Version 79 of Refrigerator_Magnetic_Poetry

Updated 2006-08-28 16:04:37

This page uses TCL8/Expect 5.2 for windows to develop Refrigerator magnetic Poetry. For example, we are laying out tiles in random colors imprinted with text and symbols applied randomly. Would also like to develop a crude Mahjong program using some of these subroutines.

     test  picture & screen shot


Subroutine use whereever possible.
This one

    # Start of Deck
    # Start of Deck
    # Start of Deck
    # Start of Deck
     package require Tk
    proc down(reset) {w x y} {
   reset $w
   proc move(reset) {w x y} {}
    proc radio {w var values {col 0}} {
     frame $w
     set type [expr {$col? "-background" : "-text"}]
     foreach value $values {
         radiobutton $w.v$value $type $value -variable $var -value $value \
             -indicatoron 0
         if $col {$w.v$value config -selectcolor $value -borderwidth 3}
     eval pack [winfo children $w] -side left
     set ::$var [lindex $values 0]
     set w

   proc down(Draw) {w x y} {
     set ::ID [$w create line $x $y $x $y -fill $::Fill]
   proc move(Draw) {w x y} {
     $w coords $::ID [concat [$w coords $::ID] $x $y]

   #-- Movement of an item
   proc down(Move) {w x y} {
     set ::ID [$w find withtag current]
     set ::X $x; set ::Y $y
   proc move(Move) {w x y} {
     $w move $::ID [expr {$x-$::X}] [expr {$y-$::Y}]
     set ::X $x; set ::Y $y
  proc luniq {L} {
     # removes duplicates without sorting the input list
     set t {}
     foreach i $L {if {[lsearch -exact $t $i]==-1} {lappend t $i}}
     return $t
  } ;# RS
   #-- Clone an existing item
   proc serializeCanvasItem {c item} {
     set data [concat [$c type $item] [$c coords $item]]
     foreach opt [$c itemconfigure $item] {
         # Include any configuration that deviates from the default
         if {[lindex $opt end] != [lindex $opt end-1]} {
             lappend data [lindex $opt 0] [lindex $opt end]
     return $data
   proc down(Clone) {w x y} {
     set current [$w find withtag current]
     if {[string length $current] > 0} {
         set itemData [serializeCanvasItem $w [$w find withtag current]]
         set ::ID [eval $w create $itemData]
         set ::X $x; set ::Y $y
   interp alias {} move(Clone) {} move(Move)

   #-- Drawing a rectangle
   proc down(Rect) {w x y} {
      set tile  [expr {int(rand()*1000000000.)}]
      set poof  "rectangle" ;
      set tagx [list $poof mv "obj_$tile" "colorit_$::Fill"  d-$x$y];
      set ::ID [$w create rect $x $y $x $y -tags $tagx -fill $::Fill]
   proc move(Rect) {w x y} {
     $w coords $::ID [lreplace [$w coords $::ID] 2 3 $x $y]

   #-- Drawing an oval (or circle, if you're careful)
   proc down(Oval) {w x y} {
      set tile  [expr {int(rand()*1000000000.)}]
      set poof  "oval" ;
      set tagx [list $poof mv "obj_$tile" "colorit_$::Fill"  d-$x$y];
     set ::ID [$w create oval $x $y $x $y -tags $tagx -fill $::Fill]
   proc move(Oval) {w x y} {
     $w coords $::ID [lreplace [$w coords $::ID] 2 3 $x $y]
 proc down(circle) {w x y} {
      set tile  [expr {int(rand()*1000000000.)}]
      set poof  "oval" ;
      set tagx [list $poof mv "obj_$tile" "colorit_$::Fill"  d-$x$y];
      set dx 50
      set dy 50

     set ::ID [$w create oval [expr {$x+2}] [expr {$y+2}] [expr {$x+$dx-3}] [expr {$y+$dy-3}]  -tags $tagx -fill $::Fill]
   proc move(circle) {w x y} {
     #$w coords $::ID [lreplace [$w coords $::ID] 2 3 $x $y]

   proc down(Poly) {w x y} {
     if [info exists ::Poly] {
      set tile  [expr {int(rand()*1000000000.)}]
      set poof  "poly" ;
      set tagx [list $poof mv "obj_$tile" "colorit_$::Fill"  d-$x$y];

         set coords [$w coords $::Poly]
         foreach {x0 y0} $coords break
         if {hypot($y-$y0,$x-$x0)<10} {
             $w delete $::Poly
             $w create poly [lrange $coords 2 end] -fill $::Fill
             unset ::Poly
         } else {
             $w coords $::Poly [concat $coords $x $y]
     } else {
         set ::Poly [$w create line $x $y $x $y -tags "obj_[expr {int(rand()*1000000000.)}]" -fill $::Fill ]

   proc ? L {
     lindex $L [expr {int(rand()*[llength $L])}]
   proc move(Poly) {w x y} {#nothing}

   #-- With little more coding, the Fill mode allows changing an item's fill color:
   proc down(Fill) {w x y} {$w itemconfig current -fill $::Fill}
   proc move(Fill) {w x y} {}
    proc lcount list {
     foreach x $list {lappend arr($x) {}}
     set res {}
     foreach name [array names arr] {
        lappend res [list $name [llength $arr($name)]]
     return $res
  #lcount {yes no no present yes yes no no yes present yes no no yes yes}
  #{no 6} {yes 7} {present 2}
 proc translationx {string dictName} {

   upvar 1 $dictName dict
    set res {}
    foreach word $string {
        if [info exists dict($word)] {set word $dict($word)}
        lappend res $word
    set res
   proc plural word {
    switch -- $word {
        man   {return men}
        foot  {return feet}
        goose {return geese}
        louse {return lice}
        mouse {return mice}
        ox    {return oxen}
        tooth {return teeth}
        calf - elf - half - hoof - leaf - loaf - scarf
        - self - sheaf - thief - wolf
              {return [string range $word 0 end-1]ves}
        knife - life - wife
              {return [string range $word 0 end-2]ves}
        auto - kangaroo - kilo - memo
        - photo - piano - pimento - pro - solo - soprano - studio
        - tattoo - video - zoo
              {return ${word}s}
        cod - deer - fish - offspring - perch - sheep - trout
        - species
              {return $word}
        genus {return genera}
        phylum {return phyla}
        radius {return radii}
        cherub {return cherubim}
        mythos {return mythoi}
        phenomenon {return phenomena}
        formula {return formulae}
    switch -regexp -- $word {

      {[ei]x$}                  {return [string range $word 0 end-2]ices}
      {[sc]h$} - {[soxz]$}      {return ${word}es}
      {[bcdfghjklmnprstvwxz]y$} {return [string range $word 0 end-1]ies}
      {child$}                  {return ${word}ren}
      {eau$}                    {return ${word}x}
      {is$}                     {return [string range $word 0 end-2]es}
      {woman$}                  {return [string range $word 0 end-2]en}

    return ${word}s
  proc keyget {list key} {
    foreach {lkey value} $list {
        if [string equal $lkey $key] {return $value}
 } ;# RS
 # % keyget {fnm John lnm Brown phone (123)456-7890 email [email protected]} phone
 # (123)456-7890
 # % keyget {fnm John lnm Brown phone (123)456-7890 email [email protected]} fax

 proc lswap list {
    set res {}
    foreach {a b} $list {lappend res $b $a}
    set res
 } ;# RS
 # % lswap {a b c d e f g h}
 # b a d c f e h g
 #Prepend elements to a list (add in front):

 proc lprepend {var args} {
    upvar 1 $var v
    set v [eval [list linsert $v 0] $args]
 } ;# DKF

 proc kvsearch {kvlist item} {
   set pos [lsearch $kvlist $item]
   if {$pos != -1} {
      lindex $kvlist [expr {$pos+1-2*($pos%2)}]
 } ;# RS
 ## kvsearch {1 one 2 two 3 three} four ;# returns empty string/list
 # kvsearch {1 one 2 two 3 three} 1
 #% kvsearch {1 one 2 two 3 three} one

   #-- Building the UI

   set modes {Draw Move Clone Fill Rect Oval Poly circle canvas Poetry hairs zone help clear reset exit}
  set colors {
     blue3 white magenta brown red orange yellow green green3 green4
     cyan blue blue2 purple}
    set colorz {black brown2 LightGoldenrod1 LightGoldenrod2 LightGoldenrod3 LightGoldenrod4
      LightYellow2 LightYellow3 LightYellow4 yellow2 yellow3 yellow4
      gold2 gold3 gold4 goldenrod1 goldenrod2 goldenrod3 goldenrod4
      DarkGoldenrod1 DarkGoldenrod2 DarkGoldenrod3
      orange3 orange4 DarkOrange1 DarkOrange2 DarkOrange3 DarkOrange4
      coral1 coral2 coral3 coral4 tomato2 tomato3 tomato4 OrangeRed2
      OrangeRed3 OrangeRed4 red2 red3 red4 DeepPink2 DeepPink3 DeepPink4
      HotPink1 HotPink2 HotPink3 HotPink4 pink1 pink2
      set colorx { blue4 AntiqueWhite3 \
      Bisque1 Bisque2 Bisque3  Bisque4 \
      SlateBlue3 RoyalBlue1 SteelBlue2 \
      DeepSkyBlue3  LightBlue1 DarkSlateGray1 \
      Aquamarine2 DarkSeaGreen2 SeaGreen1 Bisque \
             Yellow1 IndianRed1 IndianRed2 Tan1 \
      lemonchiffon  seashell honeydew mintcream azure \
       peachpuff navajowhite moccasin cornsilk \
       IndianRed3 IndianRed4 sienna1 sienna2 sienna3 sienna4 burlywood1 \
      burlywood2 burlywood3 burlywood4 wheat1 wheat2 wheat3 wheat4  \
      tan2 tan4 chocolate1 chocolate2 chocolate3 firebrick1 firebrick2 \
      firebrick3 firebrick4 \
     global helpx
       global liner
       global ind
       set ind 0
      global   movesit
      set helpx 0
      set  movesit 1
      set colorground bisque
      global xhistory firstnode curnode
      set curnode ""
      set firstnode ""
      set xhistory [list aaa bbb ccc ddd eee fff ggg ]
     set xhistory [list  ]
     set colorground bisque
      global selected_tile previous_tile
      set selected_tile "selected tile";
      set previous_tile "previous tile";
       global counter
       global liner
       global ind
       set ind 0
       set liner [list a b c d e f g ]
       global tilex tagx tagz
       set tilex "obj_66666test"
       set tagx "obj_77777test"
       set tagz "obj_55555test "
       global entries
       set counter 0
   grid [radio .1 Mode $modes]  -sticky nw
   grid [radio .2 Fill $colors 1]  -sticky nw

   grid [radio .3 Fill $colorx 2] -sticky nw
   grid [radio .4 Fill $colorz 3] -sticky nw
   grid [canvas .c -relief raised -borderwidth 1 -bg $colorground] - -sticky news

   grid rowconfig . 0 -weight 0
   grid rowconfig . 1 -weight 1
   grid rowconfig . 2 -weight 2
   grid rowconfig . 3 -weight 3
     button .b2 -text dismiss -command "destroy ."
      button .b3 -text exit -command "exit"
   button  .b5 -text "Del_tank" -width 2  -command { .wxx delete 1.0 end}

      button  .b6 -text "lt_bg" -bg gray -width 2 \
    -command { set colorground LightBlue1;
      .c configure -bg $colorground  }
      button  .b7 -text "bis_bg" -width 3 \
    -command { set colorground Bisque; \
      .c configure -bg $colorground  }

      grid .b2 .b3 .b5 .b6 .b7
   grid rowconfig . 0 -weight 0
   grid rowconfig . 1 -weight 1
   grid [ label .wcc -text "list of selection history " ]
   grid [entry .wxxccc -textvar e -just left -bg beige -width 50]
   #.wxxccc insert end  "$liner"
   set wow [.c find withtag current];
   .wxxccc insert end  "xxx starter xxx $wow xxx"
   focus .wxxccc           ;# allow keyboard input
   set labelx  [info tclversion];
   grid [ label .ww -text "holding tank, version $labelx " ]
   set txt [text .wxx -width 20 -height 3 -bg beige]
     grid  $txt -sticky news
   focus .wxx           ;# allow keyboard input
   set wow [.c find withtag current];
  .wxx insert 1.0  "xxx starter xxx $wow xxx ";

   #-- The current mode is retrieved at runtime from the global Mode variable:
   bind .c <1> {set firstnode [.c find withtag current];initialize %W %x %y ;down($Mode) %W %x %y}
   bind .c <B1-Motion> {move($Mode) %W %x %y}
   bind .c <2>         {%W delete current}
   bind .c <3> {
        #set firstnode [.c find withtag green]
        set firstnode [.c find withtag current]
        set curnode [.c find withtag current]
        set tile [.c find withtag current]
        #set curnode [.c find withtag red]
        if {( $firstnode != "") && ($curnode != "")} {
       dualcheck $tile $firstnode $curnode }}
   proc move(Poetry) {w x y} {
    if [info exists ::X] {
   $w move $::ID [expr {$x-$::X}] [expr {$y-$::Y}]
     set ::X $x; set ::Y $y}
   proc down(exit) {w x y} {

  proc down(Poetry) {w x y} {
         global baseline
        global en_chinese
        global en_romanji
        set baseline  [list ]
        set baseline2  [list ]
        set baseline3  [list ]
        set dy 40
        set dx 40
        set dk 10
        set poof "tester";
        set looky "stringx";
        set tile "tile"
        set tagx  [list aaaa bbbb cccc dddd eeee fffff gggg hhhh ]
        set tagx  [list ]
    #set tags [list mv d-$val1$val2];

       #set tile  [expr {int(rand()*1000000000.)}]
      #set looky "stringx";
      #set poof  [xpop $looky ] ;
       #set tags [list $poof mv obj_$tile  d-$val1$val2];
   #set tags [list $poof mv "obj_$tile+1"   d-$val1$val2];
       #set tagx [list $poof mv "obj_$tile+1"   d-$x$y];
   for {set i 0; set y  [expr {4+$y}];set x  [expr {10+$dx}]; } {$i<5} {incr i; incr x $dx} {
     set state1 1;
   set tile  [expr {int(rand()*1000000000.)}]
      set looky "stringx";
      set poof  [xpop $looky ] ;
      lappend baseline $poof;
      lappend caseline $poof;
      set tagx [list $poof mv "obj_$tile"   d-$x$y];
        set ::ID [$w create text $x $y  -text $poof -tags $tagx -fill $::Fill ]
       for {set i 0; set y [expr {8+$y}];set x [expr {10+$dx}] ;} {$i<7} {incr i; incr x $dx} {
     set state1 1;
   set tile  [expr {int(rand()*1000000000.)}]
      set looky "stringx";
      set poof  [xpop $looky ] ;
     lappend baseline2 $poof;
     lappend caseline2 $poof;
   set tagx [list $poof mv "obj_$tile"   d-$x$y];
        set ::ID [$w create text $x $y  -text $poof -tags $tagx -fill $::Fill ]
     for {set i 0; set y  [expr {12+$y}];set x [expr {15+$dx}];} {$i<5} {incr i; incr x $dx} {
     set state1 1;
   set tile  [expr {int(rand()*1000000000.)}]
      set looky "stringx";
      set poof  [xpop $looky ] ;
       lappend baseline3 $poof;
       lappend caseline3 $poof;
      set tagx [list $poof mv "obj_$tile"   d-$x$y];
        set ::ID [$w create text $x $y  -text $poof -tags $tagx -fill $::Fill ]
   set topa [stringxxx [concat $baseline $baseline2 $baseline3]] ;
    .wxx insert 1.0 $topa;
     .wxx insert 1.0 [lcount $topa];
      set topat [translationx $topa en_chinese];
     .wxx insert 1.0 [lcount $topat];
     .wxx insert 1.0 [concat $topa [lcount $topa] $topat [lcount $topat]  ];

   set k 20;
   set baseline [translationx $baseline en_chinese];
  set k  [expr {20+$y}];
   set ::ID [$w create text $x  $k  -text $baseline -tags $tagx -fill $::Fill ]
   set baseline [translationx $baseline2 en_chinese];
  set k  [expr {30+$y}];
   set ::ID [$w create text $x  $k  -text $baseline -tags $tagx -fill $::Fill ]
    set baseline [translationx $baseline3 en_chinese];
   set k  [expr {40+$y}];
   set ::ID [$w create text $x  $k  -text $baseline -tags $tagx -fill $::Fill ] 
   set k 30;
   set j 20;
   set baseline [translationx $caseline en_romanji];
   set k  [expr {60+$y}];
   set j  [expr {20+$x}];
   set ::ID [$w create text $j  $k  -text $baseline -tags $tagx -fill $::Fill ]
   set baseline [translationx $caseline2 en_romanji];
   set k  [expr {70+$y}];
   set j  [expr {20+$x}];
   set ::ID [$w create text $j  $k  -text $baseline -tags $tagx -fill $::Fill ]
    set baseline [translationx $caseline3 en_romanji];
   set k  [expr {80+$y}];
   set j  [expr {20+$x}];
   set ::ID [$w create text $j  $k  -text $baseline -tags $tagx -fill $::Fill ]

   proc history {xhistory } {
   set xhistory [list object history @];
   global xhistory firstnode curnode
        global ind movesit
        set number 2
         set numberx 2

         set firstnode [.c find withtag current]
   lappend  $xhistory  $firstnode ;
   set ::ID [.c create text 100 200  -text $xhistory -tags " history " -fill $::Fill -fill black ]
      proc dualcheck { tile firstnode curnode} {
       global match_id selected_tile tiles_left jack
       global newy oldy match oldx xhistory
      global selected_tile previous_tile
      global xhistory
      global tilex
      #global firstnode curnode
      set selected_tile "selected tile";
      set colorxxx "test"
      set colorzzz "test"
         #set previous_tile "previous tile";
         set numberx [.c  gettags current];
         regexp {obj_(\d+)} $numberx -> tilex
         regexp {colorit_(\d+)} $numberx -> colorxxx
         regexp {colorit_(\d+)} $numberx -> colorzzz
        set indexer [string first "mv" $numberx ];
         set indexer [ expr { $indexer - 1 } ]
        set new  [string range $numberx 0 $indexer ];
       set tags [.c  gettags current]
       #.c itemconfigure obj_$tilex -width 2 -outline red;
       #.c itemconfigure $previous_tile -width 2 -outline green;
       # .c itemconfigure obj_$tilex -width 3  ;
      # .c itemconfigure $previous_tile -width 3  ;
       set old "test"
       set kkk [.c  gettags $previous_tile ]
       set indexer [string first "mv" $kkk ]; ;
        set indexer [ expr { $indexer - 1 } ]
        set old  [string range $kkk 0 $indexer ];
      if {$old == ""} {set old "poof $previous_tile"}
     set tx [string range $tilex  0 end ];
      set rx [string range $previous_tile 4 end ];
       if { $tx !=  $rx } {
       .wxx delete 1.0 end;
       .wxx insert end  "  pair error identified, text not equal !!!"  ;

     if { $old ==  $new } {
      set tx [string range $tilex  0 end ];
      set rx [string range $previous_tile 4 end ];
       if { $tx ==  $rx } {
       .wxx delete 1.0 end;
       .wxx insert end  "  pair error identified, double touch of same tile !!!"  ;
       if { $tx !=  $rx } {
     #.c itemconfigure obj_$tilex -width 2 -outline blue;
     #.c itemconfigure $previous_tile -width 2 -outline blue;
     .wxx delete 1.0 end;
     .wxx insert end " xxx $tilex xxx $tx xxx $rx xxx $previous_tile xxxx  ";
     .wxx insert end  $previous_tile;
     .wxx insert end  "  old $old ";
     .wxx insert end  $old;
     .wxx insert end  " identical pair identified !!!"  ;
     .wxx insert end " xxx old $old xxx new xxx $new  ";
     .wxx insert end  $new;
     .wxx insert end "obj_tilex obj_$tilex "
         regexp {colorit_(\d+)} $numberx -> colorxxx
         regexp {colorit_(\d+)} $previous_tile -> colorzzz
     if { $colorxxx ==  $colorzzz } {
     .c delete "$previous_tile+1";
     .c delete "obj_$tilex+1" ;

     .c delete obj_$tilex ;
     .c delete $previous_tile;

       #.wxx delete 1.0 end;
       set $selected_tile $tags;
       .wxx insert end $tags ;
       .wxx insert end " selected_tile equals $new ";
       if {  $previous_tile != $selected_tile  } {
        set previous_tile [.c  gettags current]
        set indexer [string first "mv" $previous_tile ];
         set indexer [ expr { $indexer - 1 } ]
        set old  [string range $previous_tile 0 $indexer ];
       .wxx insert end " previous_tile equals $old ";
       #.c itemconfigure  $curnode -width 2 ;
       set previous_tile obj_$tilex
       set firstnode obj_$tilex;
       if { $firstnode != $curnode } {
       set curnode obj_$tilex;}
      .wxx insert end " current equals $curnode ";
      .wxx insert end " first equals $firstnode ";
     return }
     proc initialize {w x y} {
        global tile
        global xhistory firstnode curnode
        global ind movesit
      set tile [.c find withtag current]
        set number 2
         set numberx 2
         set ::_x $x; set ::_y $y;
         set firstnode [.c find withtag current]
      set number  [$w gettags current]
       set indexer [string first "mv" $number ];
       set numberx  [string range $number 0 $indexer];
       # this card deletes previous history in tank
       # reduces tank verbage but loses history
       #  .wxx delete 1.0 end;
       # general reporting line
      .wxx insert 1.0 " xxx $number xxx $numberx xxx \
     indexer  xxx  $indexer xxx number of tiles xxxx \
     $ind xxxx object xxx $tile xxx $ind xxx number of \
      straight moves xxx $movesit xxx ";
       #.wxxccc delete 1.0 end;
       # general reporting line
       .wxxccc insert end " xxx $number xxx $numberx xxx \
     indexer  xxx  $indexer xxx number of tiles xxxx \
     $ind xxxx object xxx $tile xxx $ind xxx number of \
      straight moves xxx $movesit xxx ";
      incr movesit


      proc lpick L {lindex $L [expr int(rand()*[llength $L])]; \
    proc stringxxx s {
         set res {}
        foreach line [split $s \n] {
           for {set i 0} {$i<[string length $line]} {incr i} {
              if {$i==[string wordstart $line $i]} {
                 set w [string range $line $i [expr {[string wordend $line $i]-1}]]
                 #if {$w!=" "} {lappend res $w}
                 #if {$w!=" " && $w!="\{" && $w!="\}"} {lappend res $w}
                 if {$w!=" " && $w!="\{" && $w!="\}" && $w!="\," && $w!="\\" && $w!="\/"} {lappend res $w}
                 #if {$w!="\}"} {lappend res $w}
                 #if {$w!="\{"} {lappend res $w}
                 incr i [expr {[string length $w]-1}];

