[Tom Krehbiehl] shared the following interesting code in the [Tcl chatroom], which may display a large E in various rotation angles: proc rotmatrix {size angle} { set size [expr {double($size)}] set angle [expr {double($angle)*acos(0.0)/90.0}]; # In radians set c [expr {$size*cos($angle)}] set s [expr {$size*sin($angle)}] # Due to Tk's XLFD (X Logical Font Description) # parser, we need to round values set s [format "\[%.f %.f %.f %.f\]" $c [expr {-$s}] $s $c] regsub -all -- "-" $s ~ s return $s } pack [scrollbar .vs -orient vertical -command {.c yview}] -side right -fill y pack [scrollbar .hs -orient horizontal -command {.c xview}] -side bottom -fill x pack [canvas .c -bg white -xscrollcommand {.hs set} -yscrollcommand {.vs set}]\ -side left -expand 1 -fill both set nb 16 set size 24 set size 64 set text "The Quick Brown Fox jumps over the Lazy Black Dog" set text "E" .c configure -scrollregion [list -1000 0 1000 [expr {$size*$nb*2}]] set x 100 for {set i 0} {$i < 16} {incr i} { set y [expr {10+$i*$size*2}] set angle [expr {360.0*$i/$nb}] .c create text $x $y -text [format "%.1f� " $angle] -anchor ne -font \ -adobe-times-medium-r-*-*-$size-*-*-*-*-*-*-* .c create text $x $y -text $text -anchor nw -font \ -adobe-times-medium-r-*-*-[rotmatrix $size $angle]-*-*-*-*-*-*-* .c create rectangle [expr {$x-2}] [expr {$y-2}] [expr {$x+2}] [expr {$y+2}]\ -outline black -fill red } suchenwi WOW! YES! tomk I added the 64 font size and the text "E". If you remove them you get a string version. kennykb Guys: Before you get too excited, this is Unix-only and not supported by every X server. suchenwi Works here on Solaris via Reflection, but not native on PC - there the E is only scaled smaller. But it's definitely only recommendable for a single letter... bschwarz doesn't work on linux kennykb The functionality is X, mostly. The comment about Tk's XLFD parser has to do with whether Tk will recognize the string as an XLFD or a Tk font name.