This page uses TCL8/Expect 5.2 for windows to develop Refrigerator magnetic Poetry. For example, we are laying out tiles in random colors imprinted with text and symbols applied randomly. Would also like to develop a crude Mahjong program using some of these subroutines. [] '''Strengths''' test picture??? [] ''Subroutine use whereever possible.'': This one [Refrigerator_Magnetic_Poetry] ---- #Refrigerator_Magnetic_Poetry # Start of Deck #Refrigerator_Magnetic_Poetry # Start of Deck package require Tk proc down(reset) {w x y} { reset $w } proc move(reset) {w x y} {} proc radio {w var values {col 0}} { frame $w set type [expr {$col? "-background" : "-text"}] foreach value $values { radiobutton $w.v$value $type $value -variable $var -value $value \ -indicatoron 0 if $col {$w.v$value config -selectcolor $value -borderwidth 3} } eval pack [winfo children $w] -side left set ::$var [lindex $values 0] set w } proc down(Draw) {w x y} { set ::ID [$w create line $x $y $x $y -fill $::Fill] } proc move(Draw) {w x y} { $w coords $::ID [concat [$w coords $::ID] $x $y] } #-- Movement of an item proc down(Move) {w x y} { set ::ID [$w find withtag current] set ::X $x; set ::Y $y } proc move(Move) {w x y} { $w move $::ID [expr {$x-$::X}] [expr {$y-$::Y}] set ::X $x; set ::Y $y } #-- Clone an existing item proc serializeCanvasItem {c item} { set data [concat [$c type $item] [$c coords $item]] foreach opt [$c itemconfigure $item] { # Include any configuration that deviates from the default if {[lindex $opt end] != [lindex $opt end-1]} { lappend data [lindex $opt 0] [lindex $opt end] } } return $data } proc down(Clone) {w x y} { set current [$w find withtag current] if {[string length $current] > 0} { set itemData [serializeCanvasItem $w [$w find withtag current]] set ::ID [eval $w create $itemData] set ::X $x; set ::Y $y } } interp alias {} move(Clone) {} move(Move) #-- Drawing a rectangle proc down(Rect) {w x y} { set tile [expr {int(rand()*1000000000.)}] set poof "rectangle" ; set tagx [list $poof mv "obj_$tile" "colorit_$::Fill" d-$x$y]; set ::ID [$w create rect $x $y $x $y -tags $tagx -fill $::Fill] } proc move(Rect) {w x y} { $w coords $::ID [lreplace [$w coords $::ID] 2 3 $x $y] } #-- Drawing an oval (or circle, if you're careful) proc down(Oval) {w x y} { set tile [expr {int(rand()*1000000000.)}] set poof "oval" ; set tagx [list $poof mv "obj_$tile" "colorit_$::Fill" d-$x$y]; set ::ID [$w create oval $x $y $x $y -tags $tagx -fill $::Fill] } proc move(Oval) {w x y} { $w coords $::ID [lreplace [$w coords $::ID] 2 3 $x $y] } proc down(circle) {w x y} { set tile [expr {int(rand()*1000000000.)}] set poof "oval" ; set tagx [list $poof mv "obj_$tile" "colorit_$::Fill" d-$x$y]; set dx 50 set dy 50 set ::ID [$w create oval [expr {$x+2}] [expr {$y+2}] [expr {$x+$dx-3}] [expr {$y+$dy-3}] -tags $tagx -fill $::Fill] } proc move(circle) {w x y} { #$w coords $::ID [lreplace [$w coords $::ID] 2 3 $x $y] } proc down(Poly) {w x y} { if [info exists ::Poly] { set tile [expr {int(rand()*1000000000.)}] set poof "poly" ; set tagx [list $poof mv "obj_$tile" "colorit_$::Fill" d-$x$y]; set coords [$w coords $::Poly] foreach {x0 y0} $coords break if {hypot($y-$y0,$x-$x0)<10} { $w delete $::Poly $w create poly [lrange $coords 2 end] -fill $::Fill unset ::Poly } else { $w coords $::Poly [concat $coords $x $y] } } else { set ::Poly [$w create line $x $y $x $y -tags "obj_[expr {int(rand()*1000000000.)}]" -fill $::Fill ] } } proc ? L { lindex $L [expr {int(rand()*[llength $L])}] #suchenwirth_subroutine; } proc move(Poly) {w x y} {#nothing} #-- With little more coding, the Fill mode allows changing an item's fill color: proc down(Fill) {w x y} {$w itemconfig current -fill $::Fill} proc move(Fill) {w x y} {} #-- Building the UI set modes {Draw Move Clone Fill Rect Oval Poly circle canvas Poetry clear reset exit} set colors { black white magenta brown red orange yellow green green3 green4 cyan blue blue4 purple } set colorx { brown2 AntiqueWhite3 \ Bisque1 Bisque2 Bisque3 Bisque4 \ SlateBlue3 RoyalBlue1 SteelBlue2 \ DeepSkyBlue3 LightBlue1 DarkSlateGray1 \ Aquamarine2 DarkSeaGreen2 SeaGreen1 Bisque \ Yellow1 IndianRed1 IndianRed2 Tan1 \ lemonchiffon seashell honeydew mintcream azure \ oldlace linen antiquewhite papayawhip blanchedalmond peachpuff navajowhite moccasin cornsilk \ Tan4 gray } set colorz [list seashell honeydew gainsboro floralwhite \ oldlace linen antiquewhite papayawhip blanchedalmond \ bisque peachpuff navajowhite moccasin cornsilk ivory \ lemonchiffon seashell honeydew mintcream azure] global liner global ind set ind 0 global movesit set movesit 1 set colorground bisque global xhistory firstnode curnode set curnode "" set firstnode "" set xhistory [list aaa bbb ccc ddd eee fff ggg ] set xhistory [list ] set colorground bisque global selected_tile previous_tile set selected_tile "selected tile"; set previous_tile "previous tile"; global counter global liner global ind set ind 0 set liner [list a b c d e f g ] global tilex tagx tagz set tilex "obj_66666test" set tagx "obj_77777test" set tagz "obj_55555test " global entries set counter 0 grid [radio .1 Mode $modes] [radio .2 Fill $colors 1] -sticky nw grid [radio .3 Fill $colorx 2] -sticky nw grid [canvas .c -relief raised -borderwidth 1 -bg $colorground] - -sticky news grid rowconfig . 0 -weight 0 grid rowconfig . 1 -weight 1 button .b2 -text dismiss -command "destroy ." button .b3 -text exit -command "exit" button .b5 -text "Del_tank" -width 2 -command { .wxx delete 1.0 end} button .b6 -text "lt_bg" -bg gray -width 2 \ -command { set colorground LightBlue1; .c configure -bg $colorground } button .b7 -text "bis_bg" -width 3 \ -command { set colorground Bisque; \ .c configure -bg $colorground } grid .b2 .b3 .b5 .b6 .b7 grid rowconfig . 