[Arjen Markus] (29 december 2006) I just thought it would be nice to try and create a simple debugger for Tcl. It took me a couple of hours and I intend it merely as (yet another) proof of concept: that Tcl provides all the tools you need for writing a debugger without needing any direct support from the core. As it is a quick hack, it is not probably not good enough (at the moment) to be really useful. Some problems: * It fails if the code that being debugged throws an error * It can not restart the program * It only looks at procedures, not code outside procedures * It does a very superficial analysis of the code, so it can be fooled easily But: * You can set a breakpoint * You can step through the code line by line or step over procedures * You can print variables (admittedly, not arrays) * You can let it continue until the end or until a breakpoint ====== # debug.tcl -- # Optimistic debugger # # Note: # The reason for calling it an optimistic debugger, rather than # a minimalist debugger or the like is simple: it is not # minimal, as it contains a more options and frills than absolutely # necessary and it is not at all finished - no attention is paid # to command aliases or namespaces for instance nor to code outside # any procedures. # So it is rather optimistic to view this as a useful tool. Well, # it may the basis of one. On the other hand, there are lots of # good and complete debuggers out there. This is merely an # illustration that building a debugger does not need more than # what Tcl already offers. namespace eval ::dbg { variable dbg } # dbg_proc -- # Replacement for the ordinary proc command # Arguments: # name Name of the new procedure # arglist Argument list # body Body of the procedure # Result: # None # Side effect: # A new procedure $name is created with a debug-ready implementation # proc dbg_proc {name arglist body} { set newbody {} set lineno -1 set complete 0 set cmdline {} set control "" foreach line [split $body \n] { incr lineno set words [split [string trim $line]] set extra "" switch -glob -- [lindex $words 0] { "if" - "for" - "foreach" - "while" { set prefix "__dbg__ [list $name] $lineno;" set extra "\}" set control "any" } "switch" { set prefix "__dbg__ [list $name] $lineno;" set extra "\}" set control "switch" } default { # # Try to skip switch patterns if { $control == "switch" } { if { [llength $words] == 2 && ([lindex $words end] == "-" || [lindex $words end] == "\}" ) } { set prefix "" } } else { if { ! [string match "\}*" $words] && ! [string match "#*" $words] } { set prefix "__dbg__ [list $name] $lineno;" } } } } append cmdline "$prefix$line" if { [info complete $cmdline$extra] } { lappend newbody $cmdline set cmdline {} } } _proc_ $name [list $arglist] [join $newbody \n] } namespace eval ::dbg { variable dbg set dbg(prompt) "> " set dbg(mode) "step" } # __dbg__ -- # Central debugging procedure # Arguments: # name Name of the procedure # lineno Line number in the procedure # Result: # None # Side effect: # Whatever the user does # proc __dbg__ {name lineno} { upvar 0 ::dbg::dbg Dbg if { $Dbg(mode) == "step" || ( $Dbg(mode) == "next" && $Dbg(proc) == "$name" ) || [info exists Dbg($name,$lineno)] } { __dbg__proc $name $lineno while { 1 } { puts -nonewline $Dbg(prompt) flush stdout gets stdin answer set cmd [lindex [split $answer] 0] set argum [lindex [split $answer] 1] switch -- $cmd { "p" - "print" { if { [catch { uplevel 1 [string map [list VAR $argum] {puts "VAR = [set VAR]"}] } msg] } { puts $msg } } "s" - "step" { set Dbg(mode) "step" return } "n" - "next" { # Note: no level information yet! set Dbg(mode) "next" set Dbg(proc) "$name" return } "c" - "cont" { set Dbg(mode) "cont" return } "b" - "break" { set Dbg($name,$argum) 1 } "q" - "quit" { exit } default { puts "Unknown command - $cmd" } } } } } # __dbg__proc -- # Print one or more lines from a procedure's body # Arguments: # name Name of the procedure # lineno Line number in the procedure (optional) # Result: # None # Side effect: # Printed lines # proc __dbg__proc {name {lineno {}}} { set body [info body $name] if { $lineno != {} } { regsub {__dbg__ .*;} [lindex [split $body \n] $lineno] {} line puts " $line" } } rename proc _proc_ rename dbg_proc proc # test -- # Just a simple numerical procedure ... # proc theta2 {q} { if { $q >= 1.0 || $q < 0 } { return -code error "Argument out of range: q must be < 1 and >= 0" } set r 1.0 if { $q == 0.0 } { return $r } set logq [expr {log($q)}] set n 1 while { 1 } { set term [expr {exp(($n*$n+$n)*$logq)}] set r [expr {$r + $term}] if { $term < 1.0e-8 } { break } incr n } return [expr {2.0*sqrt(sqrt($q))*$r}] } proc theta3 {q} { if { abs($q) >= 1.0 } { return -code error "Argument out of range: |q| must be < 1" } set r 1.0 if { $q == 0.0 } { return $r } set logq [expr {log(abs($q))}] set sign [expr {$q > 0? 1.0 : -1.0}] set n 1 while { 1 } { set term [expr {2.0*exp($n*$n*$logq)}] set r [expr {$r + $sign*$term}] if { $term < 1.0e-8 } { break } incr n if { $q < 0 } { set sign [expr {-$sign}] } } return $r } puts [theta2 0.1] ====== [[ [Category Debugging] | [Category Dev. 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