                 # always loop incr
        set res

   proc xpop { topper } {
     global liner
     global ind
     global baseline
     set poetsey aaaaa

     set liner [poemsorts $poetsey];

     set goofy [stringxxx $liner] ;

     set topper [ lindex $goofy $ind ];

     set ind [ expr { $ind + 1}]
     lappend $baseline $topper;
     return $topper;
        proc helptext {stringxxx} {
       set text_texas {
       # Refrigerator magnet poetry
       # Refrigerator magnet poetry
       # program is mainly TCL8.0 and
       # Windows Expect5.2 offshoot of
       # Suchenwirth's Domino.tcl, circa 2004.
       # Tried to note which Suchenwirth subroutines
       # were mostly unchanged.
       # 5/7/5 words per line is
       # setting for Japanese Haiku poetry.
       # Other procedures working
       # on windows98 and old PC.
       # from goldshell7 on 10jun2006.}
       return $text_texas;}

     proc poemsorts {poetsey} {
      global liner
      #set liner [list q w e r]
      # alpha liner for test purposes
      set liner [list aaaa bbbb cccc dddd eeee fffff gggg hhhh ]
      set liner [list  ]
      set adjective_poetic {
        {red} {sad} {blue} {blue}
        {glad} {glad} {deep} {black}
       {wild } { green } {pale } {bright}
       {rough } {gray } {brown } {long}
       {high } {thin} {brown } {lush}
       {dry } {poor} {lone } {far}
       {flat } {broad} {thick } {hard}
       {flat } {broad} {cool } {hard}
      set noun_subject {
        cat  mouse  reed { pear }
        {quince } { peach } {hare } {bird}
       { smoke } { rain} { ice} { snow}
        {cloud} { home} { flower } {sky}
        {rice} { pine} { mist} {door}
        {wind} { cricket} { year } {moon}
        {crane } {grass } {rose} { ink}
        {thaw} { bloom } {lake} { cedar }
        {dusk} { autumn } {stone} { dawn}
        {stream} { tree } {heart} { boat}
        {grief} { tree } {boat} { boat}
        {rock} {town} {tear} {pool}
        {silk} {deer} {song} {barge}
        {moss} {night} {gate} {fence}
        {dove} {dream} {frost} {peace}
       {shade} {ghost} {road } {path}
       {root} {horse} {eve } {sound}
       {sleep} {leaves} {sea } {sail}
       {peak} {stem} {field} {wave}
       {slope} {bark} {crest} {weed}
       {moth} {wasp} {pond} {soil}
       {snail} {worm} {ant} {kelp}
       {cave} {month} {head} {jade}
         {branch} {bone} {head} {smile}
        {pea} {bone} {head} {smile}
       {elm} { morn} {carp} {nest}
       {oak} { bone} {perch} {breeze}
        mount  plum  storm  hill
      set verb_transitive {falls
      {snow} { burns} { flips} { flys }
      {lies} { walk } {flow } {fall} {fly}
       {know } {come} { meet } { drift}
     {shine } {soak} { cry } {dance}
      { lost} {cheer}  {float } {dance}
     {roost} { move} { fade} { loves}
      {sleeps} {move} {takes } {sail}
     {sits} {leaps} {sits } {sit}
     {sits} {leaps} {grows } {waits}
      {loses} {hears} {wants } {watch}
      set noun_objective {
         cloud {old home} flower { sky } rice {cricket}
      set silly_propostion {
         for {by} towards { to } at {bygone}
         {to} {in} {in } {to }
         {to} {in} {fore } through
     set poetsey "The , [? $adjective_poetic],[? $noun_subject], [? $verb_transitive], [? $silly_propostion], [? $adjective_poetic], [? $adjective_poetic], [? $noun_subject],The , [? $adjective_poetic],[? $noun_subject], [? $verb_transitive], [? $silly_propostion], [? $adjective_poetic], [? $adjective_poetic], [? $noun_subject],The , [? $adjective_poetic],[? $noun_subject], [? $verb_transitive], [? $silly_propostion], [? $adjective_poetic] , [? $adjective_poetic] ,[? $noun_subject],The , [? $adjective_poetic],[? $noun_subject], [? $verb_transitive], [? $silly_propostion], [? $adjective_poetic], [? $adjective_poetic], [? $noun_subject],The [? $adjective_poetic],[? $noun_subject], [? $verb_transitive], [? $silly_propostion], [? $adjective_poetic], [? $adjective_poetic], [? $noun_subject],"

      lappend liner $poetsey
      lappend liner $poetsey
      lappend liner $poetsey
     set poetsey $liner
     return $poetsey

    #-- Activate F-keys (optional):

       bind . <Escape> { exit}
       bind . <F1> {destroy .}
       bind . <F2> { set colorground LightBlue1; \
      .c configure -bg $colorground}
       bind . <F3> {set colorground Bisque;.c \
      configure -bg $colorground }
       bind . <F4> {set backcolor [lpick {AntiqueWhite3
      Bisque1 Bisque2 Bisque3  Bisque4 \
      SlateBlue3 RoyalBlue1 SteelBlue2 \
      DeepSkyBlue3  LightBlue1 DarkSlateGray1 \
      Aquamarine2 DarkSeaGreen2 SeaGreen1 Bisque \
             Yellow1 IndianRed1 IndianRed2 Tan1 \
      Tan4 gray}];
      set colorground $backcolor;
      .c configure -bg $colorground }
      bind . <F4> {set backcolor [lpick {AntiqueWhite3
      Bisque1 Bisque2 Bisque3  Bisque4 \
      SlateBlue3 RoyalBlue1 SteelBlue2 \
      DeepSkyBlue3  LightBlue1 DarkSlateGray1 \
      Aquamarine2 DarkSeaGreen2 SeaGreen1 Bisque \
             Yellow1 IndianRed1 IndianRed2 Tan1 \
      Tan4 gray}];
      set colorground $backcolor;
      .c configure -bg $colorground }
      bind .  <F5> {set backcolor [lpick {
      Bisque Aquamarine  }];
      set colorground $backcolor;
      .c configure -bg $colorground }
      bind . <F6> {set backcolor [lpick {AntiqueWhite3
      set colorground $backcolor;
      .c configure -bg $colorground }
     bind . <F7> {set backcolor [lpick {SeaGreen1
      set colorground $backcolor;
      .c configure -bg $colorground }
     bind . <F8> {set backcolor [lpick {AntiqueWhite3
      set colorground $backcolor;
      .c configure -bg $colorground }
  # some words/meanings from 8th century poems
  # english articles dumped for asterisk
  # reduced volcabulary
 array set en_chinese {
    The     *
    the     *
    bird   naio
    water   shui
    cloud     yun
    smoke    yan
    come      lai
    rain     yu
   red     hong 
   sad     nanguo 
   blue     lan 
   glad     gaoxing 
   deep     shen 
   black     hei 
   wild     yesheng 
   green     luse 
   pale     cangbai 
   bright     ming 
   rough     buping 
   gray     cangbai 
   brown     zongse 
   long     chang 
   high     gao 
   thin     shou 
   lush     duo 
   dry     gan 
   poor     qiong 
   lone     dandu 
   far     yuan 
   flat     ping 
   broad     kuan 
   thick     hou 
   hard     ying 
   cool     liang 
   cat     mao 
   mouse     laoshu 
   reed     cao 
   pear     li 
   quince     yingtao 
   peach     tao 
   hare     tuzhu 
   bird     naio 
   smoke     yan 
   rain     yu 
   ice     xue 
   snow     xue 
   cloud     yun 
   home       home    
   flower     hua 
   sky     tian 
   rice     mi 
   pine     song 
   mist     wu 
   door     men 
   wind     feng 
   cricket     kunchong 
   year     nian 
   moon     yue 
   crane     niao 
   grass     cao 
   rose     meigui 
   ink     moshui 
   thaw      thaw  
   bloom     hua 
   lake     he 
   cedar     song 
   dusk     heitian 
   autumn     qiu 
   stone     shi 
   dawn     liming 
   stream     he 
   tree     shu 
   heart     xin 
   boat     zhou 
   grief     nanguo 
   rock     shi 
   town     zhen 
   tear     lei 
   pool     chitang 
   silk     si 
   deer     lu 
   song     cedar 
   barge     bochuan 
   moss     lu 
   night     ye 
   gate     men 
   fence     liba 
   dove     naio 
   dream     meng 
   frost     shuang 
   peace     heping 
   shade     si 
   ghost     ti 
   road     li 
   path     xiaodao 
   root     gen 
   horse     ma 
   eve     wan 
   sound     sheng 
   sleep     shuimian 
   leaves     shu 
   sea     hai 
   sail     fan 
   peak     peak 
   stem       stem
   field     yuan 
   wave     bolang 
   slope     shan 
   bark     shu 
   crest     xia 
   weed     zhiwu 
   moth     kunchong 
   wasp     huangfeng 
   pond     chitang 
   soil     du 
   snail     wongnui 
   worm     wongnu 
   ant     kunchong 
   kelp     haizhiwu 
   cave     shandong 
   month     yue 
   head     tou 
   jade     yu 
   branch     shuzhi 
   bone     gu 
   smile     xiao 
   pea     xiaodou 
   elm     shu 
   morn     zaochen 
   carp     yu 
   nest     chang 
   oak     shu 
   perch     yu 
   breeze     xiaofeng 
   mount     shan 
   plum     lizi 
   storm     fengbao 
   hill     shan 
   falls     liu 
   burns     huo 
   flips     zhou 
   flys     fei 
   lies     zhi 
   walk     zou 
   flow     liu 
   fall     liu 
   fly     fei 
   know     zhu 
   come     lai 
   meet       meet  
   drift     zhou 
   shine     guang 
   soak     shui 
   cry     ti 
   dance     tiaowu 
   lost     milu 
   cheer     guoxing 
   float     piao 
   roost     chang 
   move     zhou 
   fade     fade 
   loves     ai 
   sleeps     shuimian 
   takes     you 
   sits     zuo 
   leaps     tiao 
   sit     zuo 
   grows     sheng 
   waits     zhou 
   loses      loses 
   hears     ting 
   wants     yao 
   watch     kan 
   old     lao 
   for     wei 
   by     yu 
   towards     zai 
   to     ge 
   at     zai 
   bygone     yu 
   in     zai 


array set en_romanji {

                    The     *
                    the     *
                    red                aka
                    sad                kanashii
                    blue               aoi_ao
                    glad               glad
                    deep               deep
                    black              kuroi
                    wild               yasee
                    green              midori-iro
                    pale               usui
                    bright             akarui_taiyoo
                    rough              rough
                    gray               guree
                    brown              chairo
                    long               long
                    high               takai
                    thin               thin
                    lush               subishii
                    dry                kawaite_iru
                    poor               bimboo
                    lone               subishii
                    far                far
                    flat               flat
                    broad              broad
                    thick              thick
                    hard               hard
                    cool               cool
                    cat                cat
                    mouse              mouse
                    reed               reed
                    pear               pear
                    quince             quince
                    peach              peach
                    hare               hare
                    bird               bird
                    smoke              smoke
                    rain               rain
                    ice                ice
                    snow               snow
                    cloud              cloud
                    home               home
                    flower             flower
                    sky                sky
                    rice               rice
                    pine               pine
                    mist               mist
                    door               door
                    wind               wind
                    cricket            cricket
                    year               year
                    moon               moon
                    crane              crane
                    grass              grass
                    rose               rose
                    ink                ink
                    thaw               thaw
                    bloom              bloom
                    lake               lake
                    cedar              cedar
                    dusk               dusk
                    autumn             autumn
                    stone              stone
                    dawn               dawn
                    stream             stream
                    tree               tree
                    heart              heart
                    boat               boat
                    grief              grief
                    rock               rock
                    town               town
                    tear               tear
                    pool               pool
                    silk               silk
                    deer               deer
                    song               song
                    barge              barge
                    moss               moss
                    night              night
                    gate               gate
                    fence              fence
                    dove               dove
                    dream              dream
                    frost              frost
                    peace              peace
                    shade              shade
                    ghost              ghost
                    road               road
                    path               path
                    root               root
                    horse              horse
                    eve                eve
                    sound              sound
                    sleep              sleep
                    leaves             leaves
                    sea                sea
                    sail               sail
                    peak               peak
                    stem               stem
                    field              field
                    wave               wave
                    slope              slope
                    bark               bark
                    crest              crest
                    weed               weed
                    moth               moth
                    wasp               wasp
                    pond               pond
                    soil               soil
                    snail              snail
                    worm               worm
                    ant                ant
                    kelp               kelp
                    cave               cave
                    month              month
                    head               head
                    jade               jade
                    branch             branch
                    bone               bone
                    smile              smile
                    pea                pea
                    elm                elm
                    morn               morn
                    carp               carp
                    nest               nest
                    oak                oak
                    perch              perch
                    breeze             breeze
                    mount              mount
                    plum               plum
                    storm              storm
                    hill               hill
                    falls              falls
                    burns              burns
                    flips              flips
                    flys               flys
                    lies               lies
                    walk               walk
                    flow               flow
                    fall               fall
                    fly                fly
                    know               know
                    come               come
                    meet               meet
                    drift              drift
                    shine              shine
                    soak               soak
                    cry                cry
                    dance              dance
                    lost               lost
                    cheer              cheer
                    float              float
                    roost              roost
                    move               move
                    fade               fade
                    loves              loves
                    sleeps             sleeps
                    takes              takes
                    sits               sits
                    leaps              leaps
                    sit                sit
                    grows              grows
                    waits              waits
                    loses              loses
                    hears              hears
                    wants              wants
                    watch              watch
                    old                old
                    for                for
                    by                 by
                    towards            towards
                    to                 to
                    at                 at
                    bygone             bygone
                    in                 in
                    The     *
                    the     *

 proc phonesort2 { list } {
    #KBK (14 February 2001)
     foreach name $list {
        regsub {Ma?c ?([A-Z])} $name {M_\1} key
        lappend list2 [list $key $name]
    foreach pair [lsort -index 0 -ascii $list2] {
        lappend list3 [lindex $pair 1]
    return $list3
 global baseline
 global en_chinese

 set topa [stringxxx [poemsorts "aaaaa"]] ;
 .wxx insert 1.0 $topa;
 .wxx insert 1.0 [lcount $topa];

 set baseline [list man goose foot woman dives];
 foreach oppie $baseline {
 set letter "string";
 set letter [string range $oppie  end end];
 set letterx "s";
 if { $letter != $letterx } {
 lappend baseline [plural $oppie];
 } else {
 lappend baseline $oppie; }
 .wxx insert 1.0 " $baseline xxx";
 .wxx insert 1.0 "man xxx [plural "man"] xxx";
 set baseline [list water bird smoke come];
 .wxx insert 1.0 "xxx $baseline xxx";
 set stringj [list ];
 set stringj [translationx "water bird smoke come" en_chinese]
 .wxx insert 1.0 $stringj ;
 .wxx insert 1.0 "xxxx trans [translationx $baseline en_chinese]" ;
 set listxxx [list MacDonald McArthur McEwan Lyttle Mabbs Jones]
 .wxx insert 1.0 "xxxx sort xxxx $listxxx xxx [phonesort2 "$listxxx"]" ;
     proc down(canvas) {w x y} {global colorground; set colorground $::Fill; \
      .c configure -bg $colorground}
  proc move(canvas) {w x y} {}
  proc down(exit) {w x y} {
   proc move(exit) {w x y} {}
  proc down(help) {w x y} {
      set tile  [expr {int(rand()*1000000000.)}]
      set poof  "help" ;
      global helpx
     if {$helpx > 0} {return}
      set tagx [list $poof mv "obj_$tile" "colorit_$::Fill"  d-$x$y];
     set base "help";
     set helpx 0;
     set baseline [helptext $base];
     #if {![info exists L]} {set L {}}
     set ::ID [$w create text $x  $y  -text $baseline -tags $tagx -fill $::Fill ]
     set helpx 1;

   proc move(help) {w x y} {}
   proc down(clear) {w x y} {
    global helpx
    $w delete "all";
    set helpx 0;

 proc reset {w} {
   global helpx
  $w delete "all"
   set helpx 0;

  proc down(hairs) {w x y} {
      global helpx
      if {$helpx > 0} {return}
      set tile  [expr {int(rand()*1000000000.)}]
      set poof  "cross hair" ;
     set maximumxxxx 400
     set maximumyyyy 400
     set middlexxxx [expr { (400 + $x)/ 2 }]
     set middleyyyy [expr { (400 + $y)/ 2 }]
     set xx1 20;
     set xx2 15;
     set yy1 20;
     set yy2 10;
      set tagx [list $poof mv "obj_$tile" "colorit_$::Fill"  d-$x$y];
     set base "help";
     set helpx 0;
     set baseline  $base;
     #if {![info exists L]} {set L {}}
     #set ::ID [$w create text $x  $y  -text $baseline -tags $tagx -fill $::Fill ]
      set ::ID [ $w create line $x     $middleyyyy $maximumxxxx  $middleyyyy -tags $tagx]
      set ::ID [$w create line $middlexxxx $y       $middlexxxx $maximumyyyy -tags tagx ]
      bind ::ID  [ $w create line $x     $middleyyyy $maximumxxxx  $middleyyyy -tags $tagx][$w create line $middlexxxx $y       $middlexxxx $maximumyyyy -tags tagx ]
      set helpx 1;

   proc move(hairs) {w x y} {

      set ::ID [$w find withtag hair ]
     $w coords $::ID [lreplace [$w coords $::ID] 2 3 $x $y]
       set ::X $x; set ::Y $y


    proc down(zone) {w x y} {
     global helpx
     if {$helpx > 0} {return}
     set xx1 20;
     set xx2 15;
     set yy1 20;
     set yy2 10;
     set tile  [expr {int(rand()*1000000000.)}];
      set poof  "zone" ;
      set tagx [list $poof mv "obj_$tile" "colorit_$::Fill"  d-$x$y];
     set base "help";
     #$w create rect  50  10  100  60  -tags "box"
     #$w create rect $xx1 $yy1  $xx2 $yy2  -tags "box"
     set ::ID [$w create rect $x  $y [expr { $x + $xx1 }] [expr { $y + $yy1 }]   -tags $tagx -fill $::Fill ]
     set helpx 1
   proc move(zone) {w x y} {}

    #end of deck

   #end of deck
   #end of deck

   #end of deck
   #end of deck
   #end of deck

 #end of deck
 #end of deck

   #end of deck

Code Reuse
Tcl's package system makes it easy to write code that can be reused.
   Many  other people have made their 
 code available for reuse.

 ''Q. from goldshell7'':I am trying to load a feature or  
 subroutine "select&pair_then_die" ,
 where one selects two equal pieces in color,text, or 
 tags. If the two pieces are equal , both pairs disappear from
 the screen ( or to a hockey safety zone on the screen). 
 Kind of like the old Microsoft Mahjong game, which
 was an elimination process of equal pairs.

  ''A. received''
 You should make up unique tags 
 and assign them to both the rect   
 and the text inside it, and for convenience,
 another one for   the  text only.
 incr n 
 $w create rect ... -tags [list mv obj$n]
 $w create text ... -tags [list mv obj$n text$n]
 For moving, specify the obj.. tag so both move together.

 To get the tags of the current selection, try something like:
 set tags [$w gettags current]

 In the returned list, locate the tag with the obj number, 
  e.g.    like this
 regexp {obj(\d+)} $tags -> number

 You can retrieve the text by giving the tag
 set text [$w itemcget text$number -text]
 end of record.

 ''Q. from goldshell7'':28jul2006,would like
   selected tiles to have a red, blue, or   
   colored    outline. However

  commented ".c itemconfigure tile_number -outline
 red"  colored outine but reverts text font to 
  vertical arranged text.