0 -weight 0 grid rowconfig . 1 -weight 1 grid [ label .wcc -text "list of selection history " ] grid [entry .wxxccc -textvar e -just left -bg beige -width 50] #.wxxccc insert end "$liner" set wow [.c find withtag current]; .wxxccc insert end "xxx starter xxx $wow xxx" focus .wxxccc ;# allow keyboard input set labelx [info tclversion]; grid [ label .ww -text "holding tank, version $labelx " ] set txt [text .wxx -width 20 -height 3 -bg beige] grid $txt -sticky news focus .wxx ;# allow keyboard input set wow [.c find withtag current]; .wxx insert end "xxx starter xxx $wow xxx "; #-- The current mode is retrieved at runtime from the global Mode variable: bind .c <1> {set firstnode [.c find withtag current];initialize %W %x %y ;down($Mode) %W %x %y} bind .c {move($Mode) %W %x %y} bind .c <2> {%W delete current} bind .c <3> { #set firstnode [.c find withtag green] set firstnode [.c find withtag current] set curnode [.c find withtag current] set tile [.c find withtag current] #set curnode [.c find withtag red] if {( $firstnode != "") && ($curnode != "")} { dualcheck $tile $firstnode $curnode }} proc move(Poetry) {w x y} { if [info exists ::X] { $w move $::ID [expr {$x-$::X}] [expr {$y-$::Y}] set ::X $x; set ::Y $y} } proc down(exit) {w x y} { exit } proc downxxxx(Poetry) {w x y} { global baseline global en_chinese set baseline [list ] set baseline2 [list ] set baseline3 [list ] set dy 40 set dx 40 set dk 10 set poof "tester"; set looky "stringx"; set tile "tile" set tagx [list aaaa bbbb cccc dddd eeee fffff gggg hhhh ] set tagx [list ] #set tags [list mv d-$val1$val2]; #set tile [expr {int(rand()*1000000000.)}] #set looky "stringx"; #set poof [xpop $looky ] ; #set tags [list $poof mv obj_$tile d-$val1$val2]; #set tags [list $poof mv "obj_$tile+1" d-$val1$val2]; #set tagx [list $poof mv "obj_$tile+1" d-$x$y]; for {set i 0; set y [expr {4+$y}];set x [expr {10+$dx}]; } {$i<5} {incr i; incr x $dx} { set state1 1; set tile [expr {int(rand()*1000000000.)}] set looky "stringx"; set poof [xpop $looky ] ; lappend baseline $poof; set tagx [list $poof mv "obj_$tile" d-$x$y]; set ::ID [$w create text $x $y -text $poof -tags $tagx -fill $::Fill ] } set baseline [translationx $baseline en_chinese]; set y [expr {50+$y}]; #set x [expr {15+$dx}]; set ::ID [$w create text $x $y -text $baseline -tags $tagx -fill $::Fill ] set baseline [list ] for {set i 0; set y [expr {8+$y}];set x [expr {10+$dx}] ;} {$i<7} {incr i; incr x $dx} { set state1 1; set tile [expr {int(rand()*1000000000.)}] set looky "stringx"; set poof [xpop $looky ] ; lappend baseline2 $poof; set tagx [list $poof mv "obj_$tile" d-$x$y]; set ::ID [$w create text $x $y -text $poof -tags $tagx -fill $::Fill ] } set baseline [translationx $baseline en_chinese]; set y [expr {60+$y}]; #set x [expr {15+$dx}]; set ::ID [$w create text $x $y -text $baseline -tags $tagx -fill $::Fill ] set baseline [list ] for {set i 0; set y [expr {12+$y}];set x [expr {15+$dx}];} {$i<5} {incr i; incr x $dx} { set state1 1; set tile [expr {int(rand()*1000000000.)}] set looky "stringx"; set poof [xpop $looky ] ; lappend baseline3 $poof; set tagx [list $poof mv "obj_$tile" d-$x$y]; set ::ID [$w create text $x $y -text $poof -tags $tagx -fill $::Fill ] } set baseline [translationx $baseline en_chinese]; set ::ID [$w create text $x $y -text $baseline -tags $tagx -fill $::Fill ] set baseline [translationx $baseline2 en_chinese]; set ::ID [$w create text $x $y -text $baseline -tags $tagx -fill $::Fill ] set baseline [translationx $baseline3 en_chinese]; set ::ID [$w create text $x $y -text $baseline -tags $tagx -fill $::Fill ] } proc down(Poetry) {w x y} { global baseline global en_chinese set baseline [list ] set baseline2 [list ] set baseline3 [list ] set dy 40 set dx 40 set dk 10 set poof "tester"; set looky "stringx"; set tile "tile" set tagx [list aaaa bbbb cccc dddd eeee fffff gggg hhhh ] set tagx [list ] #set tags [list mv d-$val1$val2]; #set tile [expr {int(rand()*1000000000.)}] #set looky "stringx"; #set poof [xpop $looky ] ; #set tags [list $poof mv obj_$tile d-$val1$val2]; #set tags [list $poof mv "obj_$tile+1" d-$val1$val2]; #set tagx [list $poof mv "obj_$tile+1" d-$x$y]; for {set i 0; set y [expr {4+$y}];set x [expr {10+$dx}]; } {$i<5} {incr i; incr x $dx} { set state1 1; set tile [expr {int(rand()*1000000000.)}] set looky "stringx"; set poof [xpop $looky ] ; lappend baseline $poof; set tagx [list $poof mv "obj_$tile" d-$x$y]; set ::ID [$w create text $x $y -text $poof -tags $tagx -fill $::Fill ] } for {set i 0; set y [expr {8+$y}];set x [expr {10+$dx}] ;} {$i<7} {incr i; incr x $dx} { set state1 1; set tile [expr {int(rand()*1000000000.)}] set looky "stringx"; set poof [xpop $looky ] ; lappend baseline2 $poof; set tagx [list $poof mv "obj_$tile" d-$x$y]; set ::ID [$w create text $x $y -text $poof -tags $tagx -fill $::Fill ] } for {set i 0; set y [expr {12+$y}];set x [expr {15+$dx}];} {$i<5} {incr i; incr x $dx} { set state1 1; set tile [expr {int(rand()*1000000000.)