'''2004-8-28''' [SRIV] I use this code to print to a lpr printer from my tcl based text editor. ---- proc lprprint { filename {hostname "localhost"} {queuename "lp"}} { set filehndl [open $filename r] fconfigure $filehndl -translation binary set printdata "[read $filehndl]" close $filehndl set n [string range [clock seconds] end-2 end] set size [string length $printdata] set c "HSYSM\n" append c "PSAF0006\n" append c "fdfA${n}SYSM\n" append c "UdfA${n}SYSM\n" append c "NDEFSYSM.SAF0006.SAF00066.JOB07513.D0000103.?\n" set clen [format %04d [string length $c]] set ca "\x02${queuename}\n" set cb "\x02${clen} cfA${n}SYSM\n" set da "\x03${size} dfA${n}SYSM\n" set safety [after 10000 {return}] set sockhandl [socket $hostname 515] fconfigure $sockhandl -translation binary puts -nonewline $sockhandl $ca flush $sockhandl set x [read $sockhandl 1] puts -nonewline $sockhandl $cb flush $sockhandl set x [read $sockhandl 1] puts -nonewline $sockhandl "$c\x00" flush $sockhandl set x [read $sockhandl 1] puts -nonewline $sockhandl "$da" flush $sockhandl set x [read $sockhandl 1] puts -nonewline $sockhandl "$printdata\x00" flush $sockhandl close $sockhandl after cancel $safety } ---- [Category String Processing] [Category Printing]