**Introduction** &|Date|12 Oct 2009|& &|Current state|alpha release|& &|Sources|http://www.sourceforge.net/projects/rbctoolkit/%|%rbctoolkit%|%|& RBC is: * [BLT]'s vector, graph, barchart, stripchart, winop, and eps components * [TEA] compliant * 3800+ automated test suite, plus many more manual tests * Works (for me) on win32, linux 32 bit and linux 64 bit, Tcl/Tk 8.4,8.5, and 8.6beta. RBC is not (yet): * documented * experienced * beautiful (see pkgIndex.tcl for an example) * free from Tcl/Tk internals * including Zoom-Stack * tested with starkits **Replace BLT with RBC** Replace ====== package require BLT namespace import blt::* ====== with ====== package require rbc namespace import rbc::* ====== The rest should work. This procedure was tested with [BLT - stripchart - with realtime update]. Of course, you need to append the path to the rbc package for this to work. So something like this should be in your tcl file. ====== lappend auto_path ====== ---- [JHJL] I have hacked the ZoomStack code in graph.tcl and seem to have got interactive zooming to work (for me). In the functions PushZoom & PopZoom I commented out the calls to "busy" and put in an event generate as follows: # busy hold $graph event generate $graph # busy release $graph I am not sure that is the right event to use but I had previously noticed that resizing the window caused a redraw which used the newly set axis max/min limits. [JHJL] Same trick works for ActiveLegends ie put event generate $graph in ActivateLegend, DeactivateLegend and HighlightLegend. Not sure why it works, suspect BLT (RBC) minimises redraws ect to improve performance and that the forces it's hand... ---- %|[Category Package]|[Category GUI]|[Category Graphics]|% %|[Category Plotting]|[Category Acronym]|[Category BLT]|%