}] set looky "stringx"; set poof [xpop $looky ] ; lappend baseline3 $poof; set tagx [list $poof mv "obj_$tile" d-$x$y]; set ::ID [$w create text $x $y -text $poof -tags $tagx -fill $::Fill ] } set k 20; set baseline [translationx $baseline en_chinese]; set k [expr {20+$y}]; set ::ID [$w create text $x $k -text $baseline -tags $tagx -fill $::Fill ] set baseline [translationx $baseline2 en_chinese]; set k [expr {30+$y}]; set ::ID [$w create text $x $k -text $baseline -tags $tagx -fill $::Fill ] set baseline [translationx $baseline3 en_chinese]; set k [expr {40+$y}]; set ::ID [$w create text $x $k -text $baseline -tags $tagx -fill $::Fill ] } proc history {xhistory } { set xhistory [list object history @]; global xhistory firstnode curnode global ind movesit set number 2 set numberx 2 set firstnode [.c find withtag current] lappend $xhistory $firstnode ; set ::ID [.c create text 100 200 -text $xhistory -tags " history " -fill $::Fill -fill black ] } proc dualcheck { tile firstnode curnode} { global match_id selected_tile tiles_left jack global newy oldy match oldx xhistory global selected_tile previous_tile global xhistory global tilex #global firstnode curnode set selected_tile "selected tile"; set colorxxx "test" set colorzzz "test" #set previous_tile "previous tile"; set numberx [.c gettags current]; regexp {obj_(\d+)} $numberx -> tilex regexp {colorit_(\d+)} $numberx -> colorxxx regexp {colorit_(\d+)} $numberx -> colorzzz set indexer [string first "mv" $numberx ]; set indexer [ expr { $indexer - 1 } ] set new [string range $numberx 0 $indexer ]; set tags [.c gettags current] #.c itemconfigure obj_$tilex -width 2 -outline red; #.c itemconfigure $previous_tile -width 2 -outline green; # .c itemconfigure obj_$tilex -width 3 ; # .c itemconfigure $previous_tile -width 3 ; set old "test" set kkk [.c gettags $previous_tile ] set indexer [string first "mv" $kkk ]; ; set indexer [ expr { $indexer - 1 } ] set old [string range $kkk 0 $indexer ]; if {$old == ""} {set old "poof $previous_tile"} set tx [string range $tilex 0 end ]; set rx [string range $previous_tile 4 end ]; if { $tx != $rx } { .wxx delete 1.0 end; .wxx insert end " pair error identified, text not equal !!!" ; } if { $old == $new } { set tx [string range $tilex 0 end ]; set rx [string range $previous_tile 4 end ]; if { $tx == $rx } { .wxx delete 1.0 end; .wxx insert end " pair error identified, double touch of same tile !!!" ; } if { $tx != $rx } { #.c itemconfigure obj_$tilex -width 2 -outline blue; #.c itemconfigure $previous_tile -width 2 -outline blue; .wxx delete 1.0 end; .wxx insert end " xxx $tilex xxx $tx xxx $rx xxx $previous_tile xxxx "; .wxx insert end $previous_tile; .wxx insert end " old $old "; .wxx insert end $old; .wxx insert end " identical pair identified !!!" ; .wxx insert end " xxx old $old xxx new xxx $new "; .wxx insert end $new; .wxx insert end "obj_tilex obj_$tilex " regexp {colorit_(\d+)} $numberx -> colorxxx regexp {colorit_(\d+)} $previous_tile -> colorzzz if { $colorxxx == $colorzzz } { .c delete "$previous_tile+1"; .c delete "obj_$tilex+1" ; .c delete obj_$tilex ; .c delete $previous_tile; } } } #.wxx delete 1.0 end; set $selected_tile $tags; .wxx insert end $tags ; .wxx insert end " selected_tile equals $new "; if { $previous_tile != $selected_tile } { set previous_tile [.c gettags current] set indexer [string first "mv" $previous_tile ]; set indexer [ expr { $indexer - 1 } ] set old [string range $previous_tile 0 $indexer ]; .wxx insert end " previous_tile equals $old "; } #.c itemconfigure $curnode -width 2 ; set previous_tile obj_$tilex set firstnode obj_$tilex; if { $firstnode != $curnode } { set curnode obj_$tilex;} .wxx insert end " current equals $curnode "; .wxx insert end " first equals $firstnode "; return } proc initialize {w x y} { global tile global xhistory firstnode curnode global ind movesit set tile [.c find withtag current] set number 2 set numberx 2 set ::_x $x; set ::_y $y; set firstnode [.c find withtag current] set number [$w gettags current] set indexer [string first "mv" $number ]; set numberx [string range $number 0 $indexer]; .wxx delete 1.0 end; # general reporting line .wxx insert end " xxx $number xxx $numberx xxx \ indexer xxx $indexer xxx number of tiles xxxx \ $ind xxxx object xxx $tile xxx $ind xxx number of \ straight moves xxx $movesit xxx "; #.wxxccc delete 1.0 end; # general reporting line .wxxccc insert end " xxx $number xxx $numberx xxx \ indexer xxx $indexer xxx number of tiles xxxx \ $ind xxxx object xxx $tile xxx $ind xxx number of \ straight moves xxx $movesit xxx "; incr movesit } proc lpick L {lindex $L [expr int(rand()*[llength $L])]; \ #suchenwirth_subroutine;} proc stringxxx s { #suchenwirth_subroutine; set res {} foreach line [split $s \n] { for {set i 0} {$i<[string length $line]} {incr i} { if {$i==[string wordstart $line $i]} { set w [string range $line $i [expr {[string wordend $line $i]-1}]] #if {$w!=" "} {lappend res $w} #if {$w!=" " && $w!="\{" && $w!="\}"} {lappend res $w} if {$w!=" " && $w!="\{" && $w!="\}" && $w!="\," && $w!="\\" && $w!="\/"} {lappend res $w} #if {$w!="\}"} {lappend res $w} #if {$w!="\{"} {lappend res $w} incr i [expr {[string length $w]-1}]; # always loop incr } } } set res } proc xpop { topper } { global liner global ind global baseline set poetsey aaaaa set liner [poemsorts $poetsey]; set goofy [stringxxx $liner] ; set topper [ lindex $goofy $ind ]; set ind [ expr { $ind + 1}] lappend $baseline $topper; return $topper; } proc helptext {stringxxx} { set text_texas { # Refrigerator magnet poetry # Refrigerator magnet poetry # program is mainly TCL8.0 and # Windows Expect5.2 offshoot of # Suchenwirth's Domino.tcl, circa 2004. # Tried to note which Suchenwirth subroutines # were mostly unchanged. # This was the first TCL canvas code I # saw that one could create easy gamepieces. # Writing grouped designs # on top of canvas shape, so basic canvas # shape and "grouped" design would move # by mouse. "grouped" design is used # extensively in Microsoft powerpoint # and Harvard Graphics, etc. # This first effort is refrigerator # magnet poetry in English. # Believe a similar select & die could # be used for a computer Mahjong game # or coin&card games. # Could use TCL8.4 chinese charactors # on top of tiles for Chinese magnetic # poetry or colored Mahjong tiles. # Various Esc and F-keys activate # to exit program or change background color. # Sliding right mouse across piece # should delete same. # Pick and Sliding left mouse across piece # should move same. # Selecting piece with middle mouse # should delete same piece. # Selecting pair of [same text] pieces # [in sequence] with right mouse # should delete same piece. # Right mouse uses initialization from # left mouse, so one has to pick # one tile with left mouse for # game start. # 5/7/5 words per line is # setting for Japanese Haiku poetry. # Other procedures working # on windows98 and old PC. # from goldshell7 on 10jun2006.