  Maybe somebody can figure how to keep text 

  #   test & extra  chinese pinyin volcabulary
             #       acrobatics                           zájì
             #       acting                               yanchu
             #       advance                              jìn
             #       after                                ránhòu
             #       after                                yihòu
             #       afternoon                            xiàwu
             #       again                                zài
             #       all                                  dou
             #       also                                 ye
             #       although                             sui
             #       always                               zongshì
             #       among                                mínjian
             #       and                                  hé
             #       appearance                           xiàng
             #       appearance                           xiàng
             #       approximately                        dàyue
             #       army                                 yíng
             #       as                                   rú
             #       ask                                  ràng
             #       ask                                  wèn
             #       aspect                               guo
             #       assist                               bang
             #       assistance                           bangzhù
             #       automatic                            zìdòng
             #       autumn                               qiutian
             #       axle                                 zhóu
             #       ballast_trackbed_                    suìshí
             #       ban                                  shàng
             #       ban                                  yì
             #       bank                                 yínháng
             #       banker_fire                          buji
             #       basketball                           lánqiú
             #       be                                   shì
             #       be_able                              huì
             #       beat                                 da
             #       because                              yinwèi
             #       beef                                 niúròu
             #       before                               qián
             #       begin                                kaishi
             #       between                              jian
             #       bill                                 dan
             #       bill                                 fapiào
             #       birthday                             shengrì
             #       blow                                 gua
             #       blow                                 gua
             #       bó                                   Shànghai
             #       board                                ban
             #       bogie                                zhuanxiàngjià
             #       book                                 shu
             #       book                                 shu
             #       both                                 liang
             #       both                                 liang
             #       box                                  xiang
             #       boxcar                               péngche
             #       brake                                zhá
             #       branch_line                          zhixiàn
             #       bridge                               qiáo
             #       bridge                               qiáo
             #       bridge                               qiáo
             #       bright                               cai
             #       bright                               cai
             #       brilliant                            jingcai
             #       brother_younger                      dìdi
             #       brothers                             xiongdì
             #       bu                                   duì
             #       bù                                   pao
             #       builder_plate                        míngpái
             #       bus                                  gonggòngqìche
             #       business                             míngpiàn
             #       business                             shengyì
             #       business                             yè
             #       business_card                        míngpiàn
             #       busy                                 máng
             #       but                                  dànshì
             #       but                                  keshì
             #       buy                                  mai
             #       caboose                              shouche
             #       call                                 jiào
             #       can                                  hòu
             #       can                                  ke
             #       can                                  néng
             #       capacity                             dù
             #       carriage                             kèche
             #       carriage                             kèche
             #       cash                                 duì
             #       category                             shu
             #       catenary                             jiàkongshì_jiechùwang
             #       certainly                            bì
             #       chinese                              chén
             #       chinese                              hànyu
             #       chinese                              hànzì
             #       class                                xiàkè
             #       classics                             jing
             #       clear                                qing
             #       clear                                qingchu
             #       climate                              qìhòu
             #       clip                                 jia
             #       clock                                zhong
             #       close                                jìnnear
             #       coal                                 méi_tàn
             #       coalmine                             méikuàng
             #       cold                                 leng
             #       college                              dàgài
             #       colour_light_signal                  sèdeng_xìnhàoji
             #       come                                 lái
             #       commerce                             shang
             #       company                              gongsi
             #       compare                              bijiào
             #       competition                          bisài
             #       complete                             zhou
             #       continue                             jìxù
             #       convenient                           fangbiàn
             #       conveniently                         shùnbiàn
             #       convert                              duìhuàn
             #       cordial                              rèqíng
             #       correct                              búcuò
             #       correct                              rán
             #       country                              guó
             #       craft                                shouyì
             #       cross_tie                            guizhen
             #       curve                                quxiàn
             #       cutting                              lùqiàn
             #       dance                                wu
             #       dance                                wudao
             #       daughter                             nuér
             #       day                                  tian
             #       deep                                 shen
             #       deliver                              jiao
             #       depot                                jiwùduàn
             #       device                               zhuangzhì
             #       dialect                              yu
             #       dictionary                           cídian
             #       diesel                               cháiyóu
             #       diesel_electric_locomotiv            diànchuándòng_nèirán_jiche
             #       diesel_hydraulic_locomoti            yèlìchuándòng_nèirán_jiche
             #       diesel_locomotive                    nèirán_jiche
             #       different                            chà
             #       difficult                            nán
             #       difficult                            nán
             #       dining_car                           canche
             #       direct                               zhíjie
             #       dish                                 cài
             #       display                              bai
             #       distinct                             chu
             #       divide                               fen
             #       do                                   duànliàn
             #       do                                   yíngyè
             #       do                                   zuò
             #       domestic                             guónèi
             #       double_track                         fùxiàn
             #       dragon                               lóng
             #       draw                                 chou
             #       drink                                he
             #       driver                               siji
             #       dumplings                            jiaozi
             #       dynasty                              yuán
             #       early                                xian
             #       early                                xian
             #       east                                 dong
             #       east                          
             #       eat                                  bao
             #       eat                                  chi
             #       elder                                gege
             #       elder                                jiejie
             #       electric_locomotive                  diànlì_jiche
             #       electricity                          diàn
             #       electrification                      diànqìhuà
             #       embankment                           lùdi
             #       empty                                kong
             #       end                                  mò
             #       energy                               jing
             #       English                              yingyu
             #       enter                                jìnadvance
             #       especially                           tèbié
             #       etween                               jian
             #       even                                 entirely
             #       evening                              bàngwan
             #       every                                mei
             #       every                                meitian
             #       everyday                             jingcháng
             #       express_train                        gaosù
             #       express_train                        kuàisù
             #       express_train                        tèkuài
             #       express_train                        kuàiche
             #       extremely                            jí
             #       eye                                  mù
             #       family                               jia
             #       far                                  yuan
             #       fast                                 kuài
             #       father                               bàba
             #       father                               fùmu
             #       festival                             jié
             #       fill                                 man
             #       Finland                              Fenlán
             #       fire                                 huo
             #       first                                xiàn
             #       fish                                 yú
             #       fishplate                            yúweiban
             #       flat                                 píng
             #       fluent                               liúlì
             #       football                             zúqiú
             #       for                                  gei
             #       for                                  gei
             #       forecast                             yùbào
             #       foreign                              wàiyu
             #       fowl                                 ji
             #       frame                                jià
             #       freight_car                          huòche
             #       freight_train                        huòche
             #       French                               fayu
             #       friend                               péngyou
             #       from                                 cóng
             #       from                                 zì
             #       fruit                                guo
             #       fruit                                shuiguo
             #       fuel                                 cháiyóu
             #       gas                                  qì
             #       gauge                                biao
             #       generous                             dàfang
             #       German                               déyu
             #       Germany                              déguó
             #       get                                  jiéhun
             #       gether                               yìqi
             #       give                                 qingkè
             #       glut                                 chán
             #       go                                   chu
             #       go                                   chuqù
             #       go                                   dào
             #       go                                   shàngban
             #       go                                   wang
             #       gondola                              changche
             #       gong                                 bàn
             #       gong                                 gù
             #       good                                 hao
             #       goodbye                              zàijiàn
             #       goods_train                          huòche
             #       goods_van                            péngche
             #       gradient                             podù
             #       graduation                           bìyè
             #       guai                                 kidnap
             #       guan                                 can
             #       guàn                                 xí
             #       guards_van                           shouche
             #       guest                                kèrén
             #       habit                                xíguàn
             #       half                                 bàn
             #       ham                                  huotui
             #       happy                                gaoxìng
             #       happy                                kuàilè
             #       happy                                lè
             #       hard_sleeper                         yìngwò
             #       have                                 you
             #       heat                                 rè
             #       heat                                 rè
             #       heater                               nuanqì
             #       helper                               buji
             #       high                                 gao
             #       hill                                 shan
             #       hog                                  zhu
             #       hot                                  là
             #       hot                                  rè
             #       house                                lóu
             #       how                                  duodà
             #       how                                  ji
             #       how                                  zenmeshuo
             #       how_old                              duodà
             #       however                              dànshì
             #       hundred                              bai
             #       I                                    wo
             #       ice                                  bingqiú
             #       if                                   rúguo
             #       if                                   yàoshì
             #       import                               jìnchukou
             #       impression                           yìnxiàng
             #       inn                                  diàn
             #       joyous                               huan
             #       kick                                 ti
             #       kidnap                               guai
             #       kind                                 zhong
             #       know                                 liao
             #       language                             wén
             #       last                                 shànggeyuè
             #       leave                                lí
             #       leave                                líkai
             #       leave                                liú
             #       length                               cháng
             #       letter                               xìn
             #       level_crossing                       dàokou
             #       library                              túshuguan
             #       light_rail                           qinggui
             #       like                                 xihuan
             #       listen                               ting
             #       loco_shed                            jiwùduàn
             #       locomotive                           huochetóu
             #       long                                 jiu
             #       look                                 canguan
             #       look                                 see
             #       lose                                 yí
             #       lóu                                  Zhong
             #       lower                                di
             #       lunch                                wufàn
             #       machine                              ji
             #       machine                              ji
             #       máfan                                trouble
             #       main_line                            ganxiàn
             #       make                                 dadiànhuà
             #       manager                              jingli
             #       map                                  dìtú
             #       marshalling_yard                     bianzuchang
             #       may                                  keyi
             #       may                                  qingwèn
             #       measure                              mi
             #       meat                                 ròu
             #       mechanism                            qì
             #       mechanism                            jigòu
             #       medical                              yi
             #       metering_device                      biao
             #       middle                               zhong
             #       might                                kenéng
             #       minute                               fenzhong
             #       mister                               xiansheng
             #       mixed                                zá
             #       mixed_train                          kèhuòhùnhé_lièche
             #       money                                bì
             #       month                                yuè
             #       more                                 yuèláiyuè
             #       morrow                               míngtian
             #       mother                               mama
             #       mother                               ma
             #       mountain                             shan
             #       move                                 gandòng
             #       movement                             yùndòng
             #       Mr.                                  xiansheng
             #       Mrs.                                 tàitai
             #       multiple_track                       fùxiàn
             #       multiple_unit_train                  dòngchezu
             #       my                                   wode
             #       name_personal                        míngzi
             #       narrow_gauge_railway                 xiaohuoche
             #       narrow_gauge_railway                 zhaigui_tielù
             #       near                                 jìn
             #       necessary                            bìyào
             #       negative                             méi
             #       next                                 míngnián
             #       nice                                 liángkuai
             #       no                                   búguò
             #       no                                   nali
             #       Nokia                                Nuòjíyà
             #       noon                                 zhongwu
             #       north                                bei
             #       not                                  bù
             #       not                                  bùshao
             #       now                                  xiànzài
             #       number                               hào
             #       observe                              obey
             #       office                               bàngongshì
             #       often                                cháng
             #       oil                                  yóu
             #       one                                  yi
             #       one's                                xìng
             #       only                                 shiyou
             #       only                                 zhi
             #       open_wagon                           changche
             #       opportunity                          jihuì
             #       ordinary                             píngcháng
             #       ordinary_passenger_train             putongche
             #       ordinary_stopping_train              putongche
             #       ought                                gai
             #       outside                              wài
             #       overhead_wires                       jiàkongshì_jiechùwang
             #       overpraise                           guòjiang
             #       ox                                   niú
             #       pair                                 duì
             #       panfry                               chaosaute
             #       pang                                 ping
             #       pantograph                           shòudiàngong
             #       pass                                 chuán
             #       passenger                            lukè
             #       passenger_train                      kèche
             #       people                               mín
             #       person                               rén
             #       physical                             tiyù
             #       pipe                                 guan
             #       plan                                 dasuàn
             #       plate                                ban
             #       platform                             zhàntái
             #       play                                 wán
             #       please                               qing
             #       please                               qingbiàn
             #       plural                               men
             #       points                               dàochà
             #       porch                                láng
             #       pork                                 zhuròu
             #       present                              jièshào
             #       profound                             shenkè
             #       program                              jiémù
             #       pronunciation                        fayin
             #       quarterhour                          kè
             #       question                             ne
             #       rail                                 ganggui
             #       railroad                             tielù
             #       railway                              tiedào
             #       railway_track                        guidào
             #       rain                                 xiàyu
             #       rank                                 deng
             #       read                                 niàn
             #       real                                 zhen
             #       really                               shízài
             #       receipt                              fapiào
             #       receive                              shou
             #       receive                              zhaodài
             #       regard                               suàn
             #       regard                               suàn
             #       regiment                             tuán
             #       regret                               hàn
             #       regret                               yíhàn
             #       release                              fàng
             #       release                              fàng
             #       rén                                  kè
             #       rest                                 xiuxi
             #       return                               huí
             #       return                               zhao
             #       ride                                 qí
             #       right                                yòubian
             #       road_formation                       dàochuáng
             #       roadbed                              lùji
             #       roadbed                              dàochuáng
             #       roughly                              dàgài
             #       roughly                              dàgài
             #       route                                lù
             #       run                                  paobù
             #       safety                               anquán
             #       salad                                sèla
             #       same                                 yìban
             #       saute                                chao
             #       school                               xuéxiào
             #       seat                                 zuòwei
             #       seat_hard                            yìngzuò
             #       seat_soft                            ruanzuò
             #       section                              kuan
             #       see                                  jiàn
             #       self                                 zìji
             #       sell                                 mài
             #       semaphore_signal                     bìban_xìnhàoji
             #       send                                 fa
             #       should                               gai
             #       shrimp                               xia
             #       shutter                              chuang
             #       si                                   gong
             #       Sichuan                              Sìchuan
             #       side                                 cè
             #       signal                               xìnhào_ji
             #       silk                                 sichóu
             #       single_track                         danxiàn
             #       sister_younger                       mèimei
             #       sisters                              jiemèi
             #       sit                                  zuò
             #       skill                                jì
             #       sleeper                              tie_guizhen
             #       sleeping_berth                       wòpù
             #       slow                                 màn
             #       smoke                                chouyan
             #       smoke                                yan
             #       snow                                 xiàxue
             #       soft_sleeper                         ruanwò
             #       son                                  érzi
             #       sorry_I_am                           duìbuqi
             #       south                                nán
             #       spare                                kòngr
             #       speak                                shuo
             #       spicey                               là
             #       spoken                               kouyu
             #       spring                               chuntian
             #       stamp                                yìn
             #       standard                             biaozhun
             #       standard_gauge                       biaozhun_guijù
             #       start                                chufa
             #       station                              zhàn
             #       station                              zhàntái
             #       station                              huoche_zhàn
             #       stay                                 dai
             #       steam                                zhengqì
             #       steam_locomotive                     zhengqì_jiche
             #       straight                             zhí
             #       streetcar                            yougui_diànche
             #       structual                            de
             #       student                              xuésheng
             #       study                                xué
             #       suàn                                 da
             #       suburban_train                       shìjiao_lièche
             #       subway                               dìtie
             #       summer                               xiàtian
             #       sunny                                qíngtian
             #       Sweden                               Ruìdian
             #       swim                                 yóuyong
             #       switch                               dàochà
             #       table                                zhuozi
             #       take                                 qu
             #       talk                                 tán
             #       talk                                 tán
             #       tank_car                             guànche
             #       tanker                               guànche
             #       taste                                cháng
             #       tasty                                haochi
             #       tasty                                haochi
             #       tea                                  chá
             #       teach                                jiao
             #       teacher                              laoshi
             #       temple                               tiantán
             #       tennis                               wangqiú
             #       terms                                search
             #       thank_you                            xièxie
             #       that                                 nà
             #       the                                  zuì
             #       there                                have
             #       this                                 jinnián
             #       this                                 zhè
             #       through_train                        zhídá
             #       through_train                        zhítong_che
             #       ticket                               chepiào
             #       time                                 shíhou
             #       timetable                            shíkèbiao
             #       train                                huoche
             #       train                                huoche
             #       train                                lièche
             #       tram                                 yougui_diànche
             #       tread                                dao
             #       trip                                 luyóu
             #       trolley_bus                          wúgui_diànche
             #       truck_rail                           changche
             #       tunnel                               suìdào
             #       turntable                            zhuanpán
             #       unable                               bùliao
             #       underground_railway                  dìtie
             #       understand                           dong
             #       understand                           dong        
             #       unit                                 kuàiyuan
             #       university                           dàxué
             #       useful                               youyòng
             #       vacation                             jià
             #       valve                                fá
             #       vegetables                           shucài
             #       vehicle                              che
             #       very                                 hen
             #       volleyball                           páiqiú
             #       wagon_car                            huòche
             #       walk                                 yóu
             #       walk                                 zou
             #       want                                 yào
             #       warm                                 nuan
             #       water                                shui
             #       water                                shui
             #       water_crane                          shuihè
             #       water_tower                          shuita
             #       we                                   women
             #       we                                   zánmen
             #       weather                              tianqì
             #       week                                 xingqi
             #       weekend                              zhoumò
             #       welcome                              huanyíng
             #       welcome                              yíng
             #       west                                 xi
             #       west                                 xi
             #       Western-style                        xican
             #       what                                 shénme
             #       what                                 shénmeshíhou
             #       what's                               guìxìng
             #       wheel                                lún
             #       where                                nali
             #       which                                na
             #       whistle                              míng
             #       why                                  wèishénme
             #       wind                                 feng
             #       window                               chuangkou
             #       wine                                 jiu
             #       wish                                 zhù
             #       with                                 gen
             #       word                                 huà
             #       work                                 gongzuò
             #       worksplate                           míngpái
             #       write                                xie
             #       year                                 nián
             #       yesterday                            zuótian
             #       you_formal                           nín
             #       zero                                 líng
             #       zhuangzhì     
         #           above    shang
         #           arrive   daoda
         #           author  zuiozhe
         #           bank  yinhang
         #           bathtub  lahncheo
         #           battery  dianchi
         #           bay  haiwan
         #           cat      mao
         #           cloud     yun
         #           come      lai
         #           girl     nuer
         #           he       ta
         #           horse    ma
         #           it       ta
         #           one      yi
         #           rain     yu
         #           smoke    yan
         #           two      lian
         #           water   shui
         #          aches    tong
         #          add       jia
         #          admiral    haijunshang
         #          air      kongqi
         #          airplane  feiji
         #          airport   feijichang
         #          alley hutong
         #          apart    lu
         #          apple    pingguo
         #          apricot xing
         #          arm      gebo
         #          armchair  fushiuyi
         #          arrow    jian
         #          ask      wen
         #          asparagus   lusun
         #          atlas    dituji
         #          attic    gelou
         #          autumn   qiu
         #          axe futou
         #          axle  lunzhou
         #          baby   yinger
         #          bag    bao
         #          ball   qiu
         #          ballet  baleiwu
         #          barge  bochuan
         #          barley  damai
         #          barracks yingfang
         #          beach haitan
         #          bead jhuzi
         #          beak  hui
         #          bean  dou
         #          bear  xlong
         #          beard  huzi
         #          beautiful  meili
         #          bed chuang
         #          beehive  fengxiang
         #          beer pijiu
         #          bell leeng
         #          big da
         #          bike zixingche
         #          bird   naio
         #          biscuit binggan
         #          black hei
         #          blanket tanzi
         #          blonde jinse
         #          blood xue
         #          bloom hua
         #          blossom hua
         #          blue lan
         #          boat zhou
         #          bone gu
         #          book shu
         #          bottle pingzi
         #          bow gong
         #          branch shuzhi
         #          bright ming
         #          broad kuan
         #          brown zongse
         #          by yu
         #          bygone yu
         #          carriage che
         #          cup bei
         #          cut duan
         #          dance tiaowu
         #          dark hei
         #          deer lu
         #          door men
         #          dream meng
         #          dry gan
         #          duck ya
         #          eve wan
         #          fall liu
         #          field yuan
         #          fire huo
         #          first xian
         #          flat ping
         #          frost shuang
         #          gate men
         #          goose yan
         #          grass cao
         #          green luse
         #          guang shine
         #          hard ying
         #          head tou
         #          hear     ting
         #          heart xin
         #          high gao
         #          hill shan
         #          in zai
         #          lamp deng
         #          long chang
         #          look kan
         #          moon yue
         #          night ye
         #          not bu
         #          open kai
         #          path xiaodao
         #          pear li
         #          pearl zhenzhu
         #          pine song
         #          red hong
         #          rice mi
         #          river jiang
         #          rock  shi
         #          root gen
         #          sand sha
         #          sea hai
         #          see kan
         #          she       ta
         #          shore an
         #          sit zuo
         #          sky tian
         #          small xiao
         #          snow xue
         #          song  ge
         #          sound sheng
         #          star xing
         #          stove lu
         #          sun ri
         #          tear lei
         #          The *
         #          the *
         #          to ge
         #          tomarrow mingtian
         #          town zhen
         #          wants yao
         #          wasp huangfeng
         #          watch kan
         #          white bai
         #          wide kuan
         #          wild yesheng
         #          wind     feng
         #          year nian
         #          yellow huang
         #         cave shandong
         #         cedar song
         #         dawn liming
         #         jumps tiao
         #         leaps tiao
         #         lone dandu
         #         moth kunchong
         #         rose meigui
         #         soak shui
         #         tree shu
         #         walk zou
         #         wave bolang
         #        ant kunchong
         #        at zai
         #        bark shu
         #        before zai
         #        breeze xiaofeng
         #        burns huo
         #        carp yu
         #        cheer guoxing
         #        cherry yingtao
         #        cool liang
         #        crane niao
         #        crest xia
         #        cricket kunchong
         #        cry ti
         #        deep shen
         #        deer lu
         #        dove naio
         #        drift zhou
         #        drifts zhou
         #        dusk heitian
         #        elm shu
         #        falls liu
         #        far yuan
         #        fence liba
         #        flips zhou
         #        float piao
         #        flow liu
         #        flower hua
         #        fly fiji
         #        flys fiji
         #        for wei
         #        fore zai
         #        ghost ti
         #        glad gaoxing
         #        gray cangbai
         #        grief nanguo
         #        grows sheng
         #        hare tuzhu
         #        has you
         #        hear ting
         #        hears ting
         #        ice xue
         #        ink moshui
         #        insect kunchong
         #        is zhi
         #        jade yu
         #        kelp haizhiwu
         #        know zhu
         #        lake he
         #        leaf shu
         #        leaves shu
         #        lies zhi
         #        lost milu
         #        loves ai
         #        lush duo
         #        mist wu
         #        month yue
         #        morn zaochen
         #        morning zaochen
         #        mosquito wenzi
         #        moss lu
         #        moss lu
         #        mount shan
         #        mouse laoshu
         #        move zhou
         #        move zhou
         #        nest chang
         #        oak shu
         #        pale cangbai
         #        pea xiaodou
         #        peace heping
         #        peach tao
         #        perch yu
         #        plant zhiwu
         #        plum lizi
         #        pond chitang
         #        pool chitang
         #        poor qiong
         #        quince yingtao
         #        rabbit tuzhu
         #        reed cao
         #        river he
         #        road li
         #        roost chang
         #        rough buping
         #        sad nanguo
         #        sail fan
         #        salt yan
         #        serpent she
         #        shade si
         #        shine zhaoyao
         #        shoe xie
         #        silk si
         #        sits zuo
         #        sleep shuimian
         #        sleeps shuimian
         #        slope shan
         #        smile xiao
         #        snail wongnui
         #        snake she
         #        soil du
         #        stone shi
         #        storm fengbao
         #        strean he
         #        takes you
         #        tea chai
         #        thick hou
         #        thin shou
         #        through zai
         #        towards zai
         #        waits zho
         #        waits zhou
         #        weed zhiwu
         #        worm wongnu
         #                                zero  ling
         #                               0   ling
         #                               1    yi
         #                               one  yi
         #                               2   er
         #                               3   san
         #                               three san
         #                               4   si
         #                               four  si
         #                               5   wu
         #                               five wu
         #                               6   liu
         #                               six  liu
         #                               7   ci
         #                              seven ci
         #                               8   ba
         #                               eight ba
         #                               9   jiu
         #                               nine jiu
         #                              10   shi
         #                               ten  shi
         #                              11   shi_yi
         #                              eleven  shi_yi
         #                             twelve   shi_er
         #                              20   er_shi
         #                              twenty  er_shi
         #                              21   er_shi_yi
