'''[PWQ]''' ''Septempber 2011'' I have installed Apache [Rivet] on openBSD. This may have been explained before but the apache email archives are not searchable so I describe here for others to reference. Extra steps are involved due to apache running in chroot environment. ** Configure options: ** ====== ./configure --with-apache=/var/www/ --with-tcl=/usr/local/lib/tcl/tcl8.5/ --with-apache-include=/home/ports/pobj/apr-1.2.11-mt/apr-1.2.11/include/ --with-apache-version=1 ====== Notes: 1. Get default tcl8.5 package of build from ports standard flavor. Rivet will not load into apache if threads are compiled in. 1. edit src/Makefile and remove -v option from '''rm''' command as it is not supported in openBSD. 1. makedir -p /var/www/var and create link /var/www/var/www to '''..'' 1. makedir -p /var/www/usr/local/lib/tcl/tcl8.5 and copy recursive from /usr/local/lib/tcl/tcl8.5 1. cp other relevant libraries (such as libtcl85.so.*) to /var/www/usr/local/lib. Use ''ldd'' to find dependent libraries. ** Rivet Config ** Put options into /var/www/conf/modules/rivet.conf. It will be autoloaded by apache. ====== LoadModule rivet_module /usr/lib/apache/modules/mod_rivet.so AddType application/x-httpd-rivet .rvt AddType application/x-rivet-tcl .tcl AddType 'application/x-httpd-rivet;charset=utf-8' rvt RivetServerConf ChildInitScript "package require DIO" RivetServerConf ChildInitScript \ "::DIO::handle Mysql DIO -user ???? -pass ???? -db ???" RivetServerConf ChildInitScript \ "package require Session; Session SESSION -debugMode 0" ====== Replace '''???''' with data specific to your database. This line and line following are only needed if you use sessions. ** Misc ** I noticed an error in the current rivet manual. The DIO command ''array'' takes its arguments in the opposite order to that shown in the manual. There could be more changes I made, check your /var/www/logs/error_log to see messages from Rivet as to what problems are detected. <>Rivet | OpenBSD