Call it blatant commercialism, but DYMO label writers are a cool product. In my experience, printing sucks. Not with the little DYMO printers, it just works and is completely trivial to do with Tcl and [tcom] or [dde], choose your own poison. - 24Aug2003 [PS] ---- You can make your own label template or use a preinstalled one. You don't need the SDK (included on the driver CD) installed to use the API. The SDK mostly provides a Word document with the API reference. You are just six lines of code away from a label! ---- '''The Short-short version''' package require tcom set dymo [::tcom::ref createobj DYMO.DYMOAddIn] set label [::tcom::ref createobj DYMO.DYMOLabels] $dymo Open Address.lwt $label SetField Address "Name\nAddress\nTown" $dymo Print 1 0 ---- '''Using [tcom]''' package require tcom # The DYMO has two objects for the highlevel API # AddIn has the calls like Open, SaveAs, Close, Print set dymo [::tcom::ref createobj DYMO.DYMOAddIn] # And Labels has methods to examine a label template, SetFields, etc. set label [::tcom::ref createobj DYMO.DYMOLabels] # I store my custom label templates in the same directory as my script. # You do not need to supply the full path to user templates installed in the # DYMO standard location, for example [$dymo Open Address.lwt] will correctly # the standard Address template. set base [file dirname [info script]] if { ![$dymo Open [string map {/ \\} [file normalize $base/mylabel.lwt]]] } { error "Could not open label template" } #Now set some fields on the label. You can right click in the template designer #to set the field names (they default to TEXT, TEXT1, BARCODE2, etc.) $label SetField barcode 0142575 $label SetField product "WizzBang by Acme" $label SetField expiry "August 2004" #And print 1 copy, keeping the 'printing...' dialog hidden. $dymo Print 1 0 ---- '''Using [dde]''' dde is available to any win32 tclsh, so here is a sample of that too. If at all possible, use [tcom]. It is faster and frienlier to the user (who doesn't see the program with the tcom version). For dde to work, the C:\Program Files\Dymo Label\Dymolbl.exe must be started. You can find it's location in the registry. Use [exec], [registry] and friends. package require dde proc dymo { cmd } { return [dde execute DYMO SYSTEM $cmd] } proc dymo? { what } { return [dde request DYMO SYSTEM $what] } #Read the manual: there is a registry key that has the correct location exec "C:\\Program Files\\Dymo Label\\Dymolbl.exe" #Status needs to be 'Ready' if { [dymo? Status] ne "Ready" } { error "Labelwriter not ready" } dymo "Open(C:\labels\mylabel.lwt)" #which fields are available on the label puts [dymo? Fields] dymo "SetObjectText(Address, Pascal Scheffers|Somestreet 1|1234 AZ My Town)" dymo "print" And that's it. Labels roll out of the printer.