See [random] for the newer version. ---- This is a package that provides an alternative pseudo-random number generator based upon the Mersenne Twister PRNG algorithm ([], []). This PRNG has an enormous period (in fact it is 2**19937-1 which is a Mersenne Prime, hence the name). It is also suposedly faster than the standard C library rand() function. Furthermore, while the stock Tcl rand function generates numbers in the range (0,1) - randmt produces numbers in the range [[0,1]]. If required, it can also produce values within (0,1) as well as integer values (any 32bit value) - we would just need some names for these functions. Currently the code is available at cvs co RandMT and the distributable files are at in the downloads section. ---- [EKB] This might be a good candidate for the Tcl core as an additional math function ::tcl::math::randmt, since it is a compiled extension. The existing rand could be renamed ::tcl::math::randlc (for linear congruential generator), and then rand could be defined as one of these, either as a proc or using rename: rename ::tcl::math::randmt ::tcl::math::rand That way, any existing code could use either random number generator (or other future alternatives -- e.g., the list at [random], where I see now that I should actually have posted this note). Does this sound interesting to people? If it does, I could draft a TIP. ---- [[ [Category Mathematics] | [Category Package] ]]