         #                              twenty_two er_shi_yi
         #                             100   bai_bye_yi_bai
         #                             hundred bai_bye_yi_bai
         #                             300   san_bai
         #                            three_hundred   san_bai
         #                             1000   cian
         #                             thousand cian
         #                             10000   yi_wan
         #                             ten_thousand  yi_wan
         #                             100000   shi_wan
         #                             hundred_thousand shi_wan
         #                             1000000   yi_bai_wan
         #                             thousand_thousand  yi_bai_wan
           #       above                 shang
           #       aches                 tong
           #       add                   jia
           #       admiral               haijunshang
           #       air                   kongqi
           #       airplane              feiji
           #       airport               feijichang
           #       alley                 hutong
           #       ant                   kunchong
           #       apart                 lu
           #       apple                 pingguo
           #       apricot               xing
           #       arm                   gebo
           #       armchair              fushiuyi
           #       arrive                daoda
           #       arrow                 jian
           #       ask                   wen
           #       asparagus             lusun
           #       at                    zai
           #       atlas                 dituji
           #       attic                 gelou
           #       author                zuiozhe
           #       autumn                qiu
           #       axe                   futou
           #       axle                  lunzhou
           #       baby                  yinger
           #       bag                   bao
           #       ball                  qiu
           #       ballet                baleiwu
           #       bank                  yinhang
           #       barge                 bochuan
           #       bark                  shu
           #       barley                damai
           #       barracks              yingfang
           #       bathtub               lahncheo
           #       battery               dianchi
           #       bay                   haiwan
           #       beach                 haitan
           #       bead                  jhuzi
           #       beak                  hui
           #       bean                  dou
           #       bear                  xlong
           #       beard                 huzi
           #       beautiful             meili
           #       bed                   chuang
           #       beehive               fengxiang
           #       beer                  pijiu
           #       before                zai
           #       bell                  leeng
           #       big                   da
           #       bike                  zixingche
           #       bird                  naio
           #       biscuit               binggan
           #       black                 hei
           #       blanket               tanzi
           #       blonde                jinse
           #       blood                 xue
           #       bloom                 hua
           #       blossom               hua
           #       blue                  lan
           #       boat                  zhou
           #       bone                  gu
           #       book                  shu
           #       bottle                pingzi
           #       bow                   gong
           #       branch                shuzhi
           #       breeze                xiaofeng
           #       bright                ming
           #       broad                 kuan
           #       brown                 zongse
           #       burns                 huo
           #       by                    yu
           #       bygone                yu
           #       carp                  yu
           #       carriage              che
           #       cat                   mao
           #       cave                  shandong
           #       cedar                 song
           #       cheer                 guoxing
           #       cherry                yingtao
           #       cloud                 yun
           #       come                  lai
           #       cool                  liang
           #       crane                 niao
           #       crest                 xia
           #       cricket               kunchong
           #       cry                   ti
           #       cup                   bei
           #       cut                   duan
           #       dance                 tiaowu
           #       dark                  hei
           #       dawn                  liming
           #       deep                  shen
           #       deer                  lu
           #       deer                  lu
           #       door                  men
           #       dove                  naio
           #       dream                 meng
           #       drift                 zhou
           #       drifts                zhou
           #       dry                   gan
           #       duck                  ya
           #       dusk                  heitian
           #       elm                   shu
           #       eve                   wan
           #       fall                  liu
           #       falls                 liu
           #       far                   yuan
           #       fence                 liba
           #       field                 yuan
           #       fire                  huo
           #       first                 xian
           #       flat                  ping
           #       flips                 zhou
           #       float                 piao
           #       flow                  liu
           #       flower                hua
           #       fly                   fiji
           #       flys                  fiji
           #       for                   wei
           #       fore                  zai
           #       frost                 shuang
           #       gate                  men
           #       ghost                 ti
           #       girl                  nuer
           #       glad                  gaoxing
           #       goose                 yan
           #       grass                 cao
           #       gray                  cangbai
           #       green                 luse
           #       grief                 nanguo
           #       grows                 sheng
           #       guang                 shine
           #       hard                  ying
           #       hare                  tuzhu
           #       has                   you
           #       he                    ta
           #       head                  tou
           #       hear                  ting
           #       hear                  ting
           #       hears                 ting
           #       heart                 xin
           #       high                  gao
           #       hill                  shan
           #       horse                 ma
           #       ice                   xue
           #       in                    zai
           #       ink                   moshui
           #       insect                kunchong
           #       is                    zhi
           #       it                    ta
           #       jade                  yu
           #       jumps                 tiao
           #       kelp                  haizhiwu
           #       know                  zhu
           #       lake                  he
           #       lamp                  deng
           #       leaf                  shu
           #       leaps                 tiao
           #       leaves                shu
           #       lies                  zhi
           #       lone                  dandu
           #       long                  chang
           #       look                  kan
           #       lost                  milu
           #       loves                 ai
           #       lush                  duo
           #       mist                  wu
           #       month                 yue
           #       moon                  yue
           #       morn                  zaochen
           #       morning               zaochen
           #       mosquito              wenzi
           #       moss                  lu
           #       moss                  lu
           #       moth                  kunchong
           #       mount                 shan
           #       mouse                 laoshu
           #       move                  zhou
           #       move                  zhou
           #       nest                  chang
           #       night                 ye
           #       not                   bu
           #       oak                   shu
           #       one                   yi
           #       open                  kai
           #       pale                  cangbai
           #       path                  xiaodao
           #       pea                   xiaodou
           #       peace                 heping
           #       peach                 tao
           #       pear                  li
           #       pearl                 zhenzhu
           #       perch                 yu
           #       pine                  song
           #       plant                 zhiwu
           #       plum                  lizi
           #       pond                  chitang
           #       pool                  chitang
           #       poor                  qiong
           #       quince                yingtao
           #       rabbit                tuzhu
           #       rain                  yu
           #       red                   hong
           #       reed                  cao
           #       rice                  mi
           #       river                 jiang
           #       river                 he
           #       road                  li
           #       rock                  shi
           #       roost                 chang
           #       root                  gen
           #       rose                  meigui
           #       rough                 buping
           #       sad                   nanguo
           #       sail                  fan
           #       salt                  yan
           #       sand                  sha
           #       sea                   hai
           #       see                   kan
           #       serpent               she
           #       shade                 si
           #       she                   ta
           #       shine                 zhaoyao
           #       shoe                  xie
           #       shore                 an
           #       silk                  si
           #       sit                   zuo
           #       sits                  zuo
           #       sky                   tian
           #       sleep                 shuimian
           #       sleeps                shuimian
           #       slope                 shan
           #       small                 xiao
           #       smile                 xiao
           #       smoke                 yan
           #       snail                 wongnui
           #       snake                 she
           #       snow                  xue
           #       soak                  shui
           #       soil                  du
           #       song                  ge
           #       sound                 sheng
           #       star                  xing
           #       stone                 shi
           #       storm                 fengbao
           #       stove                 lu
           #       strean                he
           #       sun                   ri
           #       takes                 you
           #       tea                   chai
           #       tear                  lei
           #       The                   *
           #       the                   *
           #       thick                 hou
           #       thin                  shou
           #       through               zai
           #       to                    ge
           #       tomarrow              mingtian
           #       towards               zai
           #       town                  zhen
           #       tree                  shu
           #       two                   lian
           #       waits                 zho
           #       waits                 zhou
           #       walk                  zou
           #       wants                 yao
           #       wasp                  huangfeng
           #       watch                 kan
           #       water                 shui
           #       wave                  bolang
           #       weed                  zhiwu
           #       white                 bai
           #       wide                  kuan
           #       wild                  yesheng
           #       wind                  feng
           #       worm                  wongnu
           #       year                  nian
           #       yellow                huang
    #  optional japanese romanji words
         array set en_romanji {
                    red                aka
                    sad                kanashii
                    blue               aoi_ao
                    glad               glad
                    deep               deep
                    black              kuroi
                    wild               yasee
                    green              midori-iro
                    pale               usui
                    bright             akarui_taiyoo
                    rough              rough
                    gray               guree
                    brown              chairo
                    long               long
                    high               takai
                    thin               thin
                    lush               subishii
                    dry                kawaite_iru
                    poor               bimboo
                    lone               subishii
                    far                far
                    flat               flat
                    broad              broad
                    thick              thick
                    hard               hard
                    cool               cool
                    cat                cat
                    mouse              mouse
                    reed               reed
                    pear               pear
                    quince             quince
                    peach              peach
                    hare               hare
                    bird               bird
                    smoke              smoke
                    rain               rain
                    ice                ice
                    snow               snow
                    cloud              cloud
                    home               home
                    flower             flower
                    sky                sky
                    rice               rice
                    pine               pine
                    mist               mist
                    door               door
                    wind               wind
                    cricket            cricket
                    year               year
                    moon               moon
                    crane              crane
                    grass              grass
                    rose               rose
                    ink                ink
                    thaw               thaw
                    bloom              bloom
                    lake               lake
                    cedar              cedar
                    dusk               dusk
                    autumn             autumn
                    stone              stone
                    dawn               dawn
                    stream             stream
                    tree               tree
                    heart              heart
                    boat               boat
                    grief              grief
                    rock               rock
                    town               town
                    tear               tear
                    pool               pool
                    silk               silk
                    deer               deer
                    song               song
                    barge              barge
                    moss               moss
                    night              night
                    gate               gate
                    fence              fence
                    dove               dove
                    dream              dream
                    frost              frost
                    peace              peace
                    shade              shade
                    ghost              ghost
                    road               road
                    path               path
                    root               root
                    horse              horse
                    eve                eve
                    sound              sound
                    sleep              sleep
                    leaves             leaves
                    sea                sea
                    sail               sail
                    peak               peak
                    stem               stem
                    field              field
                    wave               wave
                    slope              slope
                    bark               bark
                    crest              crest
                    weed               weed
                    moth               moth
                    wasp               wasp
                    pond               pond
                    soil               soil
                    snail              snail
                    worm               worm
                    ant                ant
                    kelp               kelp
                    cave               cave
                    month              month
                    head               head
                    jade               jade
                    branch             branch
                    bone               bone
                    smile              smile
                    pea                pea
                    elm                elm
                    morn               morn
                    carp               carp
                    nest               nest
                    oak                oak
                    perch              perch
                    breeze             breeze
                    mount              mount
                    plum               plum
                    storm              storm
                    hill               hill
                    falls              falls
                    burns              burns
                    flips              flips
                    flys               flys
                    lies               lies
                    walk               walk
                    flow               flow
                    fall               fall
                    fly                fly
                    know               know
                    come               come
                    meet               meet
                    drift              drift
                    shine              shine
                    soak               soak
                    cry                cry
                    dance              dance
                    lost               lost
                    cheer              cheer
                    float              float
                    roost              roost
                    move               move
                    fade               fade
                    loves              loves
                    sleeps             sleeps
                    takes              takes
                    sits               sits
                    leaps              leaps
                    sit                sit
                    grows              grows
                    waits              waits
                    loses              loses
                    hears              hears
                    wants              wants
                    watch              watch
                    old                old
                    for                for
                    by                 by
                    towards            towards
                    to                 to
                    at                 at
                    bygone             bygone
                    in                 in
      acorn                    donguri
      add                      tasu
      afraid                   kowai
      africa                   afurika
      agate                    menou
      ain_t                    jyanai
      airplane                 hikooki
      alley                    roji
      alligator                arigeta
      alligator                wani
      alphabet                 arufabetto
      also                     mo
      always                   itsumo
      ambulance                kyukyusha
      anchor                   ikari
      angel                    tenshi
      angelfish                enzerufisshu
      angle                    kakudo
      angry_mad                ikatte_iru
      angry_mad                okotte_iru
      animal                   doubutsu
      ankle                    ashikubi
      ant                      ari
      antartica                nankyoku_tairiku
      antelope                 kamoshika
      ape                      saru
      apple                    ringo
      apron                    epuron
      aquarium                 suiso
      arch                     aachi
      archer                   syasyu
      are_you                  _ok
      arithmetic_problem       sansu_no_mondai
      arm                      ude
      armchair                 hijikake_isu
      arrow                    ya
      art                      e
      artichoke                aatichooku
      artist                   gaka
      asia                     ajia
      asleep                   nemuru
      assasin                  hitokiri
      asteroid                 showakusei
      astronaut                uchuu_hikushi
      at                       ni
      athlete                  supotsuman
      atom                     genshi
      attention                kiyo_tsuke
      australia                osutoraria
      autumn_fall              aki
      avacado                  abocado
      awesome                  saiko
      ax                       ono
      baby                     akanbo
      baddie                   mazui
      bag                      fukuro
      ball                     buru
      ballerina                bareriina
      balloon                  gomu_fuusen
      bamboo_shoots            takenoko
      bamboo_sword             shinai
      banana                   banana
      barley                   mugi
      barn                     naya
      barrel                   taru
      baseball                 yakyu_boru
      baseball_bat             batto
      baseball_cap             boushi
      basket                   basuketto
      basket                   zaru
      bat_animal               kumori
      bathing_swimming_s       mizugi
      bathroom                 mitarai
      bathroom                 otearai
      bathtub                  yubune
      beach                    hama
      beach                    kaigan
      beak                     kuchibushi
      bear                     kuma
      beautiful                kirei
      beautiful                utsukushii
      beaver                   biiba
      bed                      beddo
      bee                      hachi
      bee_hive                 mitsubachi_no_su
      beehive                  hachi_no_su
      beetle                   kabutomushi
      begin_start              hajime
      bell                     kane
      bellflower               kikyo
      bicycle                  jitensha
      bird                     tori
      black                    kuro_kuroi
      blackbird                burakku_berii
      blocks                   tsumiki
      bloomers                 bulma
      blouse                   burausu
      boat                     buto
      boat                     fune
      body                     karada
      bon_appetite             itadakimasu
      bone                     hone
      book                     hon
      bookcase                 honbako
      boots                    butsu
      bottle                   bin
      bouquet                  hanataba
      bow                      chomusubi
      bowl                     boru
      box                      hako
      boy                      shonen
      boy                      bozu
      bracelet                 buresuretto
      brain                    nu
      brat                     gaki
      bread                    pan
      breakfast                choshoku
      breast                   oppai
      bright                   ake
      broccoli                 burokkorii
      broom                    hoki
      brown                    chairo
      bucket                   baketsu
      buckwhe                  soba
      buffalo                  buffaru
      bug                      mushi
      building                 tatemono
      bull                     ushi
      bulldozer                buruduzaa
      bun                      ban
      burdockroot              gobo
      burn                     moeru
      bus                      basu
      but                      demo
      butter                   bataa
      butterfly                cho
      button                   botan
      bye_parting_greeti       ja_ne_ja
      cab                      takushii
      cabbage                  kyabetsu
      cactus                   saboten
      cake                     keeki
      calender                 karenda
      camel                    rakuda
      camera                   kamera
      camp                     kyampu_suru
      camper                   kyanpingu_ka
      can                      kanzume
      canary                   kanaria
      candle                   rusoku
      candy                    kyande
      cane                     tsue
      canoe                    kanue
      canyon                   kureyon
      car                      jidusha
      car                      kuruma
      carnation                kaaniishon
      carpet                   kaapeto
      carrot                   ninjin
      cart                     niguruma
      castle                   shiro
      cat                      neko
      caterpiller              kemushi
      cave                     hora_ana
      cave                     drawings
      celary                   serori
      cell_anatomy             saibu
      chain                    kusari
      chair                    isu
      cheap                    chinke
      cheek_anatomy            hoho
      cheese                   chiizu
      cherry                   sakurambo
      cherry_blossom           flower
      chest                    mune
      chick                    hiyoko
      chicken                  niwatori
      child                    kodomo
      chimpanzee               chimpanjii
      chin                     ago
      chopstick                hashi
      church                   kyokai
      circle                   maru
      circus                   sakasu
      city                     toshi
      clam                     hamaguri
      claw                     tsume
      clay                     nendo
      clock                    tokei
      clothes                  fuku
      cloud                    kumo
      clown                    piero
      coat                     uwagi
      cobweb                   kumo
      coffin                   hitsugi
      coin                     koka
      color                    iro
      comb                     kushi
      comet                    suisei
      compass                  konpasu
      computer                 konpyuta
      cone                     ensuikei
      cookie                   kukkii
      cool                     kakoii
      cool                     suge
      coral                    sango
      corn                     tomorokoshi
      corner                   katsumi
      cotton_candy             watagashi
      couch                    sofa
      cow                      meushi
      crab                     kani
      crane                    tsuru
      crap                     kuso
      crater                   kureta
      crazy_insane             reijuu
      crocodile                waniacorn                 donguri
     add                   tasu
     afraid                kowai
     africa                afurika
     agate                 menou
     ain_t                 jyanai
     airplane              hikooki
     alley                 roji
     alligator             arigeta
     alphabet              arufabetto
     also                  mo
     always                itsumo
     ambulance             kyukyusha
     anchor                ikari
     angel                 tenshi
     angelfish             enzerufisshu
     angle                 kakudo
     angry_mad             ikatte_iru
     angry_mad             okotte_iru
     animal                doubutsu
     ankle                 ashikubi
     ant                   ari
     antartica             nankyoku_tairiku
     antelope              kamoshika
     ape                   saru
     apple                 ringo
     apron                 epuron
     aquarium              suiso
     arch                  aachi
     archer                syasyu
     are_you               _ok
     arithmetic_problem    sansu_no_mondai
     arm                   ude
     armchair              hijikake_isu
     arrow                 ya
     art                   e
     artichoke             aatichooku
     artist                gaka
     asia                  ajia
     asleep                nemuru
     assasin               hitokiri
     asteroid              showakusei
     astronaut             uchuu_hikushi
     at                    ni
     athlete               supotsuman
     atom                  genshi
     attention             kiyo_tsuke
     australia             osutoraria
     autumn_fall           aki
     avacado               abocado
     awesome               saiko
     ax                    ono
     baby                  akanbo
     baddie                mazui
     bag                   fukuro
     ball                  buru
     ballerina             bareriina
     balloon               gomu_fuusen
     bamboo_shoots         takenoko
     bamboo_sword          shinai
     banana                banana
     barley                mugi
     barn                  naya
     barrel                taru
     baseball              yakyu_boru
     baseball_bat          batto
     baseball_cap          boushi
     basket                basuketto
     basket                zaru
     bat_animal            kumori
     bathing_swimming_s    mizugi
     bathroom              mitarai
     bathroom              otearai
     bathtub               yubune
     beach                 hama
     beach                 kaigan
     beak                  kuchibushi
     bear                  kuma
     beautiful             kirei
     beautiful             utsukushii
     beaver                biiba
     bed                   beddo
     bee                   hachi
     bee_hive              mitsubachi_no_su
     beehive               hachi_no_su
     beetle                kabutomushi
     begin_start           hajime
     bell                  kane
     bellflower            kikyo
     bicycle               jitensha
     bird                  tori
     black                 kuro_kuroi
     blackbird             burakku_berii
     blocks                tsumiki
     bloomers              bulma
     blouse                burausu
     boat                  buto
     boat                  fune
     body                  karada
     bon_appetite          itadakimasu
     bone                  hone
     book                  hon
     bookcase              honbako
     boots                 butsu
     bottle                bin
     bouquet               hanataba
     bow                   chomusubi
     bowl                  boru
     box                   hako
     boy                   shonen
     boy                   bozu
     bracelet              buresuretto
     brain                 nu
     brat                  gaki
     bread                 pan
     breakfast             choshoku
     breast                oppai
     bright                ake
     broccoli              burokkorii
     broom                 hoki
     brown                 chairo
     bucket                baketsu
     buckwhe               soba
     buffalo               buffaru
     bug                   mushi
     building              tatemono
     bull                  ushi
     bulldozer             buruduzaa
     bun                   ban
     burdockroot           gobo
     burn                  moeru
     bus                   basu
     but                   demo
     butter                bataa
     butterfly             cho
     button                botan
     bye_parting_greeti    ja_ne_ja
     cab                   takushii
     cabbage               kyabetsu
     cactus                saboten
     cake                  keeki
     calender              karenda
     camel                 rakuda
     camera                kamera
     camp                  kyampu_suru
     camper                kyanpingu_ka
     can                   kanzume
     canary                kanaria
     candle                rusoku
     candy                 kyande
     cane                  tsue
     canoe                 kanue
     canyon                kureyon
     car                   jidusha
     car                   kuruma
     carnation             kaaniishon
     carpet                kaapeto
     carrot                ninjin
     cart                  niguruma
     castle                shiro
     cat                   neko
     caterpiller           kemushi
     cave                  hora_ana
     cave                  drawings
     celary                serori
     cell_anatomy          saibu
     chain                 kusari
     chair                 isu
     cheap                 chinke
     cheek_anatomy         hoho
     cheese                chiizu
     cherry                sakurambo
     cherry_blossom        flower
     chest                 mune
     chick                 hiyoko
     chicken               niwatori
     child                 kodomo
     chimpanzee            chimpanjii
     chin                  ago
     chopstick             hashi
     church                kyokai
     circle                maru
     circus                sakasu
     city                  toshi
     clam                  hamaguri
     claw                  tsume
     clay                  nendo
     clock                 tokei
     clothes               fuku
     cloud                 kumo
     clown                 piero
     coat                  uwagi
     cobweb                kumo
     coffin                hitsugi
     coin                  koka
     color                 iro
     comb                  kushi
     comet                 suisei
     compass               konpasu
     computer              konpyuta
     cone                  ensuikei
     cookie                kukkii
     cool                  kakoii
     cool                  suge
     coral                 sango
     corn                  tomorokoshi
     corner                katsumi
     cotton_candy          watagashi
     couch                 sofa
     cow                   meushi
     crab                  kani
     crane                 tsuru
     crap                  kuso
     crater                kureta
     crazy_insane          reijuu
     crop_land             sakumotsu
     crow                  karasu
     crown                 ookan
     cry                   naku
     crystal               suishu
     cube                  ripputai
     cuckoo                kakkoo
     cucumber              kyuuri
     cucumber_and_rice     kappa_maki
     cup                   kappu
     cupboard              shokkidana
     curtain_drape         katen
     cute                  kawaii
     cylinder              enchu
     daisy                 hinagiku
     dance                 odoru
     dancer                odorite
     danger                kiken
     dangerous             abunai
     dark                  sky
     day                   nichi
     deep                  fukai
     deer                  shika
     demon                 mazoku
     desert                sabaku
     desk                  tsukue
     dessert               dezaato
     devil                 akuma
     devil                 oni
     diamond               daiyamondo
     dice                  saikoro
     die                   shin
     dinner                yushoku
     dinosaur              kyoryu
     dirt                  tsuchi
     dish                  sara
     doctor                isha
     does_have             nai
     dog                   aiken
     dog                   aikenka
     dog                   inu
     doll                  ningyo
     dollhouse             ningyo_no_ie
     dolphin               dorufin
     dolphin               iruka
     donkey                roba
     door                  doa
     dough                 kiji
     dove                  hato
     down                  shita
     dozen                 daasu
     dragon                ryu
     dragonfly             tombo
     draw                  kaku
     dream                 yume
     drill_tool            doriru
     drum                  doramu
     duck                  ahiru
     duckling              ahiru_no_go
     dude                  toko
     dump_truck            dampu_kaa
     eagle                 washi
     ear                   mimi
     earmuffs              mimiate
     earring               iyaringu
     earth                 chikyuu
     easel                 iizeru
     eclipse               nisshoku
     eel                   unagi
     egg                   tamago
     eggplant              nasu
     elbow                 hiji
     elegant               kotan
     elephant              zo
     elevator              erebeta
     elk                   shoyosei
     elk                   ujika
     elm                   nire
     emotion_feeling       kanji
     energetic             genki
     energy                _power
     envelope              fuutu
     equal                 byudu
     equalivent            onaji
     equator               sekidu
     eraser                keshigomu
     europe                yoroppa
     everyday              mainichi
     everything            subete
     evil_fortune          akkun
     exclamation_mark      kantanfu
     exercise              undu_suru
     express               tsutawaru
     eye                   hitomi
     eye                   me
     eyebrow               mayu
     face                  kao
     family                kazoku
     family_tree           ikka_no_keizu
     far                   away
     farm                  nuju
     feather               hane
     feeling               kimochi
     fence                 kakoi
     fern                  shida
     feudal_era            sengoku_jidai
     final                 saigo
     finger                yubi
     fingernail            yubi_no_tsume
     fire                  hi
     fire_hydrant          shokasen
     firefighter           shoboshi
     firetruck             shobosha
     fireworks             hanabi
     fish                  sakana
     fishbowl              suizokukan
     fishing               tsuri
     flag                  hata
     flame                 hono
     flame                 recca
     flamingo              furamingo
     flashlight            kaichuu
     flipper               ashihire
     flour                 komugiko
     flour                 kona
     flower                hana
     flower                flower
     flower_stalk          miki
     flowerbed             kaden
     flute                 furuto
     fly                   tobu
     fly_insect            hae
     food                  shokumotsu
     fool                  aho
     foot_feet             ashi
     football              amerikan_futtoboru
     footprint             ashiato
     footstool             sutsuru
     forehead              hitai
     forest                mori
     fossil                kaeseki
     four                  yon
     fox                   kitsune
     friend                tomodachi
     frog                  kaeru
     fruit                 furuutsu
     fruit                 kudamono
     fruit_juice           furuutsu_jusu
     full_demon            youkai
     funnel                ruto
     furniture             kagu
     future                mirai
     galaxy                gingakei
     game                  gemmu
     garbage               gomi
     gate                  geto
     gem                   huseki
     geography             chiri
     gerbil                jaabiru
     ghost                 obake
     gift                  okurimono
     gill                  era
     giraffe               kirin
     girl                  shojo
     glass_cutlery         gurasu
     glass_cutlery         koppu
     glasses_optical       megane
     globe                 chikyugi
     glove                 tebukuro
     go_away               ache_kaere
     goat                  yagi
     goldfish              kingyo
     good_evening          konbanwa
     good_fortune          un
     good_morning          ohayo_u_gozaimasu_gozaimash
     goodbye               sayonara
     goose_geese           gacho
     gorilla               gorira
     grandfather_inform    jijii
     grape                 budo
     grapefruit            gurepufurutsu
     grass                 kusa
     grasshopper           kirigirisu
     grasshopper           batta
     gray                  haiiro
     green                 midori
     green_tea             ocha
     greenhouse            gurin_hausu
     guest                 kyaku
     guitar                gita
     haiku                 haiku
     hair                  kaminoke
     hairbrush             burashi
     half                  hanyo
     ham                   hamu
     hamburger             hanbaga
     hammer                kanazuchi
     hamster               hamusutaa
     hand                  te
     handsome              bishounen
     hanger                hangaa
     happy                 shiawase
     happy                 ureshii
     harbor                wave
     harp                  haapu
     hat                   bushi
     hate                  kirai
     hay                   hoshikusa
     haze                  moyatta
     head                  atama
     hear                  kikoeru
     heart_emotional       kokoro
     heart_organ           shinzou
     hedgehog              harinezumi
     heel                  kakato
     hell                  naraku
     hello                 moshi_moshi
     helmet                herumetto
     hemisphere            hankyuu
     hen                   mendori
     hexagon               shichikaki
     hey                   ne
     hi_hello              konnichiwa
     hill                  oka
     hip                   koshi
     hippotomous           kaba
     hire                  fin
     holly_plant           hiragi
     home                  xx
     horn                  kiteki
     horse                 uma
     horseshoe             titetsu
     hot_spring            onsen
     hot_tub               furo
     hour                  ji
     how                   do
     how                   ikaga
     how_are_you           hajimemashite
     how_are_you           o_genki)desu_ka
     how_many              ikutsu
     how_much              ikura
     human                 ningen
     hummingbird           hachidori
     hungry                onaka_ga_suiteiru
     hurricane             harikiin
     hut                   koya
     i_ll_kill_you         omae_o_korosu
     i_me_feminine         watashi
     i_me_masculine        ore
     i_me_masculine        boku
     i_me_you_feminine     anata
     iamfeminine           watashi_wa
     ice                   kori
     ice_cream             aisu_kuriimu
     ice_skate             suketo_gutsu
     iceberg               kyozan
     icicle                tsurara
     idiot                 baka
     if                    to
     iloveyou              daisuki
     iloveyou_formal       aishiteru
     iloveyou_informal     boku_ai
     ink                   inku
     insect                konchuu
     international         kokusai
     iris_flower           ayame
     iron                  airon
     island                shima
     ivy                   tsuta
     japanese_type         kotatsu
     jerk                  bakayaro
     jewel                 tama
     leaf                  yoh
     letter                tegami
     light                 yukata
     light                 denkyuu
     light                 hikari
     like                  konomi
     little_wolf           syaoran
     lonely                sabashii
     lord                  tono
     lotus                 root
     magic                 moho
     man                   otoko
     martial_arts_train    dojo
     mat_mattress          futon
     midnight              mayonaka
     military_ruler        shogun
     minute                fun
     miracle               kiseki
     mist                  kasumi
     monk                  houshi
     monster               kaijuu
     moon                  usa
     moonlight             gekko
     morning               asa
     mountain              yama
     my                    wa
     mysterious            fushigi
     oops                  totto_totto
     passionate_love       ai
     robe                  kimono
     rock_garden           kare_san_sui
     romantic_love         koi
     sexual_love           seiai
     sorry                 sumimasen
     watashi               atashi