} return text_texas;} proc poemsorts {poetsey} { global liner #set liner [list q w e r] # alpha liner for test purposes set liner [list aaaa bbbb cccc dddd eeee fffff gggg hhhh ] set liner [list ] set adjective_poetic { {red} {sad} {blue} {blue} {glad} {glad} {deep} {black} {wild } { green } {pale } {bright} {rough } {gray } {brown } {long} {high } {thin} {brown } {lush} {dry } {poor} {lone } {far} {flat } {broad} {thick } {hard} {flat } {broad} {cool } {hard} } set noun_subject { cat mouse reed { pear } {quince } { peach } {hare } {bird} { smoke } { rain} { ice} { snow} {cloud} { home} { flower } {sky} {rice} { pine} { mist} {door} {wind} { cricket} { year } {moon} {crane } {grass } {rose} { ink} {thaw} { bloom } {lake} { cedar } {dusk} { autumn } {stone} { dawn} {stream} { tree } {heart} { boat} {grief} { tree } {boat} { boat} {rock} {town} {tear} {pool} {silk} {deer} {song} {barge} {moss} {night} {gate} {fence} {dove} {dream} {frost} {peace} {shade} {ghost} {road } {path} {root} {horse} {eve } {sound} {sleep} {leaves} {sea } {sail} {peak} {stem} {field} {wave} {slope} {bark} {crest} {weed} {moth} {wasp} {pond} {soil} {snail} {worm} {ant} {kelp} {cave} {month} {head} {jade} {branch} {bone} {head} {smile} {pea} {bone} {head} {smile} {elm} { morn} {carp} {nest} {oak} { bone} {perch} {breeze} mount plum storm hill } set verb_transitive {falls {snow} { burns} { flips} { flys } {lies} { walk } {flow } {fall} {fly} {know } {come} { meet } { drift} {shine } {soak} { cry } {dance} { lost} {cheer} {float } {dance} {roost} { move} { fade} { loves} {sleeps} {move} {takes } {sail} {sits} {leaps} {sits } {sit} {sits} {leaps} {grows } {waits} {loses} {hears} {wants } {watch} } set noun_objective { cloud {old home} flower { sky } rice {cricket} } set silly_propostion { for {by} towards { to } at {bygone} {to} {in} {in } {to } {to} {in} {fore } through } set poetsey "The , [? $adjective_poetic],[? $noun_subject], [? $verb_transitive], [? $silly_propostion], [? $adjective_poetic], [? $adjective_poetic], [? $noun_subject],The , [? $adjective_poetic],[? $noun_subject], [? $verb_transitive], [? $silly_propostion], [? $adjective_poetic], [? $adjective_poetic], [? $noun_subject],The , [? $adjective_poetic],[? $noun_subject], [? $verb_transitive], [? $silly_propostion], [? $adjective_poetic] , [? $adjective_poetic] ,[? $noun_subject],The , [? $adjective_poetic],[? $noun_subject], [? $verb_transitive], [? $silly_propostion], [? $adjective_poetic], [? $adjective_poetic], [? $noun_subject],The [? $adjective_poetic],[? $noun_subject], [? $verb_transitive], [? $silly_propostion], [? $adjective_poetic], [? $adjective_poetic], [? $noun_subject]," lappend liner $poetsey set poetsey $liner return $poetsey } #-- Activate F-keys (optional): bind . { exit} bind . {destroy .} bind . { set colorground LightBlue1; \ .c configure -bg $colorground} bind . {set colorground Bisque;.c \ configure -bg $colorground } bind . {set backcolor [lpick {AntiqueWhite3 Bisque1 Bisque2 Bisque3 Bisque4 \ SlateBlue3 RoyalBlue1 SteelBlue2 \ DeepSkyBlue3 LightBlue1 DarkSlateGray1 \ Aquamarine2 DarkSeaGreen2 SeaGreen1 Bisque \ Yellow1 IndianRed1 IndianRed2 Tan1 \ Tan4 gray}]; set colorground $backcolor; .c configure -bg $colorground } bind . {set backcolor [lpick {AntiqueWhite3 Bisque1 Bisque2 Bisque3 Bisque4 \ SlateBlue3 RoyalBlue1 SteelBlue2 \ DeepSkyBlue3 LightBlue1 DarkSlateGray1 \ Aquamarine2 DarkSeaGreen2 SeaGreen1 Bisque \ Yellow1 IndianRed1 IndianRed2 Tan1 \ Tan4 gray}]; set colorground $backcolor; .c configure -bg $colorground } bind . {set backcolor [lpick { Bisque Aquamarine }]; set colorground $backcolor; .c configure -bg $colorground } bind . {set backcolor [lpick {AntiqueWhite3 Bisque}]; set colorground $backcolor; .c configure -bg $colorground } bind . {set backcolor [lpick {SeaGreen1 Bisque}]; set colorground $backcolor; .c configure -bg $colorground } bind . {set backcolor [lpick {AntiqueWhite3 Bisque}]; set colorground $backcolor; .c configure -bg $colorground } # some words/meanings from 8th century poems # english articles dumped for asterisk array set en_chinese { bird naio water shui cloud yun smoke yan come lai rain yu he ta she ta it ta cat mao horse ma girl nuer two lian one yi above shang add jia admiral haijunshang aches tong hear ting air kongqi wind feng airplane feiji airport feijichang alley hutong apple pingguo apart lu arm gebo apricot xing armchair fushiuyi atlas dituji asparagus lusun ask wen arrow jian arrive daoda author zuiozhe attic gelou autumn qiu axe futou axle lunzhou ball qiu ballet baleiwu baby yinger bag bao barge bochuan barley damai barracks yingfang bank yinhang bathtub lahncheo bay haiwan battery dianchi bed chuang beautiful meili beard huzi bean dou bear xlong beak hui bead jhuzi beach haitan beehive fengxiang bell leeng beer pijiu biscuit binggan big da bike zixingche blanket tanzi boat zhou blossom hua bloom hua blood xue blonde jinse bone gu bottle pingzi book shu branch shuzhi bow gong hill shan deer lu sea hai night ye sky tian tomarrow mingtian heart xin rock shi song ge year nian pine song rice mi door men gate men open kai moon yue dry gan dark hei black hei red hong field yuan yellow huang not bu carriage che bright ming guang shine frost shuang head tou white bai eve wan cup bei stove