[Category Unperson] [etdxc] May 13, 2007. I think whoever started this page with the category 'unperson' is not nice and is not doing the community any good at all. What's the point? What does this page achieve? [CMcC] this page attempts to achieve a limitation of the kind of vandalism shown by the first couple of dozen entries in [detritus]. If you need any more information regarding the nature of [unperson]'s depredations, I suggest you read [http://downlode.org/log/2004-06-16/Robert_Abitbol] and [http://downlode.org/Creative/Writing/Dodgy/Robert_Abitbol/fayram.html] for some background. If, having read those, you still wish to protest that my actions were unwarranted, unfair, unreasonable, or unproductive, I will be happy to discuss them with you. ''[EKB] I guess I'm with [etdxc] here. I see the point of banning unperson, although it's too bad to have to take that step, but I was confused by this page, and I still am.'' ---- [Zarutian]: is that kook (see the jargonfile) Robert still at large? --- [RS]: I think we have spent more than enough time with that unpleasant and unproductive issue. How about going back on topic, which is [Tcl]/[Tk]? --- [etdxc] May 14,2007. This is absolutely the last thing I ever write on this subject (and I wish I didn't feel I needed to write it). My posting above is not aimed at defending Mr. Abitbol in any way, nor do I wish to have anything to do with him, and I do not support any of his actions. However, I think that calling someone an 'unperson' is very unpleasant no matter how upset individuals are with them. Additionally, as Mr Abitbol reads this page, its existance supplies him with fuel. Finally, a word for Mr. Abitbol, please do not email me again. I agree with most of the opinions I have read on this wiki about your actions. ---