   #  optional help notes 
       set text_texas {
       # Refrigerator magnet poetry
       # Refrigerator magnet poetry
       # program is mainly TCL8.0 and
       # Windows Expect5.2 offshoot of
       # Suchenwirth's Domino.tcl, circa 2004.
       # Tried to note which Suchenwirth subroutines
       # were mostly unchanged.
       # This was the first TCL canvas code I
       # saw that one could create easy gamepieces.
       # Writing grouped designs
       # on top of canvas shape, so basic canvas
       # shape and "grouped" design would move
       # by mouse. "grouped" design is used
       # extensively in Microsoft powerpoint
       # and Harvard Graphics, etc.
       # This first effort is refrigerator
       # magnet poetry in English.
       # Believe a similar select & die could
       # be used for a computer Mahjong game
       # or coin&card games.
       # Could use TCL8.4 chinese charactors
       # on top of tiles for Chinese magnetic
       # poetry or colored Mahjong tiles.
       # Various Esc and F-keys activate
       # to exit program or change background color.
       # Sliding right mouse across piece
       # should delete same.
       # Pick and Sliding left mouse across piece
       # should move same.
       # Selecting piece with middle mouse
       # should delete same piece.
       # Selecting pair of [same text] pieces
       # [in sequence] with right mouse
       # should delete same piece.
       # Right mouse uses initialization from
       # left mouse, so one has to pick
       # one tile with left mouse for
       # game start.
       # 5/7/5 words per line is
       # setting for Japanese Haiku poetry.
       # Other procedures working
       # on windows98 and old PC.
       # from goldshell7 on 10jun2006.}


这页使用TCL8/Expect 5.2 为窗口开发冰箱磁性诗歌。例如, 我们计划瓦片在任意颜色被印以文本和标志任意地被申请。并且会希望开发一个粗暴Mahjong 节目使用这些子程序。

     测试图片& 筛选射击


子程序用途whereever 可能。 这一个

   [ Refrigerator_Magnetic_Poetry ]

    # 舱板# 舱板# 舱板# 舱板包裹Refrigerator_Magnetic_Poetry # 开始Refrigerator_Magnetic_Poetry # 开始Refrigerator_Magnetic_Poetry # 开始Refrigerator_Magnetic_Poetry # 开始要求Tk proc down(reset) {w x