lu small xiao fire huo tear lei sit zuo first xian cut duan dream meng sand sha grass cao star xing shore an river jiang flat ping sun ri goose yan sound sheng duck ya lamp deng root gen by yu in zai pear li pearl zhenzhu path xiaodao wants yao wasp huangfeng watch kan see kan green luse The * the * hard ying blue lan dance tiaowu snow xue broad kuan brown zongse high gao long chang look kan wild yesheng wide kuan town zhen fall liu to ge rose meigui cave shandong cedar song lone dandu leaps tiao jumps tiao walk zou bygone yu tree shu dawn liming cool liang moth kunchong insect kunchong mouse laoshu mosquito wenzi moss moss gray cangbai pale cangbai moss lu before zai fore zai salt yan sail fan deep shen deer lu weed zhiwu plant zhiwu kelp haizhiwu thick hou shine zhaoyao shoe xie lush duo hears ting hear ting pond chitang pool chitang for wei far yuan at zai pea xiaodou morn zaochen morning zaochen lost milu peace heping plum lizi sad nanguo grief nanguo storm fengbao sits zuo sleep shuimian sleeps shuimian mist wu wave bolang jade yu reed cao know zhu float piao takes you has you smile xiao cricket kunchong quince yingtao cherry yingtao burns huo roost chang mount shan slope shan ice xue fly fiji snail wongnui poor qiong silk si tea chai rough buping move zhou flys fiji move zhou road li strean he river he cry ti through zai drift zhou drifts zhou perch yu carp yu glad gaoxing falls liu thin shou soak shui loves ai ghost ti ant kunchong dusk heitian peach tao towards zai ink moshui fence liba lake he dove naio lies zhi is zhi soil du elm shu oak shu crane niao nest chang cheer guoxing worm wongnu rabbit tuzhu month yue flips zhou waits zhou grows sheng bark shu flower hua crest xia breeze xiaofeng leaves shu leaf shu hare tuzhu waits zho snake she serpent she shade si stone shi flow liu return gui } proc translationx {string dictName} { upvar 1 $dictName dict set res {} foreach word $string { if [info exists dict($word)] {set word $dict($word)} lappend res $word } set res } proc plural word { switch -- $word { man {return men} foot {return feet} goose {return geese} louse {return lice} mouse {return mice} ox {return oxen} tooth {return teeth} calf - elf - half - hoof - leaf - loaf - scarf - self - sheaf - thief - wolf {return [string range $word 0 end-1]ves} knife - life - wife {return [string range $word 0 end-2]ves} auto - kangaroo - kilo - memo - photo - piano - pimento - pro - solo - soprano - studio - tattoo - video - zoo {return ${word}s} cod - deer - fish - offspring - perch - sheep - trout - species {return $word} genus {return genera} phylum {return phyla} radius {return radii} cherub {return cherubim} mythos {return mythoi} phenomenon {return phenomena} formula {return formulae} } switch -regexp -- $word { {[ei]x$} {return [string range $word 0 end-2]ices} {[sc]h$} - {[soxz]$} {return ${word}es} {[bcdfghjklmnprstvwxz]y$} {return [string range $word 0 end-1]ies} {child$} {return ${word}ren} {eau$} {return ${word}x} {is$} {return [string range $word 0 end-2]es} {woman$} {return [string range $word 0 end-2]en} } return ${word}s } proc phonesort2 { list } { #KBK (14 February 2001) foreach name $list { regsub {Ma?c ?([A-Z])} $name {M_\1} key lappend list2 [list $key $name] } foreach pair [lsort -index 0 -ascii $list2] { lappend list3 [lindex $pair 1] } return $list3 } global baseline global en_chinese set baseline [list man goose foot woman dives]; foreach oppie $baseline { set letter "string"; set letter [string range $oppie end end]; set letterx "s"; if { $letter != $letterx } { lappend baseline [plural $oppie]; } else { lappend baseline $oppie; } } .wxx insert end " $baseline xxx"; .wxx insert end "man xxx [plural "man"] xxx"; set baseline [list water bird smoke come]; .wxx insert end "xxx $baseline xxx"; set stringj [list ]; set stringj [translationx "water bird smoke come" en_chinese] .wxx insert end $stringj ; .wxx insert end "xxxx trans [translationx $baseline en_chinese]" ; set listxxx [list MacDonald McArthur McEwan Lyttle Mabbs Jones] .wxx insert end "xxxx sort xxxx $listxxx xxx [phonesort2 "$listxxx"]" ; proc down(canvas) {w x y} {global colorground; set colorground $::Fill; \ .c configure -bg $colorground} proc move(canvas) {w x y} {} proc down(exit) {w x y} { exit } proc move(exit) {w x y} {} proc down(clear) {w x y} { $w delete "all" } proc reset {w} { $w delete "all" } #end of deck #end of deck #end of deck #end of deck #Refrigerator_Magnetic_Poetry # Start of Deck #Refrigerator_Magnetic_Poetry # Start of Deck package require Tk proc radio {w var values {col 0}} { frame $w set type [expr {$col? "-background" : "-text"}] foreach value $values { radiobutton $w.v$value $type $value -variable $var -value $value \ -indicatoron 0 if $col {$w.v$value config -selectcolor $value -borderwidth 3} } eval pack [winfo children $w] -side left set ::$var [lindex $values 0] set w } proc down(Draw) {w x y} { set ::ID [$w create line $x $y $x $y -fill $::Fill] } proc move(Draw) {w x y} { $w coords $::ID [concat [$w coords $::ID] $x $y] } #-- Movement of an item proc down(Move) {w x y} { set ::ID [$w find withtag current] set ::X $x; set ::Y $y } proc move(Move) {w x y} { $w move $::ID [expr {$x-$::X}] [expr {$y-$::Y}] set ::X $x; set ::Y $y } #-- Clone an existing item proc serializeCanvasItem {c item} { set data [concat [$c type $item] [$c coords $item]] foreach opt [$c itemconfigure $item] { # Include any configuration that deviates from the default if {[lindex $opt end] != [lindex $opt end-1]} { lappend data [lindex $opt 0] [lindex $opt end] } } return $data } proc down(Clone) {w x y} { set current [$w find withtag current] if {[string length $current] > 0} { set itemData [serializeCanvasItem $w [$w find withtag current]] set ::ID [eval $w create $itemData] set ::X $x; set ::Y $y } } interp alias {} move(Clone) {} move(Move) #-- Drawing a rectangle proc down(Rect) {w x y} { set tile [expr {int(rand()*1000000000.)