Version 21 of Regular Expression Debugging Tips

Updated 2009-08-03 10:38:52 by dkf

Purpose: tips and techniques for debugging problems with regular expressions

The regexp command has an -about flag that appears to provide information about the command's behavior. Hopefully more information about this option will be added here as time goes by.

 $ set r {a{,3}}
 $ set b {aabc}
 $ regexp $r $b
 $ regexp $r {abc}
 $ regexp -- $r $b
 $ regexp -about $r $b
 $ set r {a{0,3}}
 $ regexp -about $r $b
 $ regexp -- $r $b

The values returned from regexp -about are:

  • A digit which indicates the number of submatches available,
  • A list of symbols which indicate something about the regular expression.

Scrounging about tclRegexp.c, I see there are a number of possible symbols that -about can return.

Contains back-references.
Contains lookahead constraints (e.g., “(?=...)”)
appears to indicate that the {m,n} quantifier is used
appears to indicate that braces are used in a non-metacharacter manner
Backslash followed by (unrecognized) alphanumeric. REG_UUNSPEC also set.
RE engine detected that it is in a case that the POSIX spec botched (unmatched “)” character)
Backslash in bracketed term (i.e., “[...\...]”)
Contains something not covered by the specification.
RE is formally unportable to different character sets other than the one it was designed for (not a problem in practice; Tcl always uses UNICODE characters)
Has a dependency on the locale (only one locale currently supported, so not a problem)
Can match the empty string.
Cannot match anything.
Overall non-greedy regular expression.

If you set up your regular expression in a Tcl variable, then you can have unintended consequences:

   set foo abc(def)
   set RE "$foo"
   regexp $RE $another_variable

Has anybody written a filter for variables that can clean them up before sticking them in a regular expression like this?

Lars H: It appears whoever wrote the above was either confused or made some fatal typo. Besides setting variables foo and RE, the above is 100% equivalent to

  regexp {abc(def)} $another_variable

Mixing greedy and non-greedy quantifiers might not have the results you'd expect. (Cf. this [L1 ] Sept. 1999 posting from Henry Spenter to c.l.t.).

regexp Regular Expressions - Regular Expression Examples - Regular Expression Debugging Tips

Visual REGEXP is a little script which helps you to debug your regexp with a "trial and error" method (get it here [L2 ]). (Link "broken" 15 Sep 2005, i.e., target server requires some kind of login.)

The following little test script can be used for testing RE's on the fly - BBH

 # regexp tester/viewer

 set SubMatchColors {red blue magenta orange cyan purple green}

 proc clear {} {
     # clear old info
     foreach t [.txt tag names] {.txt tag remove $t 1.0 end}

 proc do_re {} {

     # get matches by index
     set cmd [list regexp -inline -indices]
     if {$::LINE} {lappend cmd -line}
     if {$::ALL} {lappend cmd -all}
     lappend cmd -- $::EXP [.txt get 1.0 end]
     set l [eval $cmd]

     if {[llength $l] > 0} {
         # mark range of entire match
         set i1 "1.0 + [lindex [lindex $l 0] 0] chars"
         set i2 "1.0 + [expr [lindex [lindex $l 0] 1] + 1] chars"           
         .txt tag add FullMatch $i1 $i2
         # mark any submatches
         set modval [llength $::SubMatchColors]
         set num 0
         set p2 -1
         foreach {match} [lrange $l 1 end] {
             if {[lindex $match 0] < $p2} {
                 # previous match was really a full match when -all specified
                 #   NOTE: this will also cause the outer set(s) of nested submatches
                 #         to not be highlighted in any way - an enhancement would
                 #         be to determine (by parsing the RE itself) how many subexpresions
                 #         there are, then use that to determine the true "total match"
                 #         instead of just looking for overlapping ranges, then any
                 #         nested parens can be formatted (maybe by background, or underline,
                 #         or italic, or bold, or size or ....) but you would need to
                 #         determine a set of non-canceling highlights, then keep track
                 #         of how many levels deep in a overlapping region of text you
                 #         are in and use a set of mofiiers for each level
                 #          BUT that is too complicated for a simple little test tool
                 #                (at least for now)
                 #   Additional NOTE: the -about flag may be of use in determine number of submatches
                 .txt tag add FullMatch "1.0 + $p1 chars" "1.0 + [expr $p2 + 1] chars"
                 set num [expr ($num - 1) % $modval]
             set i1 "1.0 + [lindex $match 0] chars"
             set i2 "1.0 + [expr [lindex $match 1] + 1] chars"
             .txt tag add SubMatch$num $i1 $i2
             set p1 [lindex $match 0]
             set p2 [lindex $match 1]
             set num [expr ($num + 1) % $modval]
     } else {
         tk_messageBox -message "RE doesn't match!"

 wm title . "RE Checker"

 label .lbl -text "Expression:"
 entry .exp -textvar EXP
 bind <Return> .exp do_re
 set LINE 0
 set ALL 0
 frame .f
 pack [label .f.label -text "options:"] -side left
 pack [checkbutton .f.line -text "-line" -variable LINE] -side left
 pack [checkbutton .f.all -text "-all" -variable ALL] -side left
 pack [button .f.doit -text "Run regexp!" -command do_re] -side left -expand 1 -fill none
 pack [button .f.clear -text "Reset Text" -command clear] -side left -expand 1 -fill none

 text .txt -background grey25 -foreground white
 .txt tag config FullMatch -background black -relief raised
 set i 0
 foreach clr $SubMatchColors {
     .txt tag config SubMatch$i -foreground $clr
     incr i

 grid .lbl .exp -sticky ew
 grid .f   -    -sticky ew -pady 5
 grid .txt -    -sticky news

 grid columnconfigure . 1 -weight 10
 grid rowconfigure    . 2 -weight 10

Someone ought to explain the RE debugger available in Komodo.

Also, it would be good to have a comparison with VisualRegExp. (Link "broken" 15 Sep 2005, i.e., target server requires some kind of login.)

Check out , where TREV, the Tcl Regular Expression Visualiser, is discussed. The purpose of it is to demonstrate how a regular expression matches text.

Yet another ("sexier"?) regexp debugger appears at . Note, though, that it implements Perl's regexp syntax.

See redet for a tool to assist in developing regular expressions.

See ^txt2regex$ for a tool to assist in constructing regular expressions.

I made my own, as well, located at regexpviewer - davidw