if 0 { This utility will enable you to trivially throw up a [dialog] box which will allow a quick-and-dirty way to edit [global] variables in your program. It will be most useful for testing or one-off personal programs, rather than production programs, as the generated box is not very elegant. ------ **The code** } ====== proc dlgdone { result } { wm withdraw $::curdlg set ::dismiss $result } proc updvars { args } { clear name type var init foreach field $::curflds { foreach { name type var init } $field break set ::$var [ $::curdlg.$var get ] } dlgdone 1 } proc dialog { dlgname wait title fields } { set ::curdlg $dlgname set ::curflds $fields if { [ info commands $dlgname ] eq "" } { toplevel $dlgname wm protocol . WM_DELETE_WINDOW done wm title $dlgname $title set label 0 set row 0 foreach field $fields { clear name type var init foreach { name type var init } $field break switch -exact $type { file { gridit [ label $dlgname.[incr label] -text $name] [incr row] 0 gridit [ entry $dlgname.$var ] $row 1 grid [ button $dlgname.choose[incr label] -text ... \ -command [ list getfn $dlgname.$var $name ] ] -row $row -column 2 \ -columnspan 2 -sticky ew } text { gridit [ label $dlgname.[incr label] -text $name] [incr row] 0 gridit [ entry $dlgname.$var ] $row 1 } number { gridit [ label $dlgname.[incr label] -text $name ] [incr row] 0 gridit [ entry $dlgname.$var ] $row 1 gridit [ button $dlgname.up$var -text "<" \ -command [ list dec $dlgname.$var ] ] $row 2 gridit [ button $dlgname.dn$var -text ">" \ -command [ list inc $dlgname.$var ] ] $row 3 } } $dlgname.$var insert 0 $init } grid [ button $dlgname.okay -text "OK" -width 6 \ -command updvars ] -row [incr row] -column 1 -sticky w grid [ button $dlgname.cancel -text "Cancel" -width 6 \ -command { dlgdone 0 } ] -row $row -column 1 -sticky e } wm manage $dlgname if $wait { vwait ::dismiss } return $::dismiss } ====== if 0 { ------ **The test code** if [dialog .calcbody 1 "Calculator Body" { { "Left Side" file leftfn } { "Right Side" file rightfn } { "Foot" file footfn } { "Width" number cw 300 } { "Height" number ch 500} { "BG Color" text calcbg #464646} } ] { putimage [ loadimage leftside $::leftfn ] left putimage [ loadimage footside $::footfn ] foot putimage [ loadimage rightside $::rightfn ] right $::calc configure -bg $::calcbg } } ------ It only supports the three data types at the moment. The "wait" flag indicates modality, the program halts and waits for the dialog to be completed and dismissed. A 0 will return right away, leaving the user an opportunity to edit the vars and then accept or cancel out when they are ready. ---- '''[JAL] - 2014-05-04 22:21:22''' I'm a Tk newbie. What is 'gridit' and what is 'clear' ? <>GUI