[Mho]: '''I wonder if there are any differences between tclkitsh 8.4.19 and 8.5.7 regarding encodings.''' In several of my win32 starpacks I include the codepages cp437 (and/or cp850) and initialize like that (because otherwise encoding problems with the console occur): : # http://mini.net/tcl/52 ff. # http://wiki.tcl.tk/3661 if {[info commands librarypath] == "librarypath"} { librarypath $libRoot } foreach {channel} {stdin stdout stderr} { fconfigure $channel -encoding cp850; # or 437? } : If I now 'compile' the unchanged program with a 8.5.7 runtime, the program just seems to stop at the ''fconfigure stdout''-step, displaying ugly output like ???????????????? ?????????? ??????????? or so. I had to comment out every fconfigure in the program. Just CATCHing doesn't help. ----