}] set poof "rectangle" ; set tagx [list $poof mv "obj_$tile" "colorit_$::Fill" d-$x$y]; set ::ID [$w create rect $x $y $x $y -tags $tagx -fill $::Fill] } proc move(Rect) {w x y} { $w coords $::ID [lreplace [$w coords $::ID] 2 3 $x $y] } #-- Drawing an oval (or circle, if you're careful) proc down(Oval) {w x y} { set tile [expr {int(rand()*1000000000.)}] set poof "oval" ; set tagx [list $poof mv "obj_$tile" "colorit_$::Fill" d-$x$y]; set ::ID [$w create oval $x $y $x $y -tags $tagx -fill $::Fill] } proc move(Oval) {w x y} { $w coords $::ID [lreplace [$w coords $::ID] 2 3 $x $y] } proc down(Poly) {w x y} { if [info exists ::Poly] { set tile [expr {int(rand()*1000000000.)}] set poof "poly" ; set tagx [list $poof mv "obj_$tile" "colorit_$::Fill" d-$x$y]; set coords [$w coords $::Poly] foreach {x0 y0} $coords break if {hypot($y-$y0,$x-$x0)<10} { $w delete $::Poly $w create poly [lrange $coords 2 end] -fill $::Fill unset ::Poly } else { $w coords $::Poly [concat $coords $x $y] } } else { set ::Poly [$w create line $x $y $x $y -tags "obj_[expr {int(rand()*1000000000.)}]" -fill $::Fill ] } } proc ? L { lindex $L [expr {int(rand()*[llength $L])}] #suchenwirth_subroutine; } proc move(Poly) {w x y} {#nothing} #-- With little more coding, the Fill mode allows changing an item's fill color: proc down(Fill) {w x y} {$w itemconfig current -fill $::Fill} proc move(Fill) {w x y} {} #-- Building the UI set modes {Draw Move Clone Fill Rect Oval Poly Poetry exit} set colors { black white magenta brown red orange yellow green green3 green4 cyan blue blue4 purple } global liner global ind set ind 0 global movesit set movesit 1 global xhistory firstnode curnode set curnode "" set firstnode "" set xhistory [list aaa bbb ccc ddd eee fff ggg ] set colorground bisque global selected_tile previous_tile set selected_tile "selected tile"; set previous_tile "previous tile"; global counter global liner global ind set ind 0 set liner [list a b c d e f g ] global tilex tagx tagz set tilex "obj_66666test" set tagx "obj_77777test" set tagz "obj_55555test " global entries set counter 0 grid [radio .1 Mode $modes] [radio .2 Fill $colors 1] -sticky nw grid [canvas .c -relief raised -borderwidth 1] - -sticky news grid rowconfig . 0 -weight 0 grid rowconfig . 1 -weight 1 button .b2 -text dismiss -command "destroy ." button .b3 -text exit -command "exit" button .b5 -text "Del_tank" -width 2 -command { .wxx delete 1.0 end} button .b6 -text "lt_bg" -bg gray -width 2 \ -command { set colorground LightBlue1; .c configure -bg $colorground } button .b7 -text "bis_bg" -width 3 \ -command { set colorground Bisque; \ .c configure -bg $colorground } grid .b2 .b3 .b5 .b6 .b7 grid rowconfig . 0 -weight 0 grid rowconfig . 1 -weight 1 grid [ label .wcc -text "list of selection history " ] grid [entry .wxxccc -textvar e -just left -bg beige -width 50] #.wxxccc insert end "$liner" set wow [.c find withtag current]; .wxxccc insert end "xxx starter xxx $wow xxx" focus .wxxccc ;# allow keyboard input set labelx [info tclversion]; grid [ label .ww -text "holding tank, version $labelx " ] set txt [text .wxx -width 20 -height 3 -bg beige] grid $txt -sticky news focus .wxx ;# allow keyboard input set wow [.c find withtag current]; .wxx insert end "xxx starter xxx $wow xxx "; #-- The current mode is retrieved at runtime from the global Mode variable: bind .c <1> {set firstnode [.c find withtag current];initialize %W %x %y ;down($Mode) %W %x %y} bind .c {move($Mode) %W %x %y} bind .c <2> {%W delete current} bind .c <3> { #set firstnode [.c find withtag green] set firstnode [.c find withtag current] set curnode [.c find withtag current] set tile [.c find withtag current] #set curnode [.c find withtag red] if {( $firstnode != "") && ($curnode != "")} { dualcheck $tile $firstnode $curnode }} proc move(Poetry) {w x y} { if [info exists ::X] { $w move $::ID [expr {$x-$::X}] [expr {$y-$::Y}] set ::X $x; set ::Y $y} } proc down(exit) {w x y} { exit } proc down(Poetry) {w x y} { set dy 40 set dx 40 set dk 10 set poof "tester"; set looky "stringx"; set tile "tile" set tagx [list aaaa bbbb cccc dddd eeee fffff gggg hhhh ] #set tags [list mv d-$val1$val2]; #set tile [expr {int(rand()*1000000000.)}] #set looky "stringx"; #set poof [xpop $looky ] ; #set tags [list $poof mv obj_$tile d-$val1$val2]; #set tags [list $poof mv "obj_$tile+1" d-$val1$val2]; #set tagx [list $poof mv "obj_$tile+1" d-$x$y]; for {set i 0; set y [expr {4+$y}];set x [expr {10+$dx}]; } {$i<5} {incr i; incr x $dx} { set state1 1; set tile [expr {int(rand()*1000000000.)}] set looky "stringx"; set poof [xpop $looky ] ; set tagx [list $poof mv "obj_$tile" d-$x$y]; set ::ID [$w create text $x $y -text $poof -tags $tagx -fill $::Fill ] } for {set i 0; set y [expr {8+$y}];set x [expr {10+$dx}] ;} {$i<7} {incr i; incr x $dx} { set state1 1; set tile [expr {int(rand()*1000000000.)}] set looky "stringx"; set poof [xpop $looky ] ; set tagx [list $poof mv "obj_$tile" d-$x$y]; set ::ID [$w create text $x $y -text $poof -tags $tagx -fill $::Fill ] } for {set i 0; set y [expr {12+$y}];set x [expr {15+$dx}];} {$i<5} {incr i; incr x $dx} { set state1 1; set tile [expr {int(rand()*1000000000.)}] set looky "stringx"; set poof [xpop $looky ] ; set tagx [list $poof mv "obj_$tile" d-$x$y]; set ::ID [$w create text $x $y -text $poof -tags $tagx -fill $::Fill ] } } proc history {xhistory } { set xhistory [list object history @]; global xhistory firstnode curnode global ind movesit set number 2 set numberx 2 set firstnode [.c find withtag current] lappend $xhistory $firstnode ; set ::ID [.c create text 100 200 -text $xhistory -tags " history " -fill $::Fill -fill black ] } proc dualcheck { tile firstnode curnode} { global match_id selected_tile tiles_left jack global newy oldy match oldx xhistory global selected_tile previous_tile global xhistory global tilex #global firstnode curnode set selected_tile "selected tile"; set colorxxx "test" set colorzzz "test" #set previous_tile "previous tile"; set numberx [.c gettags current]; regexp {obj_(\d+)} $numberx -> tilex regexp {colorit_(\d+)} $numberx -> colorxxx regexp {colorit_(\d+)} $numberx -> colorzzz set indexer [string first "mv" $numberx ]; set indexer [ expr { $indexer - 1 } ] set new [string range $numberx 0 $indexer ]; set tags [.c gettags current] #.c itemconfigure obj_$tilex -width 2 -outline red; #.c itemconfigure $previous_tile -width 2 -outline green; # .c itemconfigure obj_$tilex -width 3 ; # .c itemconfigure $previous_tile -width 3 ; set old "test" set kkk [.c gettags $previous_tile ] set indexer [string first "mv" $kkk ]; ; set indexer [ expr { $indexer - 1 } ] set old [string range $kkk 0 $indexer ]; if {$old == ""} {set old "poof $previous_tile"} set tx [string range $tilex 0 end ]; set rx [string range $previous_tile 4 end ]; if { $tx != $rx } { .wxx delete 1.0 end; .wxx insert end " pair error identified, text not equal !!!" ; } if { $old == $new } { set tx [string range $tilex 0 end ]; set rx [string range $previous_tile 4 end ]; if { $tx == $rx } { .wxx delete 1.0 end; .wxx insert end " pair error identified, double touch of same tile !!!" ; } if { $tx != $rx } { #.c itemconfigure obj_$tilex -width 2 -outline blue; #.c itemconfigure $previous_tile -width 2 -outline blue; .wxx delete 1.0 end; .wxx insert end " xxx $tilex xxx $tx xxx $rx xxx $previous_tile xxxx "; .wxx insert end $previous_tile; .wxx insert end " old $old "; .wxx insert end $old; .wxx insert end " identical pair identified !!!" ; .wxx insert end " xxx old $old xxx new xxx $new "; .wxx insert end $new; .wxx insert end "obj_tilex obj_$tilex " regexp {colorit_(\d+)} $numberx -> colorxxx regexp {colorit_(\d+)} $previous_tile -> colorzzz if { $colorxxx == $colorzzz } { .c delete "$previous_tile+1"; .c delete "obj_$tilex+1" ; .c delete obj_$tilex ; .c delete $previous_tile; } } } #.wxx delete 1.0 end; set $selected_tile $tags; .wxx insert end $tags ; .wxx insert end " selected_tile equals $new "; if { $previous_tile != $selected_tile } { set previous_tile [.c gettags current] set indexer [string first "mv" $previous_tile ]; set indexer [ expr { $indexer - 1 } ] set old [string range $previous_tile 0 $indexer ]; .wxx insert end " previous_tile equals $old "; } #.c itemconfigure $curnode -width 2 ; set previous_tile obj_$tilex set firstnode obj_$tilex; if { $firstnode != $curnode } { set curnode obj_$tilex;} .wxx insert end " current equals $curnode "; .wxx insert end " first equals $firstnode "; return } proc initialize {w x y} { global tile global xhistory firstnode curnode global ind movesit set tile [.c find withtag current] set number 2 set numberx 2 set ::_x $x; set ::_y $y; set firstnode [.c find withtag current] set number [$w gettags current] set indexer [string first "mv" $number ]; set numberx [string range $number 0 $indexer]; .wxx delete 1.0 end; # general reporting line .wxx insert end " xxx $number xxx $numberx xxx \ indexer xxx $indexer xxx number of tiles xxxx \ $ind xxxx object xxx $tile xxx $ind xxx number of \ straight moves xxx $movesit xxx "; #.wxxccc delete 1.0 end; # general reporting line .wxxccc insert end " xxx $number xxx $numberx xxx \ indexer xxx $indexer xxx number of tiles xxxx \ $ind xxxx object xxx $tile xxx $ind xxx number of \ straight moves xxx $movesit xxx "; incr movesit } proc lpick L {lindex $L [expr int(rand()*[llength $L])]; \ #suchenwirth_subroutine;} proc stringxxx s { #suchenwirth_subroutine; set res {} foreach line [split $s \n] { for {set i 0} {$i<[string length $line]} {incr i} { if {$i==[string wordstart $line $i]} { set w [string range $line $i [expr {[string wordend $line $i]-1}]] #if {$w!=" "} {lappend res $w} #if {$w!=" " && $w!="\{" && $w!="\}"} {lappend res $w} if {$w!=" " && $w!="\{" && $w!="\}" && $w!="\," && $w!="\\" && $w!="\/"} {lappend res $w} #if {$w!="\}"} {lappend res $w} #if {$w!="\{"} {lappend res $w} incr i [expr {[string length $w]-1}]; # always loop incr } } } set res } proc xpop { topper } { global liner global ind set poetsey aaaaa set liner [poemsorts $poetsey]; set goofy [stringxxx $liner] ; set topper [ lindex $goofy $ind ]; set ind [ expr { $ind + 1}] return $topper; } proc helptext {stringxxx} { set text_texas { # Refrigerator magnet poetry # Refrigerator magnet poetry # program is mainly TCL8.0 and # Windows Expect5.2 offshoot of # Suchenwirth's Domino.tcl, circa 2004. # Tried to note which Suchenwirth subroutines # were mostly unchanged. # This was the first TCL canvas code I # saw that one could create easy gamepieces. # Writing grouped designs # on top of canvas shape, so basic canvas # shape and "grouped" design would move # by mouse. "grouped" design is used # extensively in Microsoft powerpoint # and Harvard Graphics, etc. # This first effort is refrigerator # magnet poetry in English. # Believe a similar select & die could # be used for a computer Mahjong game # or coin&card games. # Could use TCL8.4 chinese charactors # on top of tiles for Chinese magnetic # poetry or colored Mahjong tiles. # Various Esc and F-keys activate # to exit program or change background color. # Sliding right mouse across piece # should delete same. # Pick and Sliding left mouse across piece # should move same. # Selecting piece with middle mouse # should delete same piece. # Selecting pair of [same text] pieces # [in sequence] with right mouse # should delete same piece. # Right mouse uses initialization from # left mouse, so one has to pick # one tile with left mouse for # game start. # 5/7/5 words per line is # setting for Japanese Haiku poetry. # Other procedures working # on windows98 and old PC. # from goldshell7 on 10jun2006.