Version 5 of Printing under Windows

Updated 2004-05-20 03:58:39

* Printing text files under Windows

GWL A small routine to print a given file under Windows (note it blows up if the extension is not registered or if there is no print command for the extension -- feel free to add error checking):

 proc WindowsPrintFile {fileName} {
     package require csv

     ## Get the print command for this type
     set ext [file extension $fileName]
     set app [registry get [format {HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\%s} $ext] {}]
     set app [format {HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\%s\shell\print\command} $app]
     set cmdList {}
     foreach cmdElement [::csv::split [registry get $app {}] { }] {
          lappend cmdList [string map {%1 %1$s} $cmdElement]

     ## Print the file -- catch is needed because return codes are not Unix ones!!!
     set cmd [format $cmdList $fileName]
     catch {eval exec $cmd} msg

     ## All done, so return 
