Version 0 of Quoting Heaven!

Updated 2004-10-27 13:31:08

(started by TV)

To counter the notion 'quoting is bad' or 'quoting will make you go to hell' and other such non-sense, I though it would be a good idea, also in the face of determining theoretical considerations and practical requests for quoting related issues from the positive side of things, so why one wants quoting, and of course how far we have to be denied sugar candy heaven lookalikes and how for excuses can go for people to claim their heaven to be to be as obnoxious or obscure about their programming games as they can, in this case in syntactic or grammar sense related to quoting.

Maybe remarks can be freely moved in between heaven or hell pages according to good public gouvernment ruling...

The Main Reasons for quoting are, or have to do with, without much question:

  • substitution
  • evaluation
  • grouping of segments of data or programs

The simplest forms:

 set list {a b c}
 set string "a b c"