Also known as [RLH] Email: robert.hicks AT ---- Things that I will find myself doing with [Tcl/Tk]: * Building a recipe application for my wife (using either [SQLite] or [Metakit]) * Helping out the [Tcl] [community] in any way I can * Evangelizing Tcl at work. -- I already have permission to put it everywhere. * Creating frontends to a lot of the stuff I do for admin work on (HP and [Windows]) * Creating some [Vim] plugins...? ---- '''Standing offer''' If you need something tested on Windows 2000 or Windows XP shoot me an email. I would be glad to help as much as I am able. I am not a -programmer- but I can run anything with instructions. I can go through your docs, I can run test scripts, and stuff like that, so if you need help let me know. I also run OSX at home now and use the Tcl/Tk Aqua [BI] distro []. So if you need any testing done I can help there as well. ---- '''SciTE Lexer:''' [] If you would like to implement a first class lexer for SciTE then give me a quote. I am by no means rich (not by a long shot) but I like the SciTE editor and currently Tcl rides on the C/C++ lexer. This causes highlighting problems when certain Tcl constructs are used. Let me know! If you want to do it for free even better! I know that your time is not free so I can offer something. The lexer is in [C++]. ---- '''Why did I chose Tcl?''' I currently do some stuff in Perl at work. I am moving that stuff over to Tcl. I like the language. I like the structure of it. I like the community around it. ---- [[ [Category Person] ]]