#!/usr/bin/tclsh # cprt: C2009 Uwe Klein Habertwedt # what: present the numbers from linux /proc/pid/stat # $statinfo content is ripped directly from "man 5 proc" set statinfo { pid %d The process id. comm %s The filename of the executable, in parentheses. This is visible whether or not the executable is swapped out. state %c One character from the string "RSDZTW" where R is run‐ ning, S is sleeping in an interruptible wait, D is wait‐ ing in uninterruptible disk sleep, Z is zombie, T is traced or stopped (on a signal), and W is paging. ppid %d The PID of the parent. pgrp %d The process group ID of the process. session %d The session ID of the process. tty_nr %d The tty the process uses. tpgid %d The process group ID of the process which currently owns the tty that the process is connected to. flags %lu The kernel flags word of the process. For bit meanings, see the PF_* defines in . Details depend on the kernel version. minflt %lu The number of minor faults the process has made which have not required loading a memory page from disk. nflt %lu The number of minor faults that the process's waited-for children have made. majflt %lu The number of major faults the process has made which have required loading a memory page from disk. cmajflt %lu The number of major faults that the process's waited-for children have made. utime %lu The number of jiffies that this process has been sched‐ uled in user mode. stime %lu The number of jiffies that this process has been sched‐ uled in kernel mode. cutime %ld The number of jiffies that this process's waited-for children have been scheduled in user mode. (See also times(2).) cstime %ld The number of jiffies that this process's waited-for children have been scheduled in kernel mode. priority %ld The standard nice value, plus fifteen. The value is never negative in the kernel. nice %ld The nice value ranges from 19 (nicest) to -19 (not nice to others). dummy1 %ld This value is hard coded to 0 as a placeholder for a removed field. itrealvalue %ld The time in jiffies before the next SIGALRM is sent to the process due to an interval timer. starttime %lu children have been scheduled in user mode. (See also times(2).) cstime %ld The number of jiffies that this process's waited-for children have been scheduled in kernel mode. priority %ld The standard nice value, plus fifteen. The value is never negative in the kernel. nice %ld The nice value ranges from 19 (nicest) to -19 (not nice to others). dummy2 %ld This value is hard coded to 0 as a placeholder for a removed field. itrealvalue %ld The time in jiffies before the next SIGALRM is sent to the process due to an interval timer. starttime %lu The time in jiffies the process started after system boot. boot. vsize %lu Virtual memory size in bytes. rss %ld Resident Set Size: number of pages the process has in real memory, minus 3 for administrative purposes. This is just the pages which count towards text, data, or stack space. This does not include pages which have not been demand-loaded in, or which are swapped out. rlim %lu Current limit in bytes on the rss of the process (usually 4294967295 on i386). startcode %lu The address above which program text can run. endcode %lu The address below which program text can run. startstack %lu The address of the start of the stack. kstkesp %lu The current value of esp (stack pointer), as found in the kernel stack page for the process. kstkeip %lu The current EIP (instruction pointer). signal %lu The bitmap of pending signals (usually 0). blocked %lu The bitmap of blocked signals (usually 0, 2 for shells). sigignore %lu The bitmap of ignored signals. sigcatch %lu The bitmap of catched signals. wchan %lu This is the "channel" in which the process is waiting. It is the address of a system call, and can be looked up in a namelist if you need a textual name. (If you have an up-to-date /etc/psdatabase, then try ps -l to see the WCHAN field in action.) nswap %lu Number of pages swapped - not maintained. cnswap %lu Cumulative nswap for child processes. exit_signal %d Signal to be sent to parent when we die. processor %d CPU number last executed on. } set lines [ split $statinfo \n ] set desc "" set flag "" foreach line $lines { switch -regexp -- $line \ " ^\[^ \]" { # a bit fragile if the leading spaces from # this script are removed fix the re for this # case too! if {[string length $desc]} { lappend ::INFO $flag $desc set desc "" set flag "" } foreach tok $line { lappend ::INFO $tok } } "^ .*\$" { if {[string first jiffies $line ]>=0} { set flag jiffies } append desc $line append desc \n } default { } } if {[string length $desc]} { lappend ::INFO $flag $desc } proc < {filename} { set fd [ open $filename r ] set cont [ read $fd ] close $fd return $cont } puts $::INFO if {$argc > 1} { set pid [ lindex $argv 0 ] } else { set pid self } set cont [< /proc/$pid/stat] puts stderr $cont foreach val $cont {field format flag desc} $::INFO { puts stderr "field:$field val:$val format:$format" if { "$format" == "hard" } { set format %d } scan $val $format temp if { "$flag" == "jiffies"} { set temp [ expr {$val * 0.01}] } set ::STAT($field) $temp } parray ::STAT ---- !!!!!! %| [Category Linux] |% !!!!!!