[Category Unperson] [etdxc] May 13, 2007. I think whoever started this page with the category 'unperson' is not nice and is not doing the community any good at all. What's the point? What does this page achieve? [CMcC] this page attempts to achieve a limitation of the kind of vandalism shown by the first couple of dozen entries in [detritus]. If you need any more information regarding the nature of [unperson]'s depredations, I suggest you read [http://downlode.org/log/2004-06-16/Robert_Abitbol] and [http://downlode.org/Creative/Writing/Dodgy/Robert_Abitbol/fayram.html] for some background. If, having read those, you still wish to protest that my actions were unwarranted, unfair, unreasonable, or unproductive, I will be happy to discuss them with you. ''[EKB] I guess I'm with [etdxc] here. I see the point of banning unperson, although it's too bad to have to take that step, but I was confused by this page, and I still am.'' ---- [Zarutian]: is that kook (see the jargonfile) Robert still at large? --- [RS]: I think we have spent more than enough time with that unpleasant and unproductive issue. How about going back on topic, which is [Tcl]/[Tk]?