[Lars H], 8 Nov 2004: This page was created as an adjunct to [Proper integers for Tcl 8.5 or 9.0] to house some code that aimed to implement the ideas there. A more recent and readable (but still incomplete) version of that can be found in [http://abel.math.umu.se/~lars/misc/bigint.pdf]. Things completed: * Implementation of a '''bigint''' [Tcl_Obj] type. * Procedures for + and - using SLM-hexadecimal representation. Things half-done: * Implementation of a bigint subtype ''SLM-hexadecimal'' with internal representation. * Building using [CriTcl] Things hardly even started: * Other operations ---- '''Talk''' I wonder - I recently ran into a reference to http://freshmeat.net/projects/hfloat/ which proports to provide support exteme precision floating point as well. I don't recall hearing anyone ask for huge floating point though; only integers. - [RS]: Arbitrary-size integers are still well-bounded; huge floating-point numbers will need a bound in precision, otherwise any irratiional number like atan(-1) (=Pi) will never stop to produce digits... ---- [Category Mathematics]