y} {重新设置$w} proc move(reset) {w x y} {} proc 收音机{w var 价值{col 0}} {框架$w 集合类型expr {#? "- 背景": "- 文本"} foreach 价值$values {radiobutton $w.v$value $type $value - 易变的$var - 重视$value \ - indicatoron 0 如果$col {# 设置- selectcolor $value - borderwidth 3}} eval 叠板winfo 孩子# - 旁边左边集合::$var lindex $values 0 设置了w} proc down(Draw) {w x y} {设置::ID # 创造线$x $y $x $y - 填装$::fill} proc move(Draw) {w x y} {$w coords $::id concat [ # coords $::id $x # ]} # - - 项目proc down(Move) 的运动{w x y} {设置::ID # 发现withtag 潮流 设置::X #; 设置::Y $y} proc move(Move) {w x y} {$w 移动$::id expr {#} expr {#} 设置::X #; 设置::Y $y} proc luniq {L} {# 去除复制品没有排序输入名单集合t {} foreach i $L {如果{lsearch - [ 确切$t #} {lappend t #}} 回归$t}; # RS # - - 克隆现有的项目proc serializeCanvasItem {c 项目} {设置数据[ concat [ # 型# # coords # ] foreach opt # itemconfigure # {# 包括偏离从缺省的任一种配置如果{lindex $opt 末端! = lindex $opt 结束1} {lappend 数据lindex $opt 0 lindex $opt 末端}} 回归$data} proc down(Clone) {w x y} {设置潮流# 发现withtag 潮流 如果{串长度# > 0} {设置itemData serializeCanvasItem $w [ # 发现withtag 潮流 ] 设置了::ID eval $w 创造# 设置了::X #; 设置::Y $y}} interp 别名{} move(Clone) {} move(Move) # - - 画长方形proc down(Rect) {w x y} {设置瓦片expr {int(rand()*1000000000 。)} 设置poof "长方形"; 设置tagx 名单$poof mv "obj_$tile" "colorit_$::Fill" d-$x$y; 设置::ID # 创造rect $x $y $x $y - 标记$tagx - 填装$::fill} proc move(Rect) {w x y} {$w coords $::id lreplace [ # coords $::id 2 3 $x # ]} # - - 画一卵形(或圈子, 如果您小心) proc down(Oval) {w x y} {设置瓦片expr {int(rand()*1000000000 。)} 设置poof "长圆形"; 设置tagx 名单$poof mv "obj_$tile" "colorit_$::Fill" d-$x$y; 设置::ID # 创造卵形$x $y $x $y - 标记$tagx - 填装$::fill} proc move(Oval) {w x y} {$w coords $::id lreplace [ # coords $::id 2 3 $x # ]} proc down(circle) {w x y} {设置瓦片expr {int(rand()*1000000000 。)} 设置poof "长圆形"; 设置tagx 名单$poof mv "obj_$tile" "colorit_$::Fill" d-$x$y; 设置dx 50 集合dy 50 集合::ID # 创造长圆形[ expr {#} expr {#} expr {#} expr {#} - # 标记$tagx - # 积土$::fill ]} proc move(circle) {w x y} {## coords $::id lreplace [ # coords $::id 2 3 $x # ]} proc down(Poly) {w x y} {如果信息存在::Poly {设置瓦片expr {int(rand()*1000000000 。)} 设置poof "多"; 设置tagx 名单$poof mv "obj_$tile" "colorit_$::Fill" d-$x$y; 设置coords # coords $::poly foreach {x0 y0} $coords 断裂如果{hypot($y-$y0, $x-$x0)<10} {$w 删除$::poly $w 创造多lrange $coords 2 末端 - 积土$::fill 未了装配::Poly} {$w coords $::poly concat $coords $x #}} {设置::Poly # 创造线$x $y $x $y - 标记"obj_[expr {int(rand()*1000000000.)}" - 填装$::fill ]}} proc? L {lindex $L expr {int(rand()*[llength #)} ] # suchenwirth_subroutine; } proc move(Poly) {w x y} {# 没什么} # - - 以少许更多编制程序, 积土方式准许改变项目的积土肤色: proc down(Fill) {w x y} {# itemconfig 潮流- 积土$::fill} proc move(Fill) {w x y} {} proc lcount 名单{foreach x $list {lappend arr($x) {}} 设置了皇家经济学会{} foreach 名字数组名字arr {lappend 皇家经济学会名单$name [ llength #) ]} 回归$res} # lcount {是没有没有礼物是是没有没有是礼物是没有没有是是} # {没有6} {是7} {礼物2} proc translationx {串dictName} {# suchenwirth_subroutine; upvar 1 $dictName dict 集合皇家经济学会{} foreach 词$string {如果信息存在dict($word) {设置词#)} lappend 皇家经济学会$word} 设置了皇家经济学会} proc 复数词{开关-- $word {人{回归人} 脚{回归脚} 鹅{回归鹅} 虱子{回归虱子} 老鼠{回归老鼠} 黄牛{回归黄牛} 牙{回归牙} 小牛- 矮子- 半- 蹄- 叶子- 大面包- 围巾- 自已- 捆- 窃贼- 狼{回归串范围$word 0 结束1ves} 刀子- 生活- 妻子{回归串范围$word 0 结束2ves} 汽车- 袋鼠- 公斤- 备忘录- 相片- 钢琴- 多香果- 赞成- 独奏- 女高音- 演播室- 纹身花刺- 录影- 动物园{回归${word}s} 鳕鱼- 鹿- 鱼- 子孙- 鸟类栖息处- 绵羊- 鳟鱼- 种类{回归#} 类{回归类} 门{回归门} 半径{回归半径} 天使{回归cherubim} mythos {回归mythoi} 现象{回归现象} 惯例{回归惯例}} 开关- regexp -- $word {{eix$} {回归串范围$word 0 结束2ices} {sch$} - {soxz$} {回归${word}es} {bcdfghjklmnprstvwxzy$} {回归串范围$word 0 结束1ies} {child$} {回归${word}ren} {eau$} {回归${word}x} {is$} {回归串范围$word 0 结束2es} {woman$} {回归串范围$word 0 结束2en}} 回归${word}s} proc keyget {名单钥匙} {foreach {lkey 价值} $list {如果串相等$lkey # {回归#}}}; # RS # % keyget {fnm 约翰lnm 布朗电话(123)456-7890 电子邮件[email protected]} 电话# (123)456-7890 # % keyget {fnm 约翰lnm 布朗电话(123)456-7890 电子邮件[email protected]} 电传proc lswap 名单{设置皇家经济学会{} foreach {b} $list {lappend 皇家经济学会$b #} 设置皇家经济学会}; # RS # % lswap {b c d e f g h} # b d.c. f e h g # 加在前面元素对名单(增加在前线): proc lprepend {var args} {upvar 1 $var v 集合v eval [ 名单linsert $v 0 # ]}; # DKF proc kvsearch {kvlist 项目} {设置pos lsearch $kvlist # 如果{#! = -1} {lindex $kvlist expr {#)}}}; # RS ## kvsearch {1 一2 二3 三} 四; # 回归倒空string/list # kvsearch {1 一2 二3 三} 1 # 一个# % kvsearch {1 一2 二3 三} 一个#1 # - - 修造集合模式的UI {凹道移动克隆积土Rect 卵形多圈子帆布诗歌头发区域帮助明白重新设置出口} 设置颜色{blue3 白色洋红色棕色红色橙黄色绿色green3 green4 深蓝蓝色blue2 紫色} 设置colorz {黑brown2 LightGoldenrod1 LightGoldenrod2 LightGoldenrod3 LightGoldenrod4 LightYellow2 LightYellow3 LightYellow4 yellow2 yellow3 yellow4 gold2 gold3 gold4 goldenrod1 goldenrod2 goldenrod3 goldenrod4 DarkGoldenrod1 DarkGoldenrod2 DarkGoldenrod3 orange3 orange4 DarkOrange1 DarkOrange2 DarkOrange3 DarkOrange4 coral1 coral2 coral3 coral4 tomato2 tomato3 tomato4 OrangeRed2 OrangeRed3 OrangeRed4 red2 red3 red4 DeepPink2 DeepPink3 DeepPink4 HotPink1 HotPink2 HotPink3 HotPink4 pink1 pink2} 设置了集合curnode "" 设置firstnode "" 设置xhistory 的colorx {blue4 AntiqueWhite3 \ Bisque1 Bisque2 Bisque3 Bisque4 \ SlateBlue3 RoyalBlue1 SteelBlue2 \ DeepSkyBlue3 LightBlue1 DarkSlateGray1 \ Aquamarine2 DarkSeaGreen2 SeaGreen1 素瓷\ Yellow1 IndianRed1 IndianRed2 Tan1 \ lemonchiffon 贝壳甘露mintcream 天蓝色\ peachpuff navajowhite 鹿皮鞋cornsilk \ IndianRed3 IndianRed4 sienna1 sienna2 sienna3 sienna4 burlywood1 \ burlywood2 burlywood3 burlywood4 wheat1 wheat2 wheat3 wheat4 \ tan2 tan4 chocolate1 chocolate2 chocolate3 firebrick1 firebrick2 \ firebrick3 firebrick4 \} 全球性helpx 全球性划线员全球性ind 集合ind 0 全球性movesit 集合helpx 0 集合movesit 1 集合colorground 素瓷全球性xhistory firstnode curnode 名单aaa bbb ccc 双对氯苯基二氯乙烷eee fff ggg 设置了xhistory 名单 设置colorground 素瓷全球性selected_tile previous_tile 集合selected_tile "选择的瓦片"; 设置previous_tile "早先瓦片"; 全球性逆全球性集合tilex "obj_66666test" 设置tagx "obj_77777test" 的划线员全球性ind 集合ind 0 集合划线员列出b c d e f g 全球性tilex tagx tagz 设置了tagz "obj_55555test" 全球性词条被设置逆0 个栅格无线电1 方式# - 稠粘的nw 栅格无线电2 积土$colors 1 - 稠粘的nw 栅格无线电3 积土$colorx 2 - 稠粘的nw 栅格无线电4 积土$colorz 3 - 稠粘的nw 栅格帆布c - 安心被上升- borderwidth 1 - bg # - - 稠粘的新闻栅格rowconfig 。0 - 重量0 栅格rowconfig 。1 - 重量1 栅格rowconfig 。2 - 重量2 栅格rowconfig 。3 - 重量3 按钮b2 - 文本遣散- 命令"毁坏。" 按钮b3 - 文本出口- 命令"出口" 按钮b5 - 文本"Del_tank" - 宽度2 - 命令{wxx 删除1.0 末端} 按钮b6 - 文本"lt_bg" - bg 灰色- 宽度2 \ - 命令{设置colorground LightBlue1; c 配置- bg $colorground} 按钮b7 - 文本"bis_bg" - 宽度3 \ - 命令{设置colorground 素瓷; \ c 配置- bg $colorground} 栅格b2 b3 b5 b6 b7 栅格rowconfig 。0 - 重量0 栅格rowconfig 。1 - 重量1 栅格标签wcc - 文本"名单选择历史" 栅格词条wxxccc - textvar e - 被留下的- bg 灰棕色- 宽度50 # wxxccc 插入物末端"# " 设置了哇c 发现withtag 潮流; wxxccc 插入物末端"xxx 起始者xxx $wow xxx" 焦点wxxccc; # 提供键盘输入集合labelx 信息tclversion; 栅格标签ww - 文本"接受器, 版本$labelx" 设置了txt 文本wxx - 宽度20 - 高度3 - bg 灰棕色 栅格$txt - 稠粘的新闻焦点wxx; # 提供键盘输入集合哇c 发现withtag 潮流; wxx 插入物1.0 "xxx 起始者xxx $wow xxx"; # - - 当前的方式被检索在运行时间从全球性方式可变物: 困境c < 1 > {设置firstnode c 发现withtag current;initialize %W %x %y;down($Mode) %W %x %y} 困境c < B1 行动> {move($Mode) %W %x %y} 困境c < 2 > {%W 删除潮流} 困境c < 3 > {# 设置firstnode c 发现withtag 绿色 设置firstnode c 发现withtag 潮流 设置curnode c 发现withtag 潮流 设置瓦片c 发现withtag 潮流 # 设置curnode c 发现withtag 红色 如果{($firstnode! = "") && (#! = "")} {dualcheck $tile $firstnode $curnode}} proc move(Poetry) {w x y} {如果信息存在::X {$w 移动$::id expr {#} expr {#} 设置::X #; 设置::Y #}} proc down(exit) {w x y} {出口} proc down(Poetry) {w x y} {全球性集合基础线的基础线全球性en_chinese 全球性en_romanji 名单 设置baseline2 名单 设置baseline3 名单 设置dy 40 集合dx 40 集合dk 10 集合poof "测试者"; 集合looky "stringx"; 设置瓦片"瓦片" 设置tagx 名单aaaa bbbb cccc dddd eeee fffff gggg hhhh 设置tagx 名单 # 设置标记名单mv d-$val1$val2; # 设置瓦片expr {int(rand()*1000000000 。)} # 设置looky "stringx"; # 设置poof xpop $looky; # 设置标记名单$poof mv obj_$tile d-$val1$val2; # 设置标记名单$poof mv "obj_$tile+1" d-$val1$val2; # 设置tagx 名单$poof mv "obj_$tile+1" d-$x$y; 为{设置i 0; 设置y expr {4+$y};set x expr {10+$dx}; } {#} {incr i; incr x #} {设置state1 1; 设置瓦片expr {int(rand()*1000000000 。)} 设置looky "stringx"; 设置poof xpop $looky; lappend 基础线#; lappend caseline #; 设置tagx 名单$poof mv "obj_$tile" d-$x$y; 设置::ID # 创造文本$x $y - 文本$poof - 标记$tagx - 填装$::fill} 为{设置i 0; 设置y expr {8+$y};set x expr {10+$dx};} {#} {incr i; incr x #} {设置state1 1; 设置瓦片expr {int(rand()*1000000000 。)} 设置looky "stringx"; 设置poof xpop $looky; lappend baseline2 #; lappend caseline2 #; 设置tagx 名单$poof mv "obj_$tile" d-$x$y; 设置::ID # 创造文本$x $y - 文本$poof - 标记$tagx - 填装$::fill} 为{设置i 0; 设置y expr {12+$y};set x expr {15+$dx};} {#} {incr i; incr x #} {设置state1 1; 设置瓦片expr {int(rand()*1000000000 。)} 设置looky "stringx"; 设置poof xpop $looky; lappend baseline3 #; lappend caseline3 #; 设置tagx 名单$poof mv "obj_$tile" d-$x$y; 设置::ID # 创造文本$x $y - 文本$poof - 标记$tagx - 积土$::fill} 设置topa stringxxx [ concat $baseline $baseline2 # ]; wxx 插入物1.0 #; wxx 插入物1.0 lcount #; 设置topat translationx $topa en_chinese; wxx 插入物1.0 lcount #; wxx 插入物1.0 concat $topa [ lcount # $topat lcount # ]; 设置k 20; 设置基础线translationx $baseline en_chinese; 设置k expr {20+$y}; 设置::ID # 创造文本$x $k - 文本$baseline - 标记$tagx - 积土$::fill 设置基础线translationx $baseline2 en_chinese; 设置k expr {30+$y}; 设置::ID # 创造文本$x $k - 文本$baseline - 标记$tagx - 积土$::fill 设置基础线translationx $baseline3 en_chinese; 设置k expr {40+$y}; 设置::ID # 创造文本$x $k - 文本$baseline - 标记$tagx - 积土$::fill 设置k 30; 设置j 20; 设置基础线translationx $caseline en_romanji; 设置k expr {60+$y}; 设置j expr {20+$x}; 设置::ID # 创造文本$j $k - 文本$baseline - 标记$tagx - 积土$::fill 设置基础线translationx $caseline2 en_romanji; 设置k expr {70+$y}; 设置j expr {20+$x}; 设置::ID # 创造文本$j $k - 文本$baseline - 标记$tagx - 积土$::fill 设置基础线translationx $caseline3 en_romanji; 设置k expr {80+$y}; 设置j expr {20+$x}; 设置::ID # 创造文本$j $k - 文本$baseline - 标记$tagx - 积土$::fill} proc 历史{xhistory} {设置xhistory 名单对象历史@; 全球性xhistory firstnode curnode 全球性ind movesit 集合第号2 集合numberx 2 集合firstnode c 发现withtag 潮流 lappend $xhistory $firstnode; 设置::ID c 创造文本100 200 个- 文本$xhistory - 标记"历史" - 积土$::fill - 填装黑} proc dualcheck {瓦片firstnode curnode} {全球性match_id selected_tile tiles_left 起重器全球性newy oldy 比赛oldx xhistory 全球性selected_tile previous_tile 全球性xhistory 全球性tilex # 全球性firstnode curnode 集合selected_tile "选择了瓦片"; 设置colorxxx "测试" 设置colorzzz "测试" # 设置previous_tile "早先瓦片"; 设置numberx c gettags 潮流; regexp {obj_(\d+)} $numberx - > tilex regexp {colorit_(\d+)} $numberx - > colorxxx regexp {colorit_(\d+)} $numberx - > colorzzz 集合分度器串首先"mv" $numberx; 设置分度器expr {$indexer - 1} 设置新串范围$numberx 0 $indexer; 设置标记c gettags 潮流 # c itemconfigure obj_$tilex - 宽度2 - 概述红色; # c itemconfigure $previous_tile - 宽度2 - 概述绿色; # c itemconfigure obj_$tilex - 宽度3; # c itemconfigure $previous_tile - 宽度3; 集合老"测试" 设置了kkk c gettags $previous_tile 设置了分度器串首先"mv" $kkk; ; 设置分度器expr {$indexer - 1} 设置老串范围$kkk 0 $indexer; 如果{# == ""} {设置老"poof # "} 设置tx 串范围$tilex 0 末端; 设置rx 串范围$previous_tile 4 末端; 如果{$tx! = $rx} {wxx 删除1.0 末端; wxx 插入物末端"对错误被辨认, 文本不相等!!!" ; } 如果{$old == $new} {设置tx 串范围$tilex 0 末端; 设置rx 串范围$previous_tile 4 末端; 如果{$tx == $rx} {wxx 删除1.0 末端; wxx 插入物末端"对错误被辨认, 同样瓦片双重接触!!!" ; } 如果{$tx! = $rx} {# c itemconfigure obj_$tilex - 宽度2 - 概述蓝色; # c itemconfigure $previous_tile - 宽度2 - 概述蓝色; wxx 删除1.0 末端; wxx 插入物末端"xxx $tilex xxx $tx xxx $rx xxx $previous_tile xxxx"; wxx 插入物末端#; wxx 插入物末端"老$old"; wxx 插入物末端#; wxx 插入物末端"相同对辨认了!!!" ; wxx 插入物末端"xxx 老$old xxx 新xxx $new"; wxx 插入物末端#; wxx 插入物末端"obj_tilex obj_$tilex" regexp {colorit_(\d+)} $numberx - > colorxxx regexp {colorit_(\d+)} $previous_tile - > colorzzz 如果{$colorxxx == $colorzzz} {c 删除"# "; c 删除"obj_$tilex+1"; c 删除obj_$tilex; c 删除#; }}} # wxx 删除1.0 末端; 设置$selected_tile #; wxx 插入物末端$tags; wxx 插入物末端"selected_tile 均等$new"; 如果{$previous_tile! = $selected_tile} {设置previous_tile c gettags 潮流 设置分度器串首先"mv" $previous_tile; 设置分度器expr {$indexer - 1} 设置老串范围$previous_tile 0 $indexer; wxx 插入物末端"previous_tile 均等$old"; } # c itemconfigure $curnode - 宽度2; 集合previous_tile obj_$tilex 集合firstnode obj_$tilex; 如果{$firstnode! = $curnode} {设置curnode obj_$tilex;} wxx 插入物末端"潮流合计$curnode"; wxx 插入物末端"第一合计$firstnode"; 回归} proc 初始化{w x y} {全球性瓦片全球性xhistory firstnode curnode 全球性ind movesit 集合瓦片c 发现withtag 潮流 设置了第号2 集合numberx 2 集合::_x #; 设置::_y #; 设置firstnode c 发现withtag 潮流 设置数字# gettags 潮流 设置分度器串首先"mv" $number; 设置numberx 串范围$number 0 #; # 这张卡片删除早先历史在坦克# 减少坦克verbage 但丢失历史# wxx 删除1.0 末端; # 一般报告的线wxx 插入物1.0 "xxx $number xxx $numberx xxx \ 分度器xxx $indexer xxx 数字的瓦片xxxx \ $ind xxxx 对象xxx $tile xxx $ind xxx 数字\ 直接移动xxx $movesit xxx"; # wxxccc 删除1.0 末端; # 一般报告的线wxxccc 插入物结尾"xxx $number xxx $numberx xxx \ 分度器xxx $indexer xxx 数字的瓦片xxxx \ $ind xxxx 对象xxx $tile xxx $ind xxx 数字\ 直接移动xxx $movesit xxx"; incr movesit} proc lpick L {lindex $L expr int(rand()*[llength #) ]; \ # suchenwirth_subroutine;} proc stringxxx s {# suchenwirth_subroutine; 设置皇家经济学会{} foreach 线分裂$s \n {为{设置i 0} {# 长度# ]} {incr i} {如果{# wordstart $line # ]} {设置w 串范围$line $i [ expr {[ 串wordend $line #} ] # 如果{#! = " "} {lappend 皇家经济学会#} # 如果{#! =" "&& # "&& #!="\}"} {lappend 皇家经济学会#} 如果{#! = " "&& # "&& #!="\}" && #!="\," && #!="\\" && #!="\/"} {lappend 皇家经济学会#} # 如果{#!="\}"} {lappend 皇家经济学会#} # 如果{# "} {lappend 皇家经济学会#} incr i expr {[ 串长度#}; # 圈incr}}} 总设置了皇家经济学会} proc xpop {轻便短大衣} {全球性划线员全球性ind 全球性基础线集合poetsey aaaaa 集合划线员poemsorts #; 集合愚蠢stringxxx #; 设置轻便短大衣lindex $goofy $ind; 设置ind expr {$ind + 1} lappend $baseline #; 回归#; } proc helptext {stringxxx} {设置text_texas {# 冰箱磁铁诗歌# 冰箱磁铁诗歌# 节目是主要TCL8.0 并且# 窗口Expect5.2 旁枝# Suchenwirth 的Domino.tcl, 大约2004. # 设法注意哪个Suchenwirth 子程序# 是未改变# 主要5/7/5 词每线是# 设置为日本Haiku 诗歌# 其它规程运作# 在windows98 和老个人计算机# 从goldshell7 在10jun2006 。} 回归#;} proc poemsorts {poetsey} {全球性划线员# 设置了划线员名单q w e r # 阿尔法划线员为测试目的被设置的划线员名单aaaa bbbb cccc dddd eeee fffff gggg hhhh 设置了划线员名单 设置了adjective_poetic {{红色} {哀伤} {蓝色} {蓝色} {高兴} {高兴} {深} {黑色} {狂放的} {绿色} {苍白} {明亮} {概略的} {灰色} {褐色} {长} {上流} {稀薄} {褐色} {醉汉} {干燥} {贫寒} {孤立} {远} {舱内甲板} {宽广} {厚实} {坚硬} {舱内甲板} {宽广} {凉快} {坚硬}} 设置noun_subject {猫老鼠芦苇{梨} {柑橘} {桃子} {野兔} {鸟} {烟} {雨} {冰} {雪} {云彩} {家} {花} {天空} {米} {杉木} {薄雾} {门} {风} {蟋蟀} {年} {月亮} {起重机} {草} {上升了} {墨水} {解冻} {绽放} {湖} {雪松} {黄昏} {秋天} {石头} {黎明} {小河} {树} {心脏} {小船} {哀情} {树} {小船} {小船} {岩石} {镇} {泪花} {水池} {丝绸} {鹿} {歌曲} {驳船} {青苔} {夜} {门} {篱芭} {鸠} {梦想} {霜} {和平} {树荫} {鬼魂} {路} {道路} {根} {马} {前夕} {声音} {睡眠} {叶子} {海} {风帆} {峰顶} {词根} {领域} {波浪} {倾斜} {吠声} {冠} {杂草} {飞蛾} {黄蜂} {池塘} {土壤} {蜗牛} {蠕虫} {蚂蚁} {海带} {洞} {月} {头} {玉} {分支} {骨头} {头} {微笑} {豌豆} {骨头} {头} {微笑} {榆木} {早晨} {鲤鱼} {巢} {橡木} {骨头} {鸟类栖息处} {微风} 登上李子风暴小山} 设置了verb_transitive {秋天{雪} {烧伤} {轻碰} {flys} {谎言} {步行} {流程} {秋天} {飞行} {知道} {来} {集会} {漂泊} {亮光} {浸泡} {啼声} {舞蹈} {丢失} {欢呼} {浮游物} {舞蹈} {休息处} {移动} {退色} {爱} {睡眠} {移动} {作为} {风帆} {坐} {飞跃} {坐} {坐} {坐} {飞跃} {增长} {等待} {丢失} {听见} {要} {手表}} 设置noun_objective {云彩{老家庭} 花{天空} 米{蟋蟀}} 设置了silly_propostion {为{由} 往{对} 在{以往} {对} {} {} {对} {对} {} {前部} 通过} 设置了poetsey ", ? #, [? #, ? #, ? #, ? #, ? #, ? $noun_subject,The, ? #, [? #, ? #, ? #, ? #, ? #, ? $noun_subject,The, ? #, [? #, ? #, ? #, ? #, ? #, ? $noun_subject,The, ? #, [? #, ? #, ? #, ? #, ? #, ? $noun_subject,The ? #, [? #, ? #, ? #, ? #, ? #, ? #, "lappend 划线员$poetsey lappend 划线员$poetsey lappend 划线员$poetsey 集合poetsey $liner 回归$poetsey} # - - 激活F 钥匙(任意): 困境。< 逃命> {出口} 困境。< F1 > {毁坏。} 困境。< F2 > {设置colorground LightBlue1; \ c 配置- bg #} 困境。< F3 > {设置colorground Bisque;.c \ 配置- bg $colorground} 困境。< F4 > {设置backcolor lpick {AntiqueWhite3 Bisque1 Bisque2 Bisque3 Bisque4 \ SlateBlue3 RoyalBlue1 SteelBlue2 \ DeepSkyBlue3 LightBlue1 DarkSlateGray1 \ Aquamarine2 DarkSeaGreen2 SeaGreen1 素瓷\ Yellow1 IndianRed1 IndianRed2 Tan1 \ Tan4 灰色}; 设置colorground #; c 配置- bg $colorground} 困境。< F4 > {设置backcolor lpick {AntiqueWhite3 Bisque1 Bisque2 Bisque3 Bisque4 \ SlateBlue3 RoyalBlue1 SteelBlue2 \ DeepSkyBlue3 LightBlue1 DarkSlateGray1 \ Aquamarine2 DarkSeaGreen2 SeaGreen1 素瓷\ Yellow1 IndianRed1 IndianRed2 Tan1 \ Tan4 灰色}; 设置colorground #; c 配置- bg $colorground} 困境。< F5 > {设置backcolor lpick {素瓷蓝绿色}; 设置colorground #; c 配置- bg $colorground} 困境。< F6 > {设置backcolor lpick {AntiqueWhite3 素瓷}; 设置colorground #; c 配置- bg $colorground} 困境。< F7 > {设置backcolor lpick {SeaGreen1 素瓷}; 设置colorground #; c 配置- bg $colorground} 困境。< F8 > {设置backcolor lpick {AntiqueWhite3 素瓷}; 设置colorground #; c 配置- bg $colorground} # 某一words/meanings 从第8 首世纪诗# 英国文章倾销了为星号# 被减少的volcabulary 列阵集合en_chinese {* * 鸟naio 水水云彩yun 烟严来lai 雨于红色洪哀伤的nanguo 蓝色lan 高兴的gaoxing 的深沈黑hei 狂放的yesheng 绿色luse 苍白cangbai 明亮的ming 的粗砺的buping 的灰色cangbai 褐色zongse 长的chang 高高稀薄shou lush 二重奏干燥gan 粗劣的qiong 孤立dandu 远的元平的砰宽广的kuan 厚实的hou 艰苦ying 凉快的梁猫毛老鼠laoshu 芦苇cao 梨锂柑橘yingtao 桃子陶野兔tuzhu 鸟naio 烟严雨于冰xue 雪xue 云彩yun 家庭家庭花华天空tian 米mi 杉木歌曲薄雾吴门人风feng 蟋蟀kunchong 年nian 月亮粤起重机niao 草cao 玫瑰色meigui 墨水moshui 解冻解冻绽放华湖他雪松歌曲黄昏heitian 秋天qiu 石头shi 黎明撒石灰小河他树shu 心脏辛小船周哀情nanguo 岩石shi 镇甄泪花列伊水池chitang 丝绸si 鹿lu 歌曲雪松驳船bochuan 青苔lu 夜ye 门人篱芭liba 鸠naio 梦想meng 霜shuang 和平heping 的树荫si 鬼魂钛路锂道路xiaodao 根gen 马ma 前夕苍白酣然的省睡眠shuimian 叶子shu 海hai 风帆风扇峰顶峰顶词根词根领域元波浪bolang 倾斜掸人吠声shu 冠夏杂草zhiwu 飞蛾kunchong 黄蜂huangfeng 池塘chitang soil du snail wongnui 蠕虫wongnu 蚂蚁kunchong 海带haizhiwu 洞山东月粤顶头tou 玉于分支shuzhi 骨头顾微笑肖豌豆xiaodou 榆木shu 早晨zaochen 鲤鱼于巢chang 橡木shu 鸟类栖息处于微风xiaofeng 登上掸人李子lizi 风暴fengbao 小山掸人秋天刘烧伤huo 轻碰周flys fei 谎言zhi 步行邹流程刘秋天fei 知道的刘飞行朱来lai 集会集会漂泊亮光广浸泡水啼声钛舞蹈tiaowu 失去的milu 欢呼guoxing 浮游物piao 休息处chang 移动周退色退色爱ai 睡眠shuimian 作为您坐zuo 飞跃tiao 坐zuo 的周生长周丢失丢失听见的省等待ting 想要姚手表kan 老老挝人为韦由于往zai 对ge 在zai 以往的于在zai} 列阵集合en_romanji {

  • * 红色aka 哀伤的kanashii 蓝色aoi_ao 高兴的高兴的深深黑kuroi 野生yasee 绿色midori-iro

苍白usui 明亮的akarui_taiyoo 粗砺的粗砺的灰色guree 褐色chairo 长期长的高的takai 稀薄的稀薄的lush subishii 干燥kawaite_iru 可怜的bimboo 孤立subishii 平展平展宽广的宽广的厚实的厚实的坚硬坚硬凉快的凉快的猫猫老鼠老鼠芦苇芦苇梨梨柑橘柑橘桃子桃子野兔野兔鸟鸟烟烟雨雨冰冰雪雪云彩云彩家庭家庭花花天空天空米米杉木杉木薄雾薄雾门门风风蟋蟀蟋蟀年年月亮月亮起重机起重机草草玫瑰玫瑰色墨水墨水解冻解冻绽放绽放湖湖雪松雪松黄昏黄昏秋天秋天石头石头黎明黎明小河小河树树心脏心脏小船小船哀情哀情岩石岩石镇镇泪花泪花水池水池丝绸丝绸鹿鹿歌曲歌曲驳船驳船青苔青苔夜夜门门篱芭篱芭鸠鸠梦想梦想霜霜和平和平树荫树荫鬼魂鬼魂路路道路道路根根马马前夕前夕声音声音睡眠睡眠留下叶子海海风帆风帆峰顶峰顶词根词根领域领域波浪波浪倾斜倾斜吠声吠声冠冠杂草杂草飞蛾飞蛾黄蜂黄蜂池塘池塘土壤土壤蜗牛蜗牛蠕虫蠕虫蚂蚁蚂蚁海带海带洞洞月月头头玉玉分支分支骨头骨头微笑微笑豌豆豌豆榆木榆木早晨早晨鲤鱼鲤鱼巢巢橡木橡木鸟类栖息处鸟类栖息处微风微风登上登上李子李子风暴风暴小山小山落秋天烧伤烧伤轻碰轻碰flys 谎言走步行流程流程秋天秋天飞行飞行知道知道的flys 谎言来临来临集会集会漂泊漂泊亮光亮光浸泡浸泡啼声啼声舞蹈舞蹈失去的失去的欢呼欢呼浮游物浮游物休息处休息处移动移动退色退色爱爱睡眠作为坐坐飞跃飞跃坐坐增长生长等待等待丢失丢失听见听见要想要手表手表老老为为往往对对在在以往以往在的睡眠作为* *} proc phonesort2 {名单} {# KBK (2001 2月14 日) foreach 名字$list {regsub {Ma?c?(A-Z)} $name {M_\1} 关键lappend list2 名单$key #} foreach 对lsort - 索引0 - ascii # {lappend list3 lindex $pair 1} 回归$list3} 全球性基础线全球性en_chinese 集合topa stringxxx [ poemsorts "aaaaa" ]; wxx 插入物1.0 #; wxx 插入物1.0 lcount #; 设置基础线名单人鹅脚妇女下潜; foreach oppie $baseline {设置信件"串"; 设置信件串范围$oppie 末端末端; 设置letterx "s"; 如果{$letter! = $letterx} {lappend 基础线复数#; } {lappend 基础线#; }} wxx 插入物1.0 "$baseline xxx"; wxx 插入物1.0 "人xxx 复数" 人" xxx"; 设置基础线名单水鸟烟来; wxx 插入物1.0 "xxx $baseline xxx"; 设置stringj 名单; 设置stringj translationx "水鸟烟来" en_chinese wxx 插入物1.0 $stringj; wxx 插入物1.0 "xxxx trans translationx $baseline en_chinese"; 设置listxxx 名单MacDonald McArthur McEwan Lyttle Mabbs 琼斯 wxx 插入物1.0 "xxxx 排序xxxx $listxxx xxx phonesort2" # ""; proc down(canvas) {w x y} {全球性colorground; 设置colorground $::fill; \ c 配置- bg #} proc move(canvas) {w x y} {} proc down(exit) {w x y} {出口; } proc move(exit) {w x y} {} proc down(help) {w x y} {设置瓦片expr {int(rand()*1000000000 。)} 设置poof "帮助"; 全球性helpx 如果{# > 0} {回归} 设置了tagx 名单$poof mv "obj_$tile" "colorit_$::Fill" d-$x$y; 设置基地"帮助"; 设置helpx 0; 设置基础线helptext #; # 如果{!info 存在L} {设置L {}} 设置::ID # 创造文本$x $y - 文本$baseline - 标记$tagx - 积土$::fill 设置了helpx 1; } proc move(help) {w x y} {} proc down(clear) {w x y} {全球性helpx $w 删除"所有"; 设置helpx 0; } proc 重新设置了{w} {全球性helpx $w 删除"所有" 设置了helpx 0; } proc down(hairs) {w x y} {全球性helpx 如果{# > 0} {回归} 设置了瓦片expr {int(rand()*1000000000 。)} 设置poof "十字准线"; 设置maximumxxxx 400 集合maximumyyyy 400 集合middlexxxx expr {(400 + # 2} 设置middleyyyy expr {(400 + # 2} 设置xx1 20; 设置xx2 15; 设置yy1 20; 设置yy2 10; 设置tagx 名单$poof mv "obj_$tile" "colorit_$::Fill" d-$x$y; 设置基地"帮助"; 设置helpx 0; 设置基础线#; # 如果{!info 存在L} {设置L {}} # 设置::ID # 创造文本$x $y - 文本$baseline - 标记$tagx - 积土$::fill 设置了::ID $w 创造线$x $middleyyyy $maximumxxxx $middleyyyy - 标记# 设置了::ID # 创造线$middlexxxx $y $middlexxxx $maximumyyyy - 标记tagx 困境::ID $w 创造线$x $middleyyyy $maximumxxxx $middleyyyy - $tagx$w 创造线$middlexxxx $y $middlexxxx $maximumyyyy - 标记tagx 的标记设置了helpx 1; } proc move(hairs) {w x y} {设置::ID # 发现withtag 头发 $w coords $::id lreplace [ # coords $::id 2 3 $x # ] 设置了::X #; 设置::Y $y} proc down(zone) {w x y} {全球性helpx 如果{# > 0} {回归} 设置了xx1 20; 设置xx2 15; 设置yy1 20; 设置yy2 10; 设置瓦片expr {int(rand()*1000000000.)}; 设置poof "区域"; 设置tagx 名单$poof mv "obj_$tile" "colorit_$::Fill" d-$x$y; 设置基地"帮助"; ## 创造rect 50 10 100 60 个- 标记"箱子" ## 创造rect $xx1 $yy1 $xx2 $yy2 - 标记"箱子" 设置::ID # 创造rect $x $y [ expr {$x + $xx1} expr {$y + $yy1} - 标记$tagx - 积土$::fill ] 设置了helpx 1} proc move(zone) {w x y} {} # 舱板的舱板# 末端的舱板# 末端的舱板# 末端的舱板# 末端的舱板# 末端的舱板# 末端的舱板# 末端的舱板# 末端的末端

