc modRelease {modifier RL} {
        puts "$modifier released"
        set KeyState::${modifier}_${RL} 0
        set k [expr \
            { [set KeyState::${modifier}_R] || [set KeyState::${modifier}_L] } ]
        if { $k != [set KeyState::${modifier}] } {
            set KeyState::${modifier} $k


 foreach {modifier RL} [list Control R Control L Shift R Shift L Alt R Alt L] {
    bind all <KeyPress-${modifier}_${RL}> [list + KeyState::modPress $modifier $RL]
    bind all <KeyRelease-${modifier}_${RL}> [list + KeyState::modRelease $modifier $RL]

 # That is sufficient to keep track of the modifier keys while the application 
 # has focus, but what if a user presses, and holds, Shift while working in
 # some other application?  Now we bind all combinations of the <Enter> event
 # (that's the mouse cursor entering a window, not the Enter key) to update the
 # status of modifier keys when the user returns attention to our application.
 # We will only set the key-state variables when they actually *change*.
 # This means variable traces won't be firing every time the mouse moves
 # between widgets.
 # We will bind to "all", but you may want to set the bindings for a particular
 # toplevel window or even a specific widget.  Note: these bindings are in
 # addition to previously existing bindings.
 # These combinations could be done in an obscure loop, but let's be explicit.

 namespace eval KeyState {
    proc modEnterOneKey { key state } {
        if { [set KeyState::$key] != $state } {
            set KeyState::$key $state
        if { $state == 0 } {
            set KeyState::${key}_L 0
            set KeyState::${key}_R 0

    proc modEnter { c s a } {
        modEnterOneKey Control $c
        modEnterOneKey Shift   $s
        modEnterOneKey Alt     $a

    namespace export *

 bind all <Control-Shift-Alt-Enter> {+KeyState::modEnter 1 1 1 }
 bind all <Control-Shift-Enter> {+KeyState::modEnter 1 1 0 }
 bind all <Control-Alt-Enter> {+KeyState::modEnter 1 0 1 }
 bind all <Shift-Alt-Enter> {+KeyState::modEnter 0 1 1 }
 bind all <Control-Enter> {+KeyState::modEnter 1 0 0 }
 bind all <Shift-Enter> {+KeyState::modEnter 0 1 0 }
 bind all <Alt-Enter> {+KeyState::modEnter 0 0 1 }
 bind all <Enter> {+KeyState::modEnter 0 0 0 }

 #  Demonstration:
 #  Control-Shift-Alt modifiers displayed by direct association (-variable and
 #  -textvariable) and by variable traces

 trace variable KeyState::Control w {showState .cl}
 trace variable KeyState::Shift   w {showState .sl}
 trace variable KeyState::Alt     w {showState .al}

 proc showState { win var nil op } {
    puts "Keystate for $var is now [set $var]"
    if { [set $var] } {
        $win configure -text "Pressed"
    } else {
        $win configure -text "Released"

 checkbutton .cc -justify left -variable KeyState::Control -text "Control"
 label .cl -width 12 -justify left -text "Released" -bd 2 -relief sunken
 label .cv -width 3 -textvariable KeyState::Control -bd 2 -relief sunken

 checkbutton .sc -justify left -variable KeyState::Shift -text "Shift"
 label .sl -width 12 -justify left -text "Released" -bd 2 -relief sunken
 label .sv -width 3 -textvariable KeyState::Shift -bd 2 -relief sunken

 checkbutton .ac -justify left -variable KeyState::Alt -text "Alt"
 label .al -width 12 -justify left -text "Released" -bd 2 -relief sunken
 label .av -width 3 -textvariable KeyState::Alt -bd 2 -relief sunken

 grid .cc -in .  -row 1 -column 1 -sticky w
 grid .cl -in .  -row 1 -column 2
 grid .cv -in .  -row 1 -column 3
 grid .sc -in .  -row 2 -column 1 -sticky w
 grid .sl -in .  -row 2 -column 2
 grid .sv -in .  -row 2 -column 3
 grid .ac -in .  -row 3 -column 1 -sticky w
 grid .al -in .  -row 3 -column 2
 grid .av -in .  -row 3 -column 3