[fr] Workaround on W2k/XP systems crashing after some days. Script placed in Autostart provides a daily automatic restart at given time. Requires [ffidl] and [AutoIt]. Needs Autologon configured in registry. ---- ====== proc stop_jobs {} { # final actions before shutdown } proc shut_message {delayseconds} { toplevel .shut -background red bind .shut {exit} label .shut.l -background yellow -font {Verdana 30} \ -text "System restarts in $delayseconds seconds!\nPress any key to cancel" pack .shut.l -padx 30 -pady 30 focus -force .shut after [expr $delayseconds*1000] {set ::waited 1} } if {[regexp -nocase windows $::env(OS)]} { package require Tk load ffidl05.dll set DLL AutoItDLL.dll ffidl::callout AUTOIT_Shutdown {int} int [ffidl::symbol $DLL AUTOIT_Shutdown] set now [clock seconds] set shutdown_time 17:19:00 . configure -bg green wm overrideredirect . 1 label .l -text "The system will restart at $shutdown_time !" -font {Courier 16} pack .l -padx 20 -pady 20 after 2000 {set ::infovar 1} vwait ::infovar wm withdraw . set fin [clock scan $shutdown_time] if {$fin<$now} { incr fin [expr 3600*24] } set delay [expr $fin - $now] set delay [expr $delay * 1000] after $delay { shut_message 60 vwait ::waited stop_jobs AUTOIT_Shutdown 3 } vwait forever } ====== ---- [MHo]: Much more simple is this: '''at''' '''''hh:mm''''' '''/every:''' '''''datespec[[,...]]''''' '''"shutdown -r"'''. Both tools are in my Windows/System32-Folder on my home system (Windows/XP). They should be installed on almost every modern Win-System. But nevertheless, your solution is very interesting... (Sometimes windows is not as dump as it seems....) <> System Administration | Windows