} return text_texas;} proc poemsorts {poetsey} { global liner #set liner [list q w e r] set liner [list aaaa bbbb cccc dddd eeee fffff gggg hhhh ] set adjective_poetic { {red} {sad} {blue} {blue} {glad} {flawed} {deep} {black} {wild } { green } {pale } {bright} {rough } {gray } {brown } {long} {high } {thin} {brown } {lush} {dry } {poor} {lone } {far} {flat } {broad} {thick } {hard} {flat } {broad} {cool } {hard} } set noun_subject { cat mouse reed { pear } {quince } { peach } {hare } {bird} { smoke } { rain} { ice} { snow} {cloud} { home} { flower } {sky} {rice} { pine} { mist} {door} {wind} { cricket} { year } {moon} {crane } {grass } {rose} { ink} {thaw} { bloom } {lake} { cedar } {dusk} { autumn } {stone} { dawn} {stream} { tree } {heart} { boat} {grief} { tree } {shack} { boat} {rock} {town} {tear} {pool} {silk} {deer} {song} {barge} {moss} {night} {gate} {fence} {dove} {dream} {frost} {peace} {shade} {ghost} {road } {path} {root} {horse} {eve } {sound} {sleep} {leaves} {sea } {sail} {peak} {stem} {field} {wave} {slope} {bark} {crest} {weed} {moth} {wasp} {pond} {soil} {snail} {worm} {ant} {kelp} {cave} {month} {head} {jade} {branch} {bone} {head} {smile} {pea} {bone} {head} {smile} {elm} { morn} {carp} {nest} {oak} { bone} {perch} {breeze} mount plum storm hill } set verb_transitive {falls {snow} { burns} { flips} { flys } {lies} { walk } {flow } {fall} { pluck} {know } {come} { meet } { drift} {shine } {soak} { cry } {dance} { lost} {cheer} {float } {dance} {roost} { move} { fade} { loves} {sleeps} {sighs} {takes } {sail} {sits} {leaps} {spars } {shakes} {sits} {leaps} {grows } {waits} {loses} {hears} {wants } {watch} } set noun_objective { cloud {old home} flower { sky } rice {cricket} } set silly_propostion { for {by} towards { to } at {bygone} {to} {in} {in } {to } {to} {in} {fore } through } set poetsey "The , [? $adjective_poetic],[? $noun_subject], [? $verb_transitive], [? $silly_propostion], [? $adjective_poetic], [? $adjective_poetic], [? $noun_subject],The , [? $adjective_poetic],[? $noun_subject], [? $verb_transitive], [? $silly_propostion], [? $adjective_poetic], [? $adjective_poetic], [? $noun_subject],The , [? $adjective_poetic],[? $noun_subject], [? $verb_transitive], [? $silly_propostion], [? $adjective_poetic] , [? $adjective_poetic] ,[? $noun_subject],The , [? $adjective_poetic],[? $noun_subject], [? $verb_transitive], [? $silly_propostion], [? $adjective_poetic], [? $adjective_poetic], [? $noun_subject],The [? $adjective_poetic],[? $noun_subject], [? $verb_transitive], [? $silly_propostion], [? $adjective_poetic], [? $adjective_poetic], [? $noun_subject]," lappend liner $poetsey set poetsey $liner return $poetsey } #-- Activate F-keys (optional): bind . { exit} bind . {destroy .} bind . { set colorground LightBlue1; \ .c configure -bg $colorground} bind . {set colorground Bisque;.c \ configure -bg $colorground } bind . {set backcolor [lpick {AntiqueWhite3 Bisque1 Bisque2 Bisque3 Bisque4 \ SlateBlue3 RoyalBlue1 SteelBlue2 \ DeepSkyBlue3 LightBlue1 DarkSlateGray1 \ Aquamarine2 DarkSeaGreen2 SeaGreen1 Bisque \ Yellow1 IndianRed1 IndianRed2 Tan1 \ Tan4 gray}]; set colorground $backcolor; .c configure -bg $colorground } bind . {set backcolor [lpick {AntiqueWhite3 Bisque1 Bisque2 Bisque3 Bisque4 \ SlateBlue3 RoyalBlue1 SteelBlue2 \ DeepSkyBlue3 LightBlue1 DarkSlateGray1 \ Aquamarine2 DarkSeaGreen2 SeaGreen1 Bisque \ Yellow1 IndianRed1 IndianRed2 Tan1 \ Tan4 gray}]; set colorground $backcolor; .c configure -bg $colorground } bind . {set backcolor [lpick { Bisque Aquamarine }]; set colorground $backcolor; .c configure -bg $colorground } bind . {set backcolor [lpick {AntiqueWhite3 Bisque}]; set colorground $backcolor; .c configure -bg $colorground } bind . {set backcolor [lpick {SeaGreen1 Bisque}]; set colorground $backcolor; .c configure -bg $colorground } bind . {set backcolor [lpick {AntiqueWhite3 Bisque}]; set colorground $backcolor; .c configure -bg $colorground } #end of deck #end of deck #end of deck #end of deck #end of deck ---- ''Code Reuse'': Tcl's package system makes it easy to write code that can be reused. Many other people have made their code available for reuse. ---- ''Q. from goldshell7'':I am trying to load a feature or subroutine "select&pair_then_die" , where one selects two equal pieces in color,text, or tags. If the two pieces are equal , both pairs disappear from the screen ( or to a hockey safety zone on the screen). Kind of like the old Microsoft Mahjong game, which was an elimination process of equal pairs. ---- ''A. received'' You should make up unique tags and assign them to both the rect and the text inside it, and for convenience, another one for the text only. incr n $w create rect ... -tags [list mv obj$n] $w create text ... -tags [list mv obj$n text$n] For moving, specify the obj.. tag so both move together. To get the tags of the current selection, try something like: set tags [$w gettags current] In the returned list, locate the tag with the obj number, e.g. like this regexp {obj(\d+)} $tags -> number You can retrieve the text by giving the tag set text [$w itemcget text$number -text] end of record. ---- ''Q. from goldshell7'':28jul2006,would like selected tiles to have a red, blue, or colored outline. However commented ".c itemconfigure tile_number -outline red" colored outine but reverts text font to vertical arranged text. Maybe somebody can figure how to keep text horizontal. ---- [Category Toys]