编码再用 Tcl 的包裹系统使它容易写可能被重复利用的代码。


 ' ' Q. 从goldshell7'':I 上午设法装载特点或子程序"select&pair_then_die", 你选择二个相等的片断在颜色、文本, 或标记的地方。如果二个片断是相等的, 两对消失从屏幕(或对曲棍球安全区在屏幕) 。有点儿象老微软Mahjong 比赛, 是相等的对的排除过程。

  ' ' 两个一起移动的A. 被接受"您应该组成独特的标记和分配他们到rect 和文本在它里面, 和为便利, 另外一个为文本唯一incr n $w 创造rect... - 标记[ 名单mv obj$n ] $w 创造文本... - 标记[ 名单mv obj$n text$n ] 为行动, 指定obj. 。标记那么。得到当前的选择的标记, 设法某事象: 设置标记[ # gettags 潮流] 在返回的名单, 找出标记以obj 数字, 即象这regexp {obj(\d+)}

$tags - > 数字您能检索文本由给标记集合文本# itemcget text$number - 文本 记录结束。

 ' ' Q. 从goldshell7'':28jul2006, 会希望选择的瓦片有一个红色, 蓝色, 或色的概述。被评论的"c itemconfigure tile_number - 概述红色" 上色了outine 但恢复文本字体对垂直的被安排的文本。可能某人能计算怎么保持文本水平。

  # 测试& 额外中国pinyin volcabulary # 杂技z3aj2i # 代理yanchu # 先遣j2in # 在r3anh2ou 以后# 在yih2ou # 下午xi2awu 以后# 再z2ai # 所有窦# 还ye # 虽然隋# 总zongsh2i # 在m3injian 之中# 和h3e # 出现xi2ang # 出现xi2ang # 近似地d2ayue # 军队y3ing # 当r3u # 要求r2ang # 要求w2en # 方面郭# 协助轰隆# 协助bangzh2u # 自动z2id2ong # 秋天qiutian # 轨zh3ou # ballast_trackbed _ su2ish3i # 禁令sh2ang # 禁令y2i # 银行y3inh3ang # banker_fire buji # 篮球l3anqi3u # 是sh2i # be_able hu2i # 敲打da # 因为yinw2ei # 牛肉ni3ur2ou # 在qi3an # 开始kaishi # 在jian 之间# 票据丹# 票据fapi2ao # 生日shengr2i # 吹动gua # 吹动gua # b3o Sh2anghai # 委员会禁令# 来路不明的飞机zhuanxi2angji2a # 书shu # 书shu #

两梁# 两梁# 箱子xiang # 棚车p3engche # 闸zh3a # branch_line zhixi2an # 桥梁qi3ao # 桥梁qi3ao # 桥梁qi3ao # 明亮cai # 明亮cai # 精采jingcai # brother_younger d2idi # 兄弟xiongd2i # bu du2i # b2u pao # builder_plate m3ingp3ai # 公共汽车gongg2ongq2iche # 事务m3ingpi2an # 企业shengy2i # 企业y2e # business_card m3ingpi2an # 繁忙的m3ang # 但d2ansh2i # 但kesh2i # 购买mai # 守车shouche 之前# 电话ji2ao # 能h2ou # 能柯# 能n3eng # 容量d2u # 支架k2eche # 支架k2eche # 现金du2i # 类别shu # 垂曲线ji2akongsh2i_jiech2uwang # 一定b2i # 汉语ch3en # 中国h2anyu # 中国h2anz2i # 类xi2ak2e # 经典之作京# 清楚的卿# 清楚的qingchu # 气候q2ih2ou # 夹子贾# 时钟zhong # 接近j2innear # 煤炭m3ei_t2an # coalmine m3eiku2ang # 冷的leng # 学院d2ag2ai # colour_light_signal s2edeng_x2inh2aoji # 来临l3ai # 商务shang # 公司gongsi # 比较biji2ao # 竞争bis2ai # 完全周# 继续j2ix2u # 方便fangbi2an # 方便地sh2unbi2an # 改变信仰者du2ihu2an # 甘露酒r2eq3ing # 正确b3ucu2o # 正确r3an # 国家gu3o # 工艺shouy2i # cross_tie guizhen # 曲线quxi2an # 切口l2uqi2an # 舞蹈吴# 舞蹈wudao # 女儿nu3er # 天tian # 深深沈# 交付焦# 集中处jiw2udu2an # 设备zhuangzh2i # 方言于# 字典c3idian # 柴油ch3aiy3ou # diesel_electric_locomotiv di2anchu3and2ong_n2eir3an_jiche # diesel_hydraulic_locomoti y2el2ichu3and2ong_n2eir3an_jiche # diesel_locomotive n2eir3an_jiche # 另外ch2a # 困难的n3an # 困难的n3an # dining_car canche # 直接zh3ijie # 盘c2ai # 显示bai # 分明储# 划分市分# 做du2anli2an # 做y3ingy2e # 做zu2o # 国内gu3on2ei # double_track f2uxi2an # 龙l3ong # 凹道州# 饮料他# 司机siji # 饺子jiaozi # 朝代yu3an # 及早县# 及早县# 东部东# 东部# 吃堡# 吃chi # 更旧的gege # 更旧的jiejie # electric_locomotive di2anl2i_jiche # 电di2an # 电化di2anq2ihu2a # 堤防l2udi # 空的kong # 结尾m2o # 能量京# 英国yingyu # 进入j2inadvance # 特别是t2ebi3e # etween jian # 甚而整个地# 晚上b2angwan # 每mei # 每meitian # 每天jingch3ang # express_train gaos2u # express_train ku2ais2u # express_train t2eku2ai # express_train ku2aiche # 极端j3i # 眼睛m2u # 家庭贾# 元# 快速的ku2ai # 父亲b2aba # 父亲f2umu # 节日ji3e # 积土人# 芬兰Fenl3an # 火huo # 首先xi2an # 鱼y3u # fishplate y3uweiban # 平p3ing # 流利li3ul2i # 橄榄球z3uqi3u # 为gei # 为gei # 展望了y2ub2ao # 外国w2aiyu # 家畜季# 框架ji2a # freight_car hu2oche # freight_train hu2oche # 法国fayu # 朋友p3engyou # 从c3ong # 从z2i # 果子郭# 果子shuiguo # 燃料ch3aiy3ou # 气体q2i # 测量仪biao # 慷慨的d2afang # 德国d3eyu # 德国d3egu3o # 得到ji3ehun # gether y2iqi # 授予qingk2e # 供应ch3an # 去储# 去chuq2u # 去d2ao # 去sh2angban # 去Wang # 长平底船changche # 锣b2an # 锣g2u # 好郝# 再见z2aiji2an # goods_train hu2oche # goods_van p3engche # 梯度pod2u # 毕业b2iy2e # guai 绑架# guan 罐头# gu2an x3i # guards_van shouche # 客人k2er3en # 习性x3igu2an # 半b2an # 火腿huotui # 愉快gaox2ing # 愉快的ku2ail2e # 愉快的l2e # hard_sleeper y2ingw2o # 有您# 热r2e # 热r2e # 加热器nuanq2i # 帮手buji # 高高# 小山掸人# 肉猪朱# 热的l2a # 热的r2e # 房子l3ou # 怎么duod2a # 怎么季# 怎么zenmeshuo # how_old duod2a # 然而d2ansh2i # 一百bai # I wo # 冰bingqi3u # 如果r3uguo # 如果y2aosh2i # 进口j2inchukou # 印象y2inxi2ang # 旅店di2an # 欢悦huan # 反撞力钛# 绑架guai # 亲切的zhong # 知道liao # 语言w3en # 前sh2anggeyu2e # 事假l3i # 事假l3ikai # 事假li3u # 长度ch3ang # 信件x2in # level_crossing 的d2aokou # 图书馆t3ushuguan # light_rail qinggui # 象xihuan # 听ting # loco_shed jiw2udu2an # 活动huochet3ou # 长期jiu # 看起来canguan # 神色看见# 丢失y3i # l3ou Zhong # 更低的二# 午餐wuf2an # 机器季# 机器季# m3afan 麻烦# main_line ganxi2an # 做dadi2anhu2a # 经理jingli # 地图d2it3u # marshalling_yard bianzuchang # 可以keyi # 可以qingw2en # 措施mi # 肉r2ou # 机制q2i # 机制jig2ou # 医疗伊# metering_device biao # 中间zhong # 可能ken3eng # 详细的fenzhong # 先生xiansheng # 混合了z3a # mixed_train k2ehu2oh2unh3e_li2eche # 金钱b2i # 月yu2e # 更多yu2el3aiyu2e # 次日m3ingtian # 母亲mama # 母亲ma # 山掸人# 移动gand2ong # 运动y2und2ong # multiple_track 夫人t2aitai # 先生xiansheng # f2uxi2an # multiple_unit_train d2ongchezu # 我的wode # name_personal m3ingzi # narrow_gauge_railway xiaohuoche # narrow_gauge_railway zhaigui_tiel2u # 在j2in 附近# 必要的b2iy2ao # 消极m3ei # 其次m3ingni3an # 好的li3angkuai # 没有b3ugu2o # 没有nali # Nokia Nu2oj3iy2a # 中午zhongwu # 北部北# 不是b2u # 不是b2ushao # 现在xi2anz2ai # 数字h2ao # 观察服从# 办公室b2angongsh2i # 经常ch3ang # 油y3ou # 一伊# 某人x2ing # 唯一shiyou # 唯一zhi # open_wagon changche # 机会jihu2i # 普通的p3ingch3ang # ordinary_passenger_train putongche # ordinary_stopping_train putongche # 应该gai # 外部w2ai # overhead_wires ji2akongsh2i_jiech2uwang # overpraise gu2ojiang # 黄牛ni3u # 对du2i # panfry chaosaute # 剧痛砰# 放大尺sh2oudi2angong # 通行证chu3an # 乘客luk2e # passenger_train k2eche # 人m3in # 人r3en # 物理tiy2u # 管子guan # 计划dasu2an # 板材禁令# 平台zh2ant3ai # 戏剧w3an # 请卿# 请qingbi2an # 复数人# 点d2aoch2a # 门廊l3ang # 猪肉zhur2ou # 当前ji2esh2ao # 深刻shenk2e # 节目ji3em2u # 发音fayin # quarterhour k2e # 问题ne # 路轨ganggui # 铁路tiel2u # 铁路tied2ao # railway_track guid2ao # 雨xi2ayu # 茂盛的邓# 读了ni2an # 真正的甄# 真正地sh3iz2ai # 收据fapi2ao # 接受shou # 接受zhaod2ai # 尊敬su2an # 尊敬su2an # 军团tu3an # 遗憾h2an # 遗憾y3ih2an # 发行f2ang # 发行f2ang # r3en k2e # 休息xiuxi # 回归hu3i # 回归赵# 乘驾q3i # 正确y2oubian # road_formation d2aochu3ang # 路基l2uji # 路基d2aochu3ang # 大致d2ag2ai # 大致d2ag2ai # 路线l2u # 跑的paob2u # 安全anqu3an # 沙拉s2ela # 同样y2iban # 嫩煎chao # 学校xu3exi2ao # 位子zu2owei # seat_hard y2ingzu2o # seat_soft ruanzu2o # 部分kuan # 看见ji2an # 自已z2iji # 出售m2ai # semaphore_signal b2iban_x2inh2aoji # 送fa # 如果gai # 虾夏# 快门chuang # si 锣# 四川S2ichuan # 旁边c2e # 信号x2inh2ao_ji # 丝绸sich3ou # single_track danxi2an # sister_younger m2eimei # 姐妹jiem2ei # 坐zu2o # 技巧j2i # 睡眠者tie_guizhen # sleeping_berth w2op2u # 慢m2an # 烟chouyan # 烟严# 雪xi2axue # soft_sleeper ruanw2o # 儿子3erzi # sorry_I_am du2ibuqi # 南部n3an # 备用的k2ongr # 讲shuo # spicey l2a # 讲话的kouyu # 春天chuntian # 邮票y2in # 标准biaozhun # standard_gauge biaozhun_guij2u # 起动土杏红# 驻地zh2an # 驻地zh2ant3ai # 驻地huoche_zh2an # 逗留戴# 蒸汽zhengq2i # steam_locomotive zhengq2i_jiche # 直接zh3i # streetcar yougui_di2anche # structual de # 学生xu3esheng # 研究xu3e # su2an da # suburban_train sh2ijiao_li2eche # 地铁d2itie # 夏天xi2atian # 晴朗q3ingtian # 瑞典Ru2idian # 游泳y3ouyong # 开关d2aoch2a # 桌zhuozi # 作为qu # 谈话t3an # 谈话t3an # tank_car gu2anche # 罐车gu2anche # 口味ch3ang # 鲜美haochi # 鲜美haochi # 茶ch3a # 教焦# 老师laoshi # 寺庙tiant3an # 网球wangqi3u # 期限查寻# thank_you xi2exie # 那n2a # zu2i # 那里有# 这jinni3an # 这zh2e # through_train zh3id3a # through_train zh3itong_che # 票chepi2ao # 时间sh3ihou # 时间表sh3ik2ebiao # 火车huoche # 火车huoche # 火车li2eche # 电车yougui_di2anche # 踩dao # 旅行luy3ou # trolley_bus w3ugui_di2anche # truck_rail changche # 隧道su2id2ao # 转盘zhuanp3an # 无法b2uliao # underground_railway d2itie # 了解东# 了解东# 单位ku2aiyuan # 大学d2axu3e # 有用的youy2ong # 假期ji2a # 阀门f3a # 菜shuc2ai # 车che # 非常母鸡# 排球p3aiqi3u # wagon_car hu2oche # 步行y3ou # 步行邹# 想要y2ao # 温暖nuan # 水水# 水水# water_crane shuih2e # water_tower shuita # 我们妇女# 我们z3anmen # 天气tianq2i # 星期xingqi # 周末zhoum2o # 欢迎huany3ing # 欢迎y3ing # 西部XI # 西部XI # 西部样式xican # 什么sh3enme # 什么sh3enmesh3ihou # 什么gu2ix2ing # 轮子l3un # nali # na # 口哨m3ing # 的地方为什么w2eish3enme # 风feng # 窗口chuangkou # 酒jiu # 愿望zh2u # 与gen # 词hu2a # 工作gongzu2o # worksplate m3ingp3ai # 写xie # 年ni3an # 昨天zu3otian # you_formal n3in # 零l3ing # zhuangzh2i # 在shang 之上# 到达daoda # 作者zuiozhe # 银行yinhang # 浴缸lahncheo # 电池dianchi # 海湾haiwan # 猫毛# 云彩yun # 来临lai # 女孩nuer # 他ta # 马ma # 它ta # 一伊# 雨于# 烟严# 二lian # 水水# 疼痛钳子# 增加贾# 海军上将haijunshang # 空气kongqi # 飞机feiji # 机场feijichang # 胡同hutong # 分开lu # 苹果pingguo # 杏子xing # 胳膊gebo # 扶手椅子fushiuyi # 箭头jian # 要求wen # 芦笋lusun # 地图集dituji # 顶楼gelou # 秋天qiu # 轴futou # 轨lunzhou # 婴孩yinger # 袋子堡# 球qiu # 芭蕾baleiwu # 驳船bochuan # 大麦damai # 营房yingfang # 海滩haitan # 小珠jhuzi # 额嘴惠# 豆窦# 熊xlong # 胡子huzi # 美好的meili # 床chuang # 蜂箱fengxiang # 啤酒pijiu # 响铃leeng # 大da # 自行车zixingche # 鸟naio # 饼干binggan # 黑hei # 毯子tanzi # 白肤金发的jinse # 血液xue # 绽放华# 开花华# 蓝色lan # 小船周# 骨头顾# 书shu # 瓶pingzi # 弓锣# 分支shuzhi # 明亮ming # 宽广的kuan # 棕色zongse # 由于# 以往的于# 支架che # 杯子北# 切开了段# 舞蹈tiaowu # 黑暗的hei # 鹿lu # 门人# 梦想meng # 干燥gan # 鸭子ya # 前夕苍白# 秋天刘# 领域元# 火huo # 首先县# 平的砰# 霜shuang # 门人# 鹅严# 草cao # 绿色luse # 广亮光# 艰苦ying # 顶头tou # 听见ting # 心脏辛# 高高# 小山掸人# 在zai # 灯邓里# 长期chang # 看起来kan # 月亮粤# 夜ye # 不是bu # 开放kai # 道路xiaodao # 梨锂# 珍珠zhenzhu # 杉木歌曲# 红色洪# 米mi # 河江# 岩石shi # 根gen # 沙子沙# 海hai # 看见kan # 她ta # 岸# 坐zuo # 天空tian # 小肖# 雪xue # 歌曲ge # 酣然的省# 星xing # 火炉lu # 太阳ri # 泪花列伊# * # * # 对ge # tomarrow mingtian # 镇甄# 想要姚# 黄蜂huangfeng # 手表kan # 白色bai # 宽kuan # 狂放的yesheng # 风feng # 年nian # 黄色黄# 洞山东# 雪松歌曲# 黎明撒石灰# 跃迁tiao # 飞跃tiao # 孤立dandu # 飞蛾kunchong # 玫瑰色meigui # 浸泡水# 树shu # 步行邹# 波浪bolang # 蚂蚁kunchong # 在zai # 吠声shu # 在zai # 微风xiaofeng # 烧huo # 鲤鱼之前于# 欢呼guoxing # 樱桃yingtao # 凉快的梁# 起重机niao # 冠夏# 蟋蟀kunchong # 啼声钛# 深深沈# 鹿lu # 鸠naio # 漂泊周# 漂泊周# 黄昏heitian # 榆木shu # 秋天刘# 元# 篱芭liba # 轻碰周# 浮游物piao # 流程刘# 花华# 飞行斐济# flys 斐济# 为韦# 在前面zai # 鬼魂钛# 高兴gaoxing # 灰色cangbai # 哀情nanguo # 生长省# 野兔tuzhu # 有您# 听见ting # 听见ting # 冰xue # 墨水moshui # 昆虫kunchong # 是zhi # 玉于# 海带haizhiwu # 知道朱# 湖他# 叶子shu # 叶子shu # 谎言zhi # 丢失了milu # 爱ai # lush 二重奏# 薄雾吴# 月粤# 早晨zaochen # 早晨zaochen # 蚊子wenzi # 青苔lu # 青苔lu # 登上掸人# 老鼠laoshu # 移动周# 移动周# 巢chang # 橡木shu # 苍白cangbai # 豌豆xiaodou # 和平heping # 桃子陶# 鸟类栖息处于# 植物zhiwu # 李子lizi # 池塘chitang # 水池chitang # 恶劣的qiong # 柑橘yingtao # 兔子tuzhu # 芦苇cao # 河他# 路锂# 休息处chang # 概略buping # 哀伤的nanguo # 风帆风扇# 盐严# 蛇她# 树荫si # 亮光zhaoyao # 鞋子xie # 丝绸si # 坐zuo # 睡眠shuimian # 睡眠shuimian # 倾斜掸人# 微笑肖# 蜗牛wongnui # 蛇她# 土壤du # 石shi # 风暴fengbao # strean 他# 采取您# 茶柴# 浓厚hou # 稀薄的shou # 通过zai # 往zai # 等待zho # 等待周# 杂草zhiwu # 蠕虫wongnu # 零的石楠# 0 石楠# 1 伊# 一伊# 2 唔# 3 圣# 三圣# 4 si # 四si # 5 吴# 五吴# 6 刘# 六刘# 7 ci # 七ci # 8 ba # 八ba # 9 jiu # 九jiu # 10 shi # 十shi # 11 shi_yi # 十一shi_yi # 十二shi_er # 20 er_shi # 二十er_shi # 21 er_shi_yi # twenty_two er_shi_yi # 100 bai_bye_yi_bai # 一百bai_bye_yi_bai # 300 san_bai # three_hundred san_bai # 1000 cian # 一千cian # 10000 yi_wan # ten_thousand yi_wan # 100000 shi_wan # hundred_thousand shi_wan # 1000000 yi_bai_wan # thousand_thousand yi_bai_wan # 在shang # 疼痛钳子之上# 增加贾# 海军上将haijunshang # 空气kongqi # 飞机feiji # 机场feijichang # 胡同hutong # 蚂蚁kunchong # 分开lu # 苹果pingguo # 杏子xing # 胳膊gebo # 扶手椅子fushiuyi # 到达daoda # 箭头jian # 要求wen # 芦笋lusun # 在zai # 地图集dituji # 顶楼gelou # 作者zuiozhe # 秋天qiu # 轴futou # 轨lunzhou # 婴孩yinger # 袋子堡# 球qiu # 芭蕾baleiwu # 银行yinhang # 驳船bochuan # 吠声shu # 大麦damai # 营房yingfang # 浴缸lahncheo # 电池dianchi # 海湾haiwan # 海滩haitan # 小珠jhuzi # 额嘴惠# 豆窦# 熊xlong # 胡子huzi # 美丽的meili # 床chuang # 蜂箱fengxiang # 啤酒pijiu # 在zai # 响铃leeng 之前# 大da # 自行车zixingche # 鸟naio # 饼干binggan # 黑hei # 毯子tanzi # 白肤金发的jinse # 血液xue # 绽放华# 开花华# 蓝色lan # 小船周# 骨头顾# 书shu # 瓶pingzi # 弓锣# 分支shuzhi # 微风xiaofeng # 明亮ming # 宽广的kuan # 棕色zongse # 烧伤huo # 由于# 以往的于# 鲤鱼于# 支架che # 猫毛# 洞山东# 雪松歌曲# 欢呼guoxing # 樱桃yingtao # 云彩yun # 来lai # 凉快的梁# 起重机niao # 冠夏# 蟋蟀kunchong # 啼声钛# 杯子北# 被切开的段# 舞蹈tiaowu # 黑暗的hei # 黎明撒石灰# 深深沈# 鹿lu # 鹿lu # 门人# 鸠naio # 梦想meng # 漂泊周# 漂泊周# 干燥gan # 鸭子ya # 黄昏heitian # 榆木shu # 前夕苍白# 秋天刘# 秋天刘# 元# 篱芭liba # 领域元# 火huo # 首先县# 平的砰# 轻碰周# 浮游物piao # 流程刘# 花华# 飞行斐济# flys 斐济# 为韦# 在前面zai # 霜shuang # 门人# 鬼魂钛# 女孩nuer # 高兴gaoxing # 鹅严# 草cao # 灰色cangbai # 绿色luse # 哀情nanguo # 生长省# 广亮光# 艰苦ying # 野兔tuzhu # 有您# 他ta # 顶头tou # 听见ting # 听见ting # 听见ting # 心脏辛# 高高# 小山掸人# 马ma # 冰xue # 在zai # 墨水moshui # 昆虫kunchong # 是zhi # 它ta # 玉于# 跃迁tiao # 海带haizhiwu # 知道朱# 湖他# 灯邓# 叶子shu # 飞跃tiao # 叶子shu # 谎言zhi # 孤立dandu # 长期chang # 看起来kan # 失去的milu # 爱ai # lush 二重奏# 薄雾吴# 月粤# 月亮粤# 早晨zaochen # 早晨zaochen # 蚊子wenzi # 青苔lu # 青苔lu # 飞蛾kunchong # 登上掸人# 老鼠laoshu # 移动周# 移动周# 巢chang # 夜ye # 不是bu # 橡木shu # 一伊# 开放kai # 苍白cangbai # 道路xiaodao # 豌豆xiaodou # 和平heping # 桃子陶# 梨锂# 珍珠zhenzhu # 鸟类栖息处于# 杉木歌曲# 植物zhiwu # 李子lizi # 池塘chitang # 水池chitang # 恶劣的qiong # 柑橘yingtao # 兔子tuzhu # 雨于# 红色洪# 芦苇cao # 米mi # 河江# 河他# 路锂# 岩石shi # 休息处chang # 根gen # 上升了meigui # 概略buping # 哀伤的nanguo # 风帆风扇# 盐严# 沙子沙# 海hai # 看见kan # 蛇她# 树荫si # 她ta # 亮光zhaoyao # 鞋子xie # 岸# 丝绸si # 坐zuo # 坐zuo # 天空tian # 睡眠shuimian # 睡眠shuimian # 倾斜掸人# 小肖# 微笑肖# 烟严# 蜗牛wongnui # 蛇她# 雪xue # 浸泡水# 土壤du # 歌曲ge # 酣然的省# 星xing # 石shi # 风暴fengbao # 火炉lu # strean 他# 太阳ri # 作为您# 茶柴# 泪花列伊# * # * # 浓厚hou # 稀薄的shou # 通过zai # 对ge # tomarrow mingtian # 往zai # 镇甄# 树shu # 二lian # 等待zho # 等待周# 步行邹# 想要姚# 黄蜂huangfeng # 手表kan # 水水# 波浪bolang # 杂草zhiwu # 白色bai # 宽kuan # 狂放的yesheng # 风feng # 蠕虫wongnu # 年nian # 黄色黄# 任意日本romanji 词列阵集合en_romanji {红色aka 哀伤的kanashii 蓝色aoi_ao 高兴的高兴的深深黑kuroi 狂放的yasee 绿色midori-iro 苍白usui 明亮的akarui_taiyoo 粗砺的粗砺的灰色guree 褐色chairo 长期长的高的takai 稀薄稀薄lush subishii 干燥kawaite_iru 恶劣的bimboo 孤立subishii 平展平展宽广的宽广的厚实的厚实的坚硬坚硬凉快的凉快的猫猫老鼠老鼠芦苇芦苇梨梨柑橘柑橘桃子桃子野兔野兔鸟鸟烟烟雨雨冰冰雪雪云彩云彩家庭家庭花花天空天空米米杉木杉木薄雾薄雾门门风风蟋蟀蟋蟀年年月亮月亮起重机起重机草草玫瑰玫瑰色墨水墨水解冻解冻绽放绽放湖湖雪松雪松黄昏黄昏秋天秋天石头石头黎明黎明小河小河树树心脏心脏小船小船哀情哀情岩石岩石镇镇泪花泪花水池水池丝绸丝绸鹿鹿歌曲歌曲驳船驳船青苔青苔夜夜门门篱芭篱芭鸠鸠梦想梦想霜霜和平和平树荫树荫鬼魂鬼魂路路道路道路根根马马前夕前夕声音声音睡眠睡眠留下叶子海海风帆风帆峰顶峰顶词根词根领域领域波浪波浪倾斜倾斜吠声吠声冠冠杂草杂草飞蛾飞蛾黄蜂黄蜂池塘池塘土壤土壤蜗牛蜗牛蠕虫蠕虫蚂蚁蚂蚁海带海带洞洞月月头头玉玉分支分支骨头骨头微笑微笑豌豆豌豆榆木榆木早晨早晨鲤鱼鲤鱼巢巢橡木橡木鸟类栖息处鸟类栖息处微风微风登上登上李子李子风暴风暴小山小山秋天秋天烧伤烧伤轻碰轻碰flys flys 谎言谎言步行步行流程流程秋天秋天飞行飞行知道知道来临来临集会集会漂泊漂泊亮光亮光浸泡浸泡啼声啼声舞蹈舞蹈失去的失去的欢呼欢呼浮游物浮游物休息处休息处移动移动退色退色爱爱睡眠作为坐坐飞跃飞跃坐坐增长生长等待等待丢失丢失听见听见要想要手表手表老老为为往往对对在在以往以往在橡子donguri 总并且增加tasu 害怕kowai 非洲afurika 玛瑙menou ain_t jyanai 飞机hikooki 胡同roji 鳄鱼arigeta 鳄鱼wani 字母表arufabetto mo itsumo 救护车kyukyusha 船锚ikari 天使tenshi 神仙鱼enzerufisshu 角度kakudo angry_mad ikatte_iru angry_mad okotte_iru 动物doubutsu 脚腕ashikubi 蚂蚁ari 的睡眠作为antartica nankyoku_tairiku 羚羊kamoshika 猿saru 苹果ringo 围裙epuron 水族馆suiso 曲拱aachi 射手syasyu are_you _ 好arithmetic_problem sansu_no_mondai 胳膊ude 扶手椅子hijikake_isu 箭头ya 艺术e 朝鲜蓟aatichooku 艺术家gaka 亚洲ajia 睡著nemuru assasin hitokiri 小行星showakusei 宇航员uchuu_hikushi 在ni 运动员supotsuman 原子genshi 注意kiyo_tsuke 澳洲osutoraria autumn_fall aki avacado abocado 令人敬畏的saiko 轴ono 婴孩akanbo 坏蛋mazui 袋子fukuro 球buru 芭蕾舞女演员bareriina 气球gomu_fuusen bamboo_shoots takenoko bamboo_sword shinai 香蕉香蕉大麦mugi 谷仓naya 桶taru 棒球yakyu_boru baseball_bat batto baseball_cap boushi 篮子basuketto 篮子zaru bat_animal kumori bathing_swimming_s mizugi 卫生间mitarai 卫生间otearai 浴缸yubune 海滩hama 海滩kaigan 额嘴kuchibushi 熊kuma 美丽的kirei 美丽的utsukushii 海狸biiba 床beddo 蜂hachi bee_hive mitsubachi_no_su 蜂箱hachi_no_su 甲虫kabutomushi begin_start hajime 响铃kane 风铃草kikyo 自行车jitensha 鸟花托黑人kuro_kuroi 黑鹂burakku_berii 块tsumiki 纰漏bulma 女衬衫burausu 小船buto 小船fune 身体karada bon_appetite itadakimasu 骨头细磨刀石书hon 书橱honbako 起动butsu 瓶容器花束hanataba 弓chomusubi 碗boru 箱子hako 男孩永远shonen 男孩bozu 镯子buresuretto 脑子nu 贬小儿gaki 烤面包锅早餐choshoku 乳房oppai 明亮的硬花甘蓝burokkorii 笤帚hoki 褐色chairo 桶baketsu buckwhe soba 水牛buffaru 臭虫mushi 大厦tatemono 公牛ushi 推土机buruduzaa 小圆面包禁令burdockroot gobo 烧伤moeru 公共汽车basu 但演示黄油bataa 蝴蝶cho 按钮botan bye_parting_greeti ja_ne_ja 小室takushii 圆白菜kyabetsu 仙人掌saboten 蛋糕keeki 列入日程karenda 骆驼rakuda 照相机kamera 阵营kyampu_suru 露营车kyanpingu_ka 罐头kanzume 黄雀色kanaria 蜡烛rusoku 糖果kyande 藤茎tsue 独木舟kanue 峡谷kureyon 汽车jidusha 汽车kuruma 康乃馨kaaniishon 地毯kaapeto 红萝卜ninjin 推车niguruma 城堡shiro 猫neko caterpiller kemushi 洞hora_ana 洞图画celary serori cell_anatomy saibu 链子kusari 椅子isu 便宜的chinke cheek_anatomy hoho 乳酪chiizu 樱桃sakurambo cherry_blossom 花胸口mune 小鸡hiyoko 鸡niwatori 儿童kodomo 黑猩猩chimpanjii 下巴前筷子hashi 教会kyokai 圈子maru 马戏sakasu 城市toshi 蛤蜊hamaguri 爪tsume 黏土nendo 时钟tokei 给fuku 云彩kumo 小丑piero 外套uwagi 蜘蛛网kumo 棺材hitsugi 硬币koka 颜色iro 梳子kushi 彗星suisei 指南针konpasu 计算机konpyuta 锥体ensuikei 曲奇饼穿衣kukkii 凉快的kakoii 凉快的suge 珊瑚sango 玉米tomorokoshi 角落katsumi cotton_candy watagashi 长沙发沙发母牛meushi 螃蟹kani 起重机tsuru 胡扯kuso 火山口kureta crazy_insane reijuu 鳄鱼waniacorn donguri 总并且增加tasu 害怕kowai 非洲afurika 玛瑙menou ain_t jyanai 飞机hikooki 胡同roji 鳄鱼arigeta 字母表arufabetto mo itsumo 救护车kyukyusha 船锚ikari 天使tenshi 神仙鱼enzerufisshu 角度kakudo angry_mad ikatte_iru angry_mad okotte_iru 动物doubutsu 脚腕ashikubi 蚂蚁ari antartica nankyoku_tairiku 羚羊kamoshika 猿saru 苹果ringo 围裙epuron 水族馆suiso 曲拱aachi 射手syasyu are_you _ 好arithmetic_problem sansu_no_mondai 胳膊ude 扶手椅子hijikake_isu 箭头ya 艺术e 朝鲜蓟aatichooku 艺术家gaka 亚洲ajia 睡著nemuru assasin hitokiri 小行星showakusei 宇航员uchuu_hikushi 在ni 运动员supotsuman 原子genshi 注意kiyo_tsuke 澳洲osutoraria autumn_fall aki avacado abocado 令人敬畏的saiko 轴ono 婴孩akanbo 坏蛋mazui 袋子fukuro 球buru 芭蕾舞女演员bareriina 气球gomu_fuusen bamboo_shoots takenoko bamboo_sword shinai 香蕉香蕉大麦mugi 谷仓naya 桶taru 棒球yakyu_boru baseball_bat batto baseball_cap boushi 篮子basuketto 篮子zaru bat_animal kumori bathing_swimming_s mizugi 卫生间mitarai 卫生间otearai 浴缸yubune 海滩hama 海滩kaigan 额嘴kuchibushi 熊kuma 美丽的kirei 美丽的utsukushii 海狸biiba 床beddo 蜂hachi bee_hive mitsubachi_no_su 蜂箱hachi_no_su 甲虫kabutomushi begin_start hajime 响铃kane 风铃草kikyo 自行车jitensha 鸟花托黑kuro_kuroi 黑鹂burakku_berii 块tsumiki 纰漏bulma 女衬衫burausu 小船buto 小船fune 身体karada bon_appetite itadakimasu 骨头细磨刀石书hon 书橱honbako 起动butsu 瓶容器花束hanataba 弓chomusubi 碗boru 箱子hako 男孩永远shonen 男孩bozu 镯子buresuretto 脑子nu 贬小儿gaki 烤面包锅早餐choshoku 乳房oppai 明亮的硬花甘蓝burokkorii 笤帚hoki 褐色chairo 桶baketsu buckwhe soba 水牛buffaru 臭虫mushi 大厦tatemono 公牛ushi 推土机buruduzaa 小圆面包禁令burdockroot gobo 烧伤moeru 公共汽车basu 但演示黄油bataa 蝴蝶cho 按钮botan bye_parting_greeti ja_ne_ja 小室takushii 圆白菜kyabetsu 仙人掌saboten 蛋糕keeki 把karenda 骆驼rakuda 照相机kamera 阵营kyampu_suru 露营车kyanpingu_ka 罐头kanzume 黄雀色kanaria 蜡烛rusoku 糖果kyande 藤茎tsue 独木舟kanue 峡谷kureyon 汽车jidusha 汽车kuruma 康乃馨kaaniishon 地毯kaapeto 红萝卜ninjin 推车niguruma 城堡shiro 猫neko caterpiller kemushi 洞hora_ana 洞图画celary serori 列入日程cell_anatomy saibu 链kusari 椅子isu 便宜的chinke cheek_anatomy hoho 乳酪chiizu 樱桃sakurambo cherry_blossom 花胸口mune 小鸡hiyoko 鸡niwatori 儿童kodomo 黑猩猩chimpanjii 下巴前筷子hashi 教会kyokai 圈子maru 马戏sakasu 城市toshi 蛤蜊hamaguri 爪tsume 黏土nendo 时钟tokei 衣裳fuku 云彩kumo 小丑piero 外套uwagi 蜘蛛网kumo 棺材hitsugi 硬币koka 颜色iro 梳子kushi 彗星suisei 指南针konpasu 计算机konpyuta 锥体ensuikei 曲奇饼kukkii 凉快的kakoii 凉快的suge 珊瑚sango 玉米tomorokoshi 角落katsumi cotton_candy watagashi 长沙发沙发母牛meushi 螃蟹kani 起重机tsuru 胡扯kuso 火山口kureta crazy_insane reijuu crop_land sakumotsu 乌鸦karasu 冠ookan 啼声naku 水晶suishu 立方体ripputai 杜鹃kakkoo 黄瓜kyuuri cucumber_and_rice kappa_maki 杯子kappu 碗柜shokkidana curtain_drape katen 逗人喜爱的kawaii 圆筒enchu 雏菊hinagiku 舞蹈odoru 舞蹈家危险kiken 危险abunai 黑暗的天空天nichi 深fukai 鹿shika 邪魔mazoku 沙漠sabaku 书桌tsukue 点心dezaato 恶魔akuma 恶魔oni 金刚石daiyamondo 模子的odorite 模子走路晚餐yushoku 恐龙kyoryu 土tsuchi 盘sara 医生的saikoro isha 狗aiken 狗aikenka 狗inu 玩偶ningyo 玩具屋ningyo_no_ie 海豚dorufin 海豚iruka 驴roba 门doa 面团kiji 鸠hato 下来shita 十二daasu 龙ryu 蜻蜓tombo 凹道kaku 梦想yume drill_tool doriru 鼓doramu 鸭子ahiru 鸭子ahiru_no_go 花花公子toko dump_truck dampu_kaa 老鹰washi 耳朵mimi 御寒耳罩mimiate 耳环iyaringu 地球chikyuu 画架iizeru 蚀nisshoku 鳗鱼unagi 蛋tamago 茄子的does_have nai nasu 手肘hiji 典雅的kotan 大象zo 电梯erebeta 麋shoyosei 麋ujika 榆木nire emotion_feeling 的汉字精力充沛的genki 能量_ 力量信封fuutu 均等byudu equalivent onaji 赤道sekidu 橡皮擦keshigomu 欧洲yoroppa 每天mainichi 一切subete evil_fortune akkun exclamation_mark kantanfu 锻炼undu_suru 明确tsutawaru 眼睛hitomi 眼睛我眼眉mayu 面孔kao 家庭kazoku family_tree ikka_no_keizu 很远种田高fire_hydrant shokasen 消防人员shoboshi firetruck shobosha 烟花hanabi 鱼sakana fishbowl suizokukan 渔tsuri 旗子hata 火焰hono 火焰recca 火鸟的nuju 羽毛hane 感觉kimochi 篱芭kakoi 蕨shida feudal_era sengoku_jidai 最后的saigo 手指yubi 指甲盖yubi_no_tsume 火furamingo 手电kaichuu 腐败罐ashihire 面粉komugiko 面粉kona 花hana 花花花圃kaden 长笛furuto 的flower_stalk miki 飞行tobu fly_insect hae 食物shokumotsu 傻瓜aho foot_feet ashi 橄榄球amerikan_futtoboru 脚印ashiato 脚凳sutsuru 前额hitai 森林mori 化石kaeseki 四yon 狐狸kitsune 朋友tomodachi 青蛙kaeru 果子furuutsu 果子kudamono fruit_juice furuutsu_jusu full_demon youkai 漏斗ruto 家具kagu 未来mirai 星系gingakei 游戏gemmu 垃圾gomi 门geto 宝石huseki 地理chiri gerbil jaabiru 鬼魂obake 礼物okurimono 鳃时代长颈鹿kirin 女孩shojo glass_cutlery gurasu glass_cutlery koppu glasses_optical megane 地球chikyugi 手套tebukuro go_away ache_kaere 山羊yagi 金鱼kingyo good_evening 的konbanwa good_fortune 联合国good_morning ohayo_u_gozaimasu_gozaimash 再见sayonara goose_geese gacho 大猩猩gorira grandfather_inform jijii 葡萄budo 葡萄柚gurepufurutsu 草kusa 蚂蚱kirigirisu 蚂蚱batta 灰色haiiro 绿色midori green_tea ocha 温室gurin_hausu 客人kyaku 吉他gita haiku haiku 头发kaminoke hairbrush burashi 半hanyo 火腿hamu 汉堡包hanbaga 锤子kanazuchi 仓鼠hamusutaa 手te 英俊bishounen atama 听见的挂衣架hangaa 愉快的shiawase 愉快的ureshii 港口波浪竖琴haapu 帽子bushi 怨恨kirai 干草hoshikusa 阴霾moyatta 头kikoeru heart_emotional kokoro heart_organ shinzou hedgehog harinezumi 脚跟kakato 地狱naraku 你好moshi_moshi 盔甲herumetto 半球hankyuu 母鸡mendori 六角形shichikaki 嘿ne hi_hello konnichiwa 小山oka hip koshi hippotomous kaba 聘用飞翅holly_plant hiragi 家xx 垫铁kiteki 马uma 马掌titetsu hot_spring onsen hot_tub furo 小时季怎么怎么ikaga how_are_you hajimemashite how_are_you o_genki)desu_ka how_many ikutsu how_much ikura 人的ningen 蜂鸟hachidori 饥饿的onaka_ga_suiteiru 飓风harikiin 小屋koya i_ll_kill_you omae_o_korosu i_me_feminine watashi i_me_masculine 矿石i_me_masculine boku i_me_you_feminine anata iamfeminine watashi_wa 冰kori ice_cream aisu_kuriimu ice_skate suketo_gutsu 冰山kyozan 冰柱tsurara 蠢货baka 如果对iloveyou daisuki iloveyou_formal aishiteru iloveyou_informal boku_ai 墨水inku 昆虫konchuu 国际kokusai iris_flower ayame 钢airon 海岛shima 常春藤tsuta japanese_type kotatsu 反射bakayaro 珠宝tama 叶子yoh 信件tegami 光yukata 光denkyuu 光hikari 象konomi little_wolf syaoran 偏僻的sabashii 阁下tono 莲花根魔术的moho 人otoko martial_arts_train dojo mat_mattress futon 午夜mayonaka military_ruler shogun 周详乐趣奇迹kiseki 薄雾kasumi 修士houshi 妖怪kaijuu 月亮美国月光gekko 早晨asa 山yama 我的wa 神奇fushigi oops totto_totto passionate_love ai 长袍和服rock_garden kare_san_sui romantic_love koi sexual_love seiai 抱歉sumimasen watashi atashi} # 任意帮助笔记被设置text_texas {# 冰箱磁铁诗歌# 冰箱磁铁诗歌# 节目是主要TCL8.0 和# 窗口Expect5.2 旁枝# Suchenwirth 的Domino.tcl, 大约2004. # 设法注意哪个Suchenwirth 子程序# 是主要未改变的# 这是第一TCL 帆布代码I # 看见一个能创造容易gamepieces. # 文字被编组设计# 在帆布形状, 因此基本的帆布# 形状顶部并且"被编组的" 设计会行动# 由老鼠。"编组了" 设计被使用# 广泛地在微软powerpoint # 并且哈佛图表, 等# 这第一努力是冰箱# 磁铁诗歌用英语# 相信相似选择& 模子能# 被使用为计算机Mahjong 赛# 或coin&card 比赛# 能使用TCL8.4 中国charactors # 在瓦片顶部为中国磁性# 诗歌或色的Mahjong 铺磁砖# 各种各样的Esc 并且F 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