[HJG] 2006-05-25 Digital cameras typically produce pictures with filenames like "100_0001.jpg", "Dscn1234.jpg" or "Imgp0001.jpg". For organizing a collection of photos, it is better to rename them to a filename based on a prefix and the date and time of when the picture was taken, such as "holidays_2005-12-13_14-15-16.jpg" or "gurt2005_1213_141516a.jpg". Some software that can do such renaming: * Exifer, see www.exifer.friedemann.info (Freeware) * [mapivi] MaPiVi - Martin's Picture Viewer (Perl/Tk) Of course, we can do that with Tcl/Tk also, here is a simple program to do just the renaming: ---- # FotoRename1.tcl - HaJo Gurt - 2006-06-25 catch {console show} wm withdraw . set fnFormat "gurt%Y_%m%d_%H%M%S" set dir "." puts "# FotoRename1:" foreach fname1 [lsort [glob -dir $dir "*.jpg"]] { file stat $fname1 stat array set attr [file attributes $fname1] set fn1 [file tail $fname1] if { $stat(type) == "file" } { set fn2 [clock format $stat(mtime) -format $fnFormat ] set ext ".jpg" append fn2 $ext if { [file exist $fn2] } { puts "# File exists: $fn2" ;# don't overwrite existing files } else { puts [format "mv %-30s %s" $fn1 $fn2] file rename -- $fn1 $fn2 } } } puts "# Done